NC SAPS has offered the Police Traineeship Opportunities 2014 in Northern Cape, South Africa. This is a Latest Learnership Job, where you will get experience in the police department. Police Traineeship Programme 2014 has been started and you will get a lot of experience, expertise and knowledge.
Police Training Programme 2014 in South Africa is available, and you can apply before the closing date. Have a look on the following Internship, Learnership, Apprenticeshp or Training Programme and apply before the closing date of the Traineeship Jobs.
NC SAPS Police Traineeship 2014 Descriptions
Location: Northern Cape
The South African Police Service invites applications for Enlistment in the Basic Police Development Learning Programme from young, energetic, intelligent, physically and mentally fit individuals, dedicated to serving their country by pursuing a career in policing.
Basic enlistment requirements: Young South African men and women who apply to be appointed as a member in terms of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No 68 of 1995) must:
♠ Apply on the form determined by the National Commissioner and affirm under oath or by way of a solemn declaration that the particulars furnished in the application, are the truth and correct
♠ Be a South African citizen (documentary proof must be furnished)
♠ Be at least 18 and under 30 years of age (documentary proof must be furnished)
♠ Be in possession of a Grade 12 school certificate or National Certificate (Vocational) Safety in Society (documentary proof must be furnished)
♠ Submit himself or herself to a physical medical examination as determined by the National Commissioner and must be found to be physically and mentally fit for appointment to the post for which he or she applies
♠ Undergo a psychological assessment as determined by the National Commissioner and be found to comply with the profile of a police official
♠ Be proficient in at least two of the official languages, of which one must be English
♠ Be prepared to take the oath of office
♠ Be prepared to undergo such training as determined by the National Commissioner
♠ Not have any tattoo marks which are visible and irreconcilable with the objectives of the Service • Have no previous criminal convictions and/or pending criminal, civil, disciplinary cases (applicants will allow his or her fingerprints to be taken and allow background enquiries to be made)
♠ Not have been declared unfit to possess a firearm
♠ Be prepared to serve anywhere in the Republic. Preference will be given to applicants who are in possession of at least a light vehicle driver’s licence.
Applicants should be within the mass and height restriction. Height: Males: Not shorter than 1.6m; females: Not shorter than 1.55m. Body Mass Index of less than 30/waist circumference ≤ 102cm (males) and ≤ 88cm (females)
Basic Police Development Learning Programme
Applicants will participate in a Basic Police Development Learning Programme (hereafter referred to as “the Programme”) for a period of 24 (twenty-four) months.
The Programme will consist of three phases:
• Academy Phase: Ten months’ training at a designated SAPS Academy
• Field Police Development Phase: Twelve months’ training at a designated Field Police Development police station
• Integrated Assessment Phase: Two months’ assessment at a designated SAPS Academy.
During the Academy Phase of the Programme, the Service will provide free training gear, meals and accommodation to the police trainee. During the Field Police Development Phase of the Programme, the police trainee will be responsible for his/her own meals and accommodation.
Trainees will also receive medical aid benefits for the duration of the 24-month Basic Training Learning Programme. Upon successful completion of the Basic Training Learning Programme, trainees will be considered for permanent appointment as members of the SAPS.
Remuneration (on completion of the training period) will be on the first notch of Band A (currently R123 687 per annum). In addition to this, appointees willreceive the applicable service benefits.
Core functions:
Successful candidates will serve as functional police officials. As such, they will be deployed to carry out one or more of the following functions: • Prevent, combat and investigate crime • Maintain public order • Protect and secure the inhabitants of the Republic and their property • Uphold and enforce the law. 215 entry-level posts are available in the Basic Police Development Learning Programme.
These are distributed as follows:
Northern Cape |
Station (No. of Posts) | Ref. No. |
Brandvlei (x4) | NC T1/11/2013 |
Fraserburg(x3) | NC T2/11/2013 |
Loeriesfontein(x2) | NC T3/11/2013 |
Nieuwoudtville(x3) | NC T4/11/2013 |
Sutherland(x4) | NC T5/11/2013 |
Williston(x4) | NC T6/11/2013 |
Loxton(x1) | NC T7/11/2013 |
Van Wyksvle(x3) | NC T8/11/2013 |
Britstown (x3) | NC T9/11/2013 |
De Aar (x5) | NC T10/11/2013 |
De Aar: Nonswakazi (x3) | NC T11/11/2013 |
Phillipstown (x2) | NC T12/11/2013 |
Richmond (x8) | NC T13/11/2013 |
Sunrise (x4) | NC T14/11/2013 |
Hopetown (x2) | NC T15/11/2013 |
Strydenburg (x3) | NC T16/11/2013 |
Kakamas (x10) | NC T17/11/2013 |
Kakamas: Riemvasmaak (x9) | NC T18/11/2013 |
Keimoes (x1) | NC T19/11/2013 |
Kenhardt (x5) | NC T20/11/2013 |
Campbell (x2) | NC T21/11/2013 |
Campbell: Schmidtsdrift (x2) | NC T22/11/2013 |
Griekwastad (x1) | NC T23/11/2013 |
Aggeneys (x1) | NC T24/11/2013 |
Pella (x2) | NC T25/11/2013 |
Pofadder (x3) | NC T26/11/2013 |
Alexander Bay (x3) | NC T27/11/2013 |
Port Nolloth (x3) | NC T28/11/2013 |
Postmasburg (x4) | NC T29/11/2013 |
Marydale (x3) | NC T30/11/2013 |
Niekerkshoop (x3) | NC T31/11/2013 |
Garies (x8) | NC T32/11/2013 |
Hondeklipbaai (x6) | NC T33/11/2013 |
Hondeklipbaai: Soebatfontein (x5) | NC T34/11/2013 |
Kammieskroon (x3) | NC T35/11/2013 |
Kommagas (x1) | NC T36/11/2013 |
Springbok (x5) | NC T37/11/2013 |
Steinkopf (x5) | NC T38/11/2013 |
Vioolsdrift (x2) | NC T39/11/2013 |
Groblershoop (x3) | NC T40/11/2013 |
Noenieput (x1) | NC T41/11/2013 |
Paballelo (x4) | NC T42/11/2013 |
Rietfontein (x3) | NC T43/11/2013 |
Rosedale (x16) | NC T44/11/2013 |
Upington (x11) | NC T45/11/2013 |
Witdraai (x7) | NC T46/11/2013 |
How to Apply
♠ Complete an application form in your own handwriting. These application forms can be obtained from your nearest SAPS Recruitment Office or the Human Resource Official at local Police Stations. Applicants must take note of the fact that application forms and employment are not for sale and any payment offered by an applicant or promises provided in this regard will be investigated and may lead to criminal prosecution. Applicants may report such incidents to the National Anti-corruption Line at telephone number: 0800 701 701
♠ Specify the post you are applying for
♠ Make sure you have signed your application form in front of a Commissioner of Oath.
Attach certified copies of your: ♠ ID Document ♠ Driver’s licence ♠ Matric/Senior Certificate (Grade 12 Certificate or equivalent qualification) ♠ Additional qualifications ♠ Proof of residence.
Applicants who have been subjected to the psychometric assessment and fit the profile will be requested, when undergoing the fitness assessment, to submit four (4) colour ID photographs, of which one will be utilised for the application form, one for the fitness assessment form, one for the interview form and one for the medical assessment form. You are advised to apply for posts within your province, close to your place of residence.
Application forms must be hand delivered or posted to the relevant Recruitment Office:
- The Provincial Head: Personnel Management: Locked silver container at entrance, Kimberley, or Private Bag X50001, Kimberley 8301
- The Section Commander: Human Resource Management, Hantam Street, Calvinia SAPS, Private Bag X28, Calvinia8190
- The Section Commander: Human Resource Management, 20 Schreider Street, De Aar SAPS, or Private Bag X1003, De Aar7000
- The Section Commander: Human Resource Management, 14 Voortrekker Street, Kuruman, or Private Bag X906, Kuruman8460
- The Section Commander: Human Resource Management, 25 Voortrekker Street, Springbok, or Private Bag X12, Springbok 8240
Correspondence will be conducted with successful candidates only. Hence if you think that you comply with the eligibility criteria, you should apply for the 2014 Police Traineeship Programme in South Africa.
Desperate for this learnership
I want to apply for training but i live in Johannesburg any information for me ?
I’m desparate to apply for this training but I’m at mpumalanga any information for me pls
im in jouberg and no drivers but i’m intrested rply for me pls
want to apply for the training but I’m in mokopane (limpopo province ) pls help.
Am 18 years old and i have learners liesence wil i be able 2 enter da programme plz answer m i realy wnt 2 be a police men
M havin a temporaly licence and I am in need of this training because it is my career
South african police learnership
I would like to be in the training with other trainees
I want to apply but am in johannesburg please help
I have all the requirements in here pls help me I HV passion for safety and security
I’m also interested in this learnership but I don’t have a licence is there any chances dat I can fit in without a licence
i would like to get more information about this career as my best chosen career, i also have grade 12, ms office, safety in society, nqf lvl 5 in policing as well as code 10 drivers licence
I want to be a police officer,please help
I am currently in matric but i want join SAPS.Please help i live in Duduza
what must I do to become a policemen. I do;nt have a drivers licence
wen is the closing date
Am in the eastern cape n am intrested on training what must I do
I real want to do the training am in the eastern cape are any chances for me
I would like to be a police officer i have grade 12 & drivers license code 10
im in limpopo and i have matric,N4,N5 in finacial management left with one subject in N6 but no drivers licence and am interested please reply for me
I would like to become a police but dnt know what to do am havin a license and degree on matric
Can anyone help please.i really want to be a police officer to ensure safety to the lives of the country inhabitants.but currently in position of temporary licence,so do i possess any chance to be a legitimately police officer as my wish?
I can’t believe that this whole I’ve been wasting my time on SAPS research because of I had dreams of becoming a police officer of south africa from the bottom of my heart but this one day I went to this Kwadwesi Police Station to ask about the application forms . And one of the policeman handed me over to a lady officer and without any chances to intoduce or tell what I was there for.. She asked me that if I wanted to be a police I said yes and she told me that I’ll never qualify of however fit I am, I asked her that why and she laughed and told me that I should join criminality force instead because I’m wasting my time… And now I am so pissed and don’t know what to do! Because I can’t become what I’ve always wanted to be from dreams and now I feel so hopeless… I am not accepted for body art!
Mxm ignore that person just continue applying till u get lucky.
hi i want to apply when is the closing date
I am desperate so whn s closing date
all i need is this job its my gream to make sure that in my rural erea things are calm im 28yrs old i hav got drivers liecense and grade 12
Goodmorning everyone and I would like to join the police force as a general worker for now since,I’m over the age of 35,however I did train for the security and also I do have matric ..please I need a job and I’m passionate about protecting the nation
Thank you
Goodmorning once again and I would like to get more information about your Police learnerships you have there in police force ,I really like to join and do something in that force please and I will appareciate your help
Thank you so much
Good Morning
Please do assist as I would really love to join the police force this was a dream I would really want to see come true, I have matric and have attended college.