Dept of Higher Education & Training Internships

dept of higher educatino and training jobs careers internships learnerships

The Department of Higher Education & Training is offering the Latest Internships 2015-2016 in South Africa. The Graduate Internship Programme 2015-16 is available in various fields / categories. If you are looking for the Latest Government Internships 2015-2016, then you have come to the right place. Now you can forward your internship job application for the Internship Opportunities available at Higher Education and Training Department of South Africa.

Dept of Higher Education and Training Internships 2015-2016 will jump start your career, and you will get more better Jobs and Careers in future. It is also pertinent to mention here that, you may also avail the Jobs at Dept of Higher Education & Training after completing your internship programme 2016.

The Internship Opportunities for 2015-2016 are available in various fields, and you should join the programme after having a look on the details and descriptions of the available internships in South Africa.

Dept of Higher Education and Training Graduate Internships 2015-2016 in South Africa

Stipend: R5000The Department of Higher Education and Training is offering the South African unemployed Graduates who are between the ages of 18 – 35 opportunities to apply for the 2016 / 16 Internship programme.


Development Support, Public EntitiesNational Diploma  /  Degree: Administration, Financial  Management  /  AccountingCFO / 2015 / 01
ComplianceNational Diploma in Compliance, Auditing and LegalCFO / 2015 / 02
Financial  Management National Diploma  /  Degree: AccountingCF0 / 2015 / 03
Supply Chain ManagementNational Diploma  /  Degree: Logistics, supply chain ManagementCF0 / 2015  /  04


Research Coordination, Monitoring and EvaluationNational Diploma  /  Degree: BA Social Science and Public AdminH / 2015 / 05
National Qualification FrameworkBA Degree: EducationH / 2015 / 06
Planning Monitoring and Evaluation CoordinationNational Diploma Economics, Social Science, Financial Management, StatisticsH / 2015 / 07
Legal and Legislative Services for Education InstitutionsLLBH / 2015 / 08
Information System Coordination National Diploma /  Degree: Office Management, Information TechnologyH / 2015 / 09

University Education

Education Qualification & ProgrammesNational Diploma / BA Degree: AdministrationUE / 2015 / 10
Private Higher InstitutionsNational Diploma: Management AssistantUE / 2015 / 12


TVET Infrastructure Development ProgrammeNational Diploma: Project ManagementVCET / 2015 / 13
Financial Planning BCom: Economics AccountingVCET / 2015 / 14
Youth Development Programes, Adult Education and Training, Programmes & QualificationsNational Diploma /  Degree: Administration, Public AdministrationVCET / 2015 / 15
National Exams and Assessments National Diploma: Office Administration, FinanceVCET / 2015 / 16

Corporate Services

Call Centre & Client Services National Diploma: Communications. Public RelationsCS / 2015 / 17
Government Information Technology OfficeNational Diploma: IT/  Bsc. Computer ScienceCS / 2015 / 18
Facilities Management and Logistics Services National Diploma: Facilities / Property Management, Public Management / ProjectManagementCS / 2015 / 19
Human Resource Management & DevelopmentNational Diploma: Human Resource Management / Human Resource DevelopmentCS / 2015 / 20
Information Resource CentreNational Diploma: Library & Information ScienceCS / 2015 / 21
Labour Relations & WellnessNational Diploma: Labour Relations / Law / Office Admin  /  Secretarial, Psychology / WellnessCS / 2015 / 22
Office of the Director GeneralNational Diploma: Public Administration / Public ManagementCS / 2015 / 23

Skills Development

National Skills Funs National Diploma: Project Management, Office Admin Assets, Management, MarketingCS / 2015 / 24

How to Apply for Department of Higher Education & Training Internship Programme 2016 in South Africa

Applications must be submitted on Form  Z83 obtainable from any public service department and must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV and certified copies of qualifications and ID. Candidates must be unemployed, in possession of an appropriate post school qualification, and not have previousy served as interns in the public service.

Please Forward your Application, quoting the reference number to: The Director General, Department Of Higher Education And Training, Private Bag X174, Pretoria, 0001 Or Hand Deliver To: 123 Francis Baard Street, (Old Name 123 Schoeman Street), Cnr Sophie De Bruyn & Francis Baard Street, (Old Name Cnr Schubart &S choeman), Pretoria, Reception Area.

Correspondence will be limited to succesfull candidates only and applications received after the closing date or faxed will not be considered.

Closing Date: 16 January  / 2015

If you comply with the eligibility criteria and other necessary requirements provided by the Dept of Higher Education and Training, you should Apply Online for the recently announced Government Internship Programme 2015-2016.

26 thoughts on “Dept of Higher Education & Training Internships

  1. I have a boy who just passed matric with symbol B doing accountant and economics his wish was to go to univErsity but his single parent can not help. How can you help him

  2. How do i apply i would like to get the opportunity if the is any form to be filled may you kindly send it through to the above email.

  3. I am a graduate social worker and I was wondering if there any school social work post/ counselors or life orientation teacher post or guidance counselor. If not what are the other post available and how do I go about applying for those posts .

  4. I am a social work graduate looking for social work post, school counselor , guidance counselor or school social work post and if those post are available what is the application process.

  5. I completed my matric in 2014 and now I did not go to varsity because money is the problem.
    I am looking for learnership/internship this year so that I can gain some experience and raise money for varsity.

  6. I want to know if I still have a chance to apply for the internship to the Department of Education Training program .

  7. Im looking for an internship for next year,I m currently doing my final year in Social sciences majoring in criminology and psychology thanks.

  8. Im coming from a poor back ground and I need a job I will be very happy if I can get a leanership, I want to study the only problem is my mother can’t take me to school. Please I need a bright future thank u.

  9. looking for internships for 2016 ,passed grade 12 ,studied agricultural science,mathematical science

  10. I’m qualified plumber looking for internship to get more experience. I have diploma in transport economics I’m also looking an internship in road and transport

  11. i just completed N6 in Management Assistant and i am currently looking for an internship or a job if possible. please help!!!

  12. am looking for an internship in agricultural studies, hop fully I will because of many dead lands that needs to be cultivated.

  13. I am have big ambitions none ones seems to care ,can you please help I am Accounting graduate who struggling to get a job or internship, I have one year experience in Audit firm. once you read this you one step closer to help my number 073 170-8447

  14. Good day

    Looking for an internship in Human resource Management 2016. Can start immediately,
    Thanks in advance!

  15. Good afternoon

    Ntombikhanyile polo from Eastern cape looking for HR internship I can start ASAP plz help

  16. Good afternoon

    Ntombikhanyile mpoko from Eastern cape looking for HR internship I can start ASAP plz help

  17. Sindile Shabangu from Mpumalanga looking for a librarian intereship please help I have no one to help me further my studies please I need your help

  18. Dear Sir/Madam
    I am unemployed looking for an internship around Mthatha. I have Office Administration L4 and Public Management N6.
    Thank you

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