Traffic Officer Training Programme 2018 at City of Mbombela

city of mbombela careers jobs vacancies learnerships

The City of Mbombela is offering the Traffic Officer Traineeships 2018 in South Africa. The City of Mbombela Municipality Vacancies usually remain available / vacant in SA, and now the company has announced Traffic Officer Learnerships 2018 in order to raise your experience level in traffic department.

The Traffic Officer Jobs are rarely available in South Africa, so you should not miss the chance. You should join the City of Mbombela Training Opportunities in order become a good Traffic Officer in South Africa. The Traffic Officer Careers will be available for you at Government level after completing the Traffic Officer Learning Programme 2018 or Training Course 2018. The Traffic Officer Vacancies have been announced for learners, so you should not miss the Government Opportunities for Learnerships. The Traffic Officer Training Jobs 2018 are available for those candidates who are willing to make their career in traffic department. The City of Mbombela Public Safety Management Learnerships have also been announced previously, and now the company has come up with the Latest Traffic Officer Traineeships or Training Programme 2018. The interested candidates should go through the complete job details as mentioned below, before forwarding their application to the recruitment department.

Traffic Officer Training Jobs for 2018: City of Mbombela Training Course for Traffic Officer

Duration: 12 Months

Municipality with its seat in Mbombela hereby invites interested individuals to apply as LEARNER TRAFFIC OFFICERS for a period of 12 months.


  • Grade 12 Certificate.
  • A valid d riving license.
  • Must be younger than 35 years of age.
  • No criminal record or pending record.
  • Compulsory name clearance.
  • Must be physical fit.
  • Must undergo physical training.
  • Must be a South African citizen.
  • Permanent residents of the City of Mbombela(s tate ward number).


The training will be done according to the National Road Traffic Act, A ct 93 of 1996.


  • The Municipality shall pay a stipend of R 3 500 during the training period.
  • No other benefits and / or allowances are payable during the period.

How To Apply For City of Mbombela Traffic Officer Traineeship Opportunity 2018 in South Africa

Closing Date: 31 October 2017, 16h00

No application forms required. Please send your application letter in conjunction with your comprehensive curriculum vitae, as well as certified copies of certificates to the Senior Manager: Human Resources, City of Mbombela, P.O. Box 45, Mbombela,1200  / or hand delivered to 1 Nel Street, Civic Centre, Mbombela, Glass Office 1, 3rd Floor.

NB: Faxed applications will not be considered.

Should you not have been contacted for an interview within 30 days after the closing date you may assume that your application was unsuccessful.

If you comply with the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should apply online for the Latest Training Programme 2018 available for Traffic Officers. The Traffic Officer Learners will go through the complete training under the kind control of veterans. If you are willing to become a Traffic Officer, you should join the Training Course available at South African Government.

12 thoughts on “Traffic Officer Training Programme 2018 at City of Mbombela

  1. Good day My Name is Nombulelo Nancy Mbatsane and I am 27 years of age u live at Newscom Kabhokweni trust and I am interested on this learnership program. how can I apply online?

  2. Please longtime ago looking for help from that cause but no where I find,please help.I want to see as officer

  3. Dear madam \sir my name is mini ntombiziyenele ngonyama I’m interested in the learner ship I stay at kamagugu ward 18c plz consider my application look forward to hear from you ?

  4. Hey m Nomathemba Minenhle Princess Nkosi m 4rm Morgenzon i loved 2be a traffic office 1day but i don’t have a clue where m l get a learnership n how plz help me

  5. I’m dumisile I want 2be a traffic officer it has my dream since I was yong pls help me this is the only career that I won’t why all my hart

  6. I’m dumisile I want 2be a traffic officer it has been my dream since I was yong pls help me this is the only career that I wan’t wht all my hart

  7. hello

    i will like to apply for the upcoming learnership of traffic officer.. i will be much happy if you can alert us in time when there are learnership program for traffic must also give more details where we must apply via online because i tried so many time but i failed.

    your assistance will mean a lot me

  8. Good day there am siboniso mathenjwa im begging to get update when this leanership available next time.actually it was my dream to be a traffic officer thank you bye bye.

  9. Dear sir or madam since i passed grade 12 at 2009 my carrier i want to be a traffic cop so please im interested for trainning please take my vision in to consideration thanks

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