Administration Learnerships at Standard Bank – Latest Jobs

administration jobs in Standard Bank SA

Administration Learnerships 2014-2015 are available at Standard Bank, South Africa. The Latest Learnerships and job opportunities have been announced by the Standard Bank of South Africa. Administration is the field, which needs experience and expertise, so you should get experience at Standard Bank by applying for the Administration Learnerships at Standard Bank in South Africa.

Have a look on the following Standard Bank Learnership Programme 2014 for Administration and apply at the earliest possible time. The Latest Job Opportunities have also been announced by the Standard Bank, and you should have a look on the official site of the bank.

Administration Learnership at Standard Bank

Successful candidates will be required to sign a 12-month fixed term employment contract as well as a learnership contract. They will not be paid a salary but will receive a learner allowance of R3000.00 per month for the duration of the learnership. Upon successful completion candidates will obtain a recognised Further Education and Training Certificate in Banking (NQF 4)

Qualifications / Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must:

  • Be between the ages of 18 and 30
  • Be able to speak, read and write English
  • Be computer literate
  • Not be permanently employed
  • Not be studying at any other institution
  • Not be registered on any other learnership

Recruitment Process

  • Candidates will be required to complete relevant assessments
  • The following checks will be conducted:
    • Register for Employees Dismissed (RED) checks;
    • Credit and criminal record checks;
    • Reference checks with previous employers;
    • Verification of educational qualifications; and
    • Proof of South African citizenship

How to Apply for Administration Learnerships 2014

The Closing Date for Standard Bank Administration Learnerships is 15 January 2014, so apply at the earliest possible time by going through the official site of Standard Bank, South Africa.

3 thoughts on “Administration Learnerships at Standard Bank – Latest Jobs

  1. Good day

    I would like to apply for learnership, but my problem is age restriction. I am eager to leaner, i did Office Administration at College which we did the most of office work, specialy in the subject (Office Practice). It is my desire to learn more in Admin Clerk.

    I have strong desire to make a difference in Administrative Clerks. I will be looking foward to hear from you

    Yours Faithfully

    Nomthandazo Sidoyi

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    I will be grateful if my request being attended.

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