NSFAS Bursaries – Latest Bursaries

Bursaries and Scholarships at NSFAS South Africa

NSFAS is offering the Latest Bursaries 2014 for students, and the closing date for submitting Bursaries Application has been extended to 31st January, 2014. If you are looking for Latest Bursaries in South Africa, then it is the best chance for you to apply for the 2014 Bursaries at NSFAS. Have a look on the New NSFAS Bursaries and apply at the earliest possible time.

Special Government Bursaries are available in South Africa at NSFAS for students and they should apply to get the real benefits.

NSFAS Bursaries 2014 Descriptions

The closing date for new NSFAS applications at the universities and FET colleges listed below has been extended to 31 January 2014:

  • Durban University of Technology
  • Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Sol Plaatje University
  • University of Cape Town
  • University of Mpumalanga
  • University of South Africa
  • University of Venda
  • Ekurhuleni East FET College
  • King Hintsa FET College
  • Motheo FET College
  • South Cape FET College
  • Umfolozi FET College

The following students must apply:

  • Students who are already studying at university or college but who did not receive NSFAS funding in 2013 and who want to apply for funding for the 2014 academic year
  • Learners who want to apply for financial aid to study in 2014

Students at all other universities and FET colleges must apply through the Financial Aid Office at the university or FET college after they have registered in 2014.


  • South African citizens who have the academic potential to succeed at university or FET college, and require financial assistance to pay for their studies.


  • Please read these notes carefully before completing the Online Application Form. Make sure that you read every section and that the information you provide is accurate.
  • If you need career guidance before you fill in the Application Form, please go to the South African Qualifications Authority website. Click here for SAQA website.
  • You must write your identity (ID) number in the top right-hand corner on every page of all your supporting documents.
  • You will need to attach documents to support your application. Click here to see a list of documents you will need before you can fill in the NSFAS Online Application Form.
  • NSFAS will only process the first application that we receive. Please do not submit more than one application unless NSFAS requests you to do so.
  • NSFAS requires a cell phone number or email address in order to communicate with you during the application process. If you do not already have an email address, you can create a free email account on at www.gmail.com or at www.yahoo.co.za or any other free email service.
  • If your application is successful, NSFAS will use the cell phone number which you write on the application form to pay some of your student allowances by cell phone voucher.
  • If you do not already have a bank account, please open a bank account at any bank such as Postbank, ABSA, Capitec, FNB, Standard Bank, Nedbank or others. Some student allowances will be paid into your bank account.



  • The closing date for application submission and all completed required documents for existing university or FET college non-NSFAS students for the following academic year is 15 December.
  • The closing date for application submissions and all completed required documents, for learners, is 10 January for that academic year.


  • The closing date for application submission and all completed required documents for new applicants wanting to apply for financial aid prior to the second semester registration is 15 June.


  • The closing dates for application submissions and required documents, for new applicants wanting to apply for financial aid, are 31 March and 31 July respectively, for second and third trimester registrations.

How to Apply

Your required documents can be sent to NSFAS using one of the following channels within the prescribed closing dates:

  1. Scan or email your required documents to NSFAS using the following email address: apply@nsfas.org.za
  2.  Fax your required documents to NSFAS using the following fax number: 086 644 2822.
  3. Post your required documents to NSFAS: Private Bag X4, Plumstead, 7801.


  • Online applications submitted without required documentation will be accepted but will not be processed until the supporting documents are received.
  • You must write your identity (ID) number in the top right-hand corner on every page of all your required documents in order for your application to be processed.
  • Required documents without an identity number will not be processed.


If you require assistance in completing your application form then contact:

  • The NSFAS contact centre on 0860 067 327, or
  • The FAO at the university or FET college that you wish to study at.


If you have a disability, you must complete Annexures A and B and submit them with your application form. You must provide proof of your disability and a quotation for assistive devices as required documents with the application form. Funding for assistive devices follows the same approval process as for financial aid. If you are successful in your application for financial aid and you have received notice of the final approval amount from NSFAS, you may arrange to purchase your assistive device through the student disability unit at the university or FET college where you are going to study.

The university or FET college can purchase the assistive device on your behalf. Please contact NSFAS on 0860 067 327 or visit your university student disability unit to get information about providers of assistive devices.

Should you require more information about NSFAS loans and bursaries for students with disabilities, please click here.

New Student-Centred Model for NSFAS Loans and Bursaries

The new NSFAS student-centred system is in place for the 2014 pilot universities and FET colleges, and will be implemented for all universities and FET colleges by 2016.

In 2014 the first group of universities to use the new system will be:

  • Durban University of Technology
  • Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Sol Plaatje University
  • University of Cape Tow
  • University of Mpumalanga
  • University of South Africa
  • University of Venda

In 2014 the first group of FET colleges to use the new system will be:

  • Ekurhuleni East FET College
  • King Hintsa FET College
  • Motheo FET College
  • South Cape FET College
  • Umfolozi FET College

In the new system NSFAS will continue to pay tuition and residence fees directly to each university or college. Allowances for private accommodation, food, books and transport will be paid directly to students by NSFAS.

Online Application Process for New Students

STEP 1: Read the list above indicating which universities and FET colleges are in the pilot for 2014.

STEP 2: The online application form is best viewed in Internet Explorer version 8 or 9.

STEP 3: Click here to complete the Online Application Form

STEP 4: After you have submitted your Online Application Form to NSFAS, click here to track the status of your application.

STEP 5: NSFAS will send you SMS messages and emails about your application.

Download Application Form for New Students

If you cannot submit an Online Application Form, please follow these instructions to send your Application Form to NSFAS by email, fax or post.

STEP 1: Click here to open and download the NSFAS Application Form.

STEP 2: Print the NSFAS Application Form and carefully read the General Instructions on page 1.

STEP 3: Read the list of requirement documents on page 2 of the NSFAS Application Form and follow the instructions.

STEP 4: Fill in the Application Form in black ink.

STEP 5: Attach the copies of the required documents listed on page 2 to your completed Application Form.

STEP 6: Send the completed NSFAS Application Form with your required documents to NSFAS by email, fax or post.

Closing Date: 31 January 2014

You should not miss the Bursaries Opportunities during your student life. Your completed application and required documents can be sent to NSFAS using one of the following channels within the prescribed closing dates:

  1. Hand in your completed form to the Financial Aid Office (FAO) at your university or FET college.
  2. Scan or email your completed form to NSFAS at apply@nsfas.org.za
  3. Fax your completed form to NSFAS on 086 648 6673.
  4. Post your completed form to NSFAS at: Private Bag X4, Plumstead, 7801.

6 thoughts on “NSFAS Bursaries – Latest Bursaries

  1. Dear Sir/Madam

    I would love to make an enquiry on the NSFAS bursaries 2014. I have completed my national Diploma Biotechnology and i would love to further my studies towards the same course. Does this bursary have take in from second semester(June-December) for Btech students and do you have to repay after completing your course if you have aquired the bursary?

    Your response will highly be aprreciated

  2. Sir/ Madam

    I would like to find out if i qualify for financial assistant to study at uj in 2015 since i have completed my matric in 2010

  3. I would like to apply for a bursary doing Teaching but my matric results are not that good but I studied Business Management at Flavius Mareka FET College and got good results, so is possible for me to use those results when I apply for my busary?

  4. I got this site from my pal who shared with me on the topic of this website and now this time I am
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