Auditing Learnerships at Holistic People Solutions

Holistic People Solutions auditing learnerships

Latest Auditing Learnerships 2014 are available at Holistic People Solutions Pty, Ltd in South Africa. The Auditing Learnership Programme 2014 will be helpful in raising your experience, expertise and skills level.

Several Learnerships in Audit Department are available at various companies working in South Africa. Audit and accounts is a field, which needs good experience and grip on work to get more better job opportunities and career offers. Hence if you want to get better Audit Jobs, you should join an audit learnership programme in South Africa to give a boost to your experience. This training, Apprenticeship or Internship Programme in audit department is specially for those candidates, who are serious to get experience in accounts and auditing field.

Auditing Learnerships 2014 are available at various companies, but you should avail the auditing job opportunities and learnerships at Holistic People Solutions, South Africa. After completing the audit learnership jobs 2014, you will be able to get better job opportunities and career offers in near future. So have a look on the following advert regarding auditing learnerships in South Africa.

Auditing Learnership Programme 2014

If you have recently obtained your degree in a BCom or Internal Auditing field and looking to gain experience in the workplace, then this learnership is perfect for you.

A well known company within the manufacturing industry is looking for unemployed Graduates who are willing and interested in starting a Learnership in February 2014.

You must have completed any of the following qualifications:

B.Com / B.Compt (in Internal Auditing or IT Auditing) – Degree

HONS B.Com / B.Compt B.Com / B.Compt (in Internal Auditing or IT Auditing or External Auditing or Financial Accounting – Degree

B.Tech (in Internal Auditing or IT Auditing) – Degree

Post Graduate Diploma (Internal Auditing or IT Auditing or Forensic Auditing)

Only unemployed Graduates need to apply for this learnership and should be ready to start in February 2014

Candidates with only a National / Higher Certificate or National / Higher Diploma will not be considered.

This will be for a 6 month contract and can be extended up to a year.

Closing Date:Unspecified

How To Apply for Audit Learnerships 2014 in South Africa

This is a special Auditing Learnership 2014 in South Africa that will be helpful and beneficial in your near future. Hence if you are interested in joining this learnership programme, you should Click here to apply online for Auditing Learnerships in SA.

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