Dept of Energy Offers Internships and Learnerships

dept of energy south africa jobs careers learnerships

Department of Energy is offering the Latest Internships and Learnerships for 2014 in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North West, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape, Free State, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The Learnerships and Internship vacancies are available in Internal Audit, Project Management and Public Administration departments.

Department of Energy Learnerships 2014 in South Africa can boost your experience, knowledge and expertise. The Project Management Learnerships at Dept of Energy South Africa are really helpful in giving you good experience that will be helpful in providing you more job opportunities and career offers in near future.

Department of Energy Internships 2014 in South Africa are available in different provinces, where you can optimize your skills in the relevant field. The latest internship programme 2014 at Dept of Energy can boost your expertise level, so it is therefore recommended that you must apply for the internship jobs and Dept of Energy Learnerhip Programme 2014. Have a look on the following job advert and apply at the earliest possible time.

Department of Energy Learnerships and Internships 2014

Stipend: R3 000

LocationField of Study
  • Project Management (x2)
  • Public Administration (x10)


Matric Certificate

  • Internal Audit (x3)


BTech Internal Auditing

BCom Internal Auditing

ND Internal Auditing

• Mpumalanga • North West • Eastern Cape • Northern Cape • Western Cape • Free State • Limpopo • KwaZulu-Natal• Project Management (x1) per province Requirements Matric Certificate

Basic requirements:

South African, who has completed the National Certificate (Grade 12).


Verbal and written Proficiency in at least two official languages (one must be English).


Innovative, Articulate, Good listener, Ability to work in a team, Ability to work under pressure, open-minded. Must have the ability to put other people first (Ubuntu), must be professional, honest, ethical, accountable and have a sense of integrity.

The Learnership Programme shall be presented for a period of one year consisting of:

Theory: A ± 30% intensive instructional learning theory and workplace training: This is ± 70% workplace learning. During this phase learners shall continue to receive a stipend. The learner shall be regarded as competent after successful completion of Instructional learning phase, the workplace learning phase, the final submission of Portfolio of Evidence (POE) and successful external verification by relevant SETA.



  • Applications will only be considered from South African citizens; aged between 18 and 35 years
  • Candidates who have already participated in an Internship programme in any Government department will NOT be considered
  • Applications should be made on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department and accompanied by a comprehensive CV and certified copies of all qualifications and Identity Document
  • Application forms should be signed and dated. If this is not done, applications will be disqualified
  • Candidates must indicate their preferred province on the top of the Z83 form
  • Failure to submit the requested documents will result in your application not being considered
  • Applications received after the closing date will not be considered
  • Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Please take note that all qualifications are subject to verification
  • Successful candidates will be appointed on an Internship Programme for a period of 12 months
  • Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. Should you not be contacted within 3 weeks of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful.

NB: E-mailed, faxed and/or late applications will not be considered.

Closing Date: 31 January 2014

How to Apply For Department of Energy Learnerships and Internship Programme 2014

Please forward your application, marked for the attention of Ms Eva Masipa/Mr Sebotse Malatji, by post to: The Director-General, Department of Energy, Private Bag X96, Pretoria 0001 or hand deliver to: The Department of Energy, 192 cnr Visagie and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.

Please direct all enquiries to: Ms L. Modiba and Mr. Shiluvane for Learnership Programme, tel. (012) 406-7607 / 7801

Ms Eva Masipa and Mr Sebotse Malatji for Bursary and Internship Programme tel. (012) 406-7405 / 7406

All applications must be sent to the address provided above and not to the specific region(s).

Faxed, emailed and late applications will NOT be considered

Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Hence if you comply with the eligibility criteria and other requirements, you should apply for Department of Energy Learnerships 2014 and Internship Jobs in South Africa.

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