Engineering Graduate Programmes in South Africa at GIBB

engineering graduate development programme 2014

The Latest Engineering Graduate Programmes 2014 are available in Johannesburg, South Africa at GIBB. Electrical and Civil Engineering training will be provided during this Graduate Development Programme started by GIBB, South Africa.

If you have done your graduate engineering degree, you may submit your application form for Electrical and Civil Engineering Graduate Programme 2014 in South Africa. Engineering is a field that needs experience, expertise and skills to make your veteran / expert in the relevant field of engineering. It is also pertinent to mention here that after completing the GIBB Engineering Graduate Programmes 2014, you may get better job opportunities and career offers in near future. There may be several job offers and available vacancies at GIBB, South Africa, but if you are related to Engineering field, you may go through the complete graduate development programme’s details.

Electrical Engineers and Civil Engineers will get special training while going through various tasks during the job. Hence if you are looking for experience in Electrical and Civil Engineering field, you may have a look on the following Graduate Programmes in Engineering offered by GIBB, South Africa.

GIBB Electrical and Civil Engineering Programmes at GIBB in South Africa

Location: Johannesburg

Description / Job Details

Graduate engineers with 0-1 years experience sought for the engineering disciplines of:

  • Civil
  • Infrastructure
  • Structures
  • Transportation
  • Electrical

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria

  • BSc/BEng degree in the listed disciplines only.

Depending on South African permanent residency status, the position can either be permanent or contract.

Closing Date: 07 March 2014

How to Apply for Engineering Graduate Programmes for Civil and Electrical Engineers

After have a look on the above job advert, if you comply with the eligibility criteria and other requirement of the job opportunity, you may Apply Online for latest Engineering Graduate Programme for Electrical and Civil Engineers in South Africa.

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