Latest Jobs: Harambe Needs Matriculants with Grade 12

Latest Jobs for Grade 12 Students

Harambe has announced the latest jobs for Matriculant People with Grade 12 in South Africa. These Permanent Jobs 2014 are for Grade 12 Matriculants. They will get these jobs in South Africa if they have passed the Matric with reasonable grade.

Harambe Jobs and Careers are available in South Africa, and you can apply by going through the below mentioned details. The Latest Jobs in South Africa can give you a beneficial job opportunity with handsome salary package and other benefits. So you must have a look on the following job details to apply for Harambe Careers in South Africa.

Harambe Offers Jobs for Matriculants with Grade 12

Harambe is looking for matriculants with less than one year’s working experience who are looking for permanent work.

Harambe partners with large South African organizations to secure entry level jobs for young people who match our criteria.

Apply now if you:

  • Are 18 to 28 yeras old
  • Are a South African citizen
  • Have a matric certificate
  • Have never been blacklisted
  • Attended a township or rural school
  • Are currently unemployed
  • Have not been permanelty employed for more than 12 months
  • Have been actively looking for employment for more than six months
  • Are hungry for opportunity

How to Apply for Latest Jobs for Grade 12 at Harambe

To apply for opportunities follow these instructions:

It’s easy to apply, choose on of the following:

E-mail your name, ID number, contact number and township where your live to

If you are looking for latest job opportunities and career offers, you can apply at Harambe Company. You will get the specified benefits and a good salary package during these permanent jobs for Matriculants with Grade 12.

250 thoughts on “Latest Jobs: Harambe Needs Matriculants with Grade 12

  1. hi. I would love Harambe to assist me with any Job. because I’ve completed my Matric and northing seems to work. Thank you

    1. Hi i m monicca lehlokoa i passed matric in 2012 i am 24 years old i m looking for a job n want harambee to assist me for a job.

    2. Hi i m monicca lehlokoa i passed matric in 2012 i am 24 years old i m looking for a job n want harambee to assist me for a job my number is 0825831403

  2. Hi guys i’m 23 years old male who passed matric at 2010 in academic class of maths&physics, i also have driving licence (code 10).I’m unemployed plz guyz i realy need your training section plz help

    1. My name is 24 years old…I’ve passed my matric looking for a job…currently in Johannesburg

  3. i live in soweto, ive applied for job at please help me. i have a certificate and im studying part time

    1. Am maifo precious i completed my matric in 2013 n my parents dont have money to further my studies,so please harambee help me.

  4. Hi my name is Penelope , i passed matric in 2012 i am currently studying risk management doing a diploma and i am doing General psychology and i cant find a job, please help me find a job please i have to help my family

  5. I am 25 yrs old lady with less than a year experience on retail as cashier/ sales assistant, can you please find me a job around east london

  6. Hi I’ve completed my matric in 2010 with Bachelor’s degree and can’t get any loan or basary to go to school so I’m looking for work/learnership

  7. am looking 4da job i have all document u want am 27 yrz old am a volunteer for 2yrz now i want to be permanent and i dont get paid for that help

  8. I am 21 year old who hails from Daveyton In The East Rand & Who Is Eager On Opportunity And Can Relate To Customer Service. Completed Matric in 2013 & No Work Experience.

  9. Dear Sir/Madam

    I passed my matric 2010, I did Midia & Journalism but first year only at Damelin College but I couldn’t finish 3 year course because I couldn’t finish payment of the couldn’t get results because of that. now I am at home doing nothing stressed.
    I will be pleased if I can get help from you.

    Thank you

    Kind Regards
    Andisiwe Mbongo
    084 956 4175/ 074 353 3158

    1. I have been looking for such information /opportunity like this I’m unemployed who is will and hard working I have matric mathematics and physical science an n2 electrical engeenering

  10. Hy I’m Phindile Maphumulo, i obtained my grade 12 on 2002 nd I’m 28 yrs old, plz Harambe help me to find a job or Learnership, I was studied @ Maritime nd Skills College. My contacts no: 0846346753

  11. hi am Lunga Ndita, looking for job please help me get one. I have passed grade 12 in 2011 in Sehole Combined School at KZN i’m 25 yrs old HARAMBE HELP M PLEASE.Contacts 0810095559

  12. Hi Thato did my matric 2009, went to WSU did NHC:Accounting but did not finish it cours of money problems. Can Harambee help me find a job.

  13. Hi! Nanki here looking 4 a job wish you could assist me with learnership,I’ve matricuculated in 2007@J.E Malepe Secondary.School 0844464809/0784228744

  14. Hy i’m Abram, i obtained public management N6 on 2012 and i’m 28 yrs old, plz Harambe help me to find a job

  15. hi am a 20 year old lady who has passed matric in 2012 looking for job to help my family and in order for me to pay for my fees at higher education thank you

  16. hello i am a 22 year old woman who has passed matric in2009 and i could’nt go further with my studies beacouse of financial problem then went looking for a job now im currently working is there anychance i could get the learnership o job from you guys.My

    Thank you

  17. I got a call from you guys weeks ago telling me that my application was successful & you promised to send me details for my assessment which I am hereby waiting for your call guys,so I wanted to know what’s taking you guys so long.

    Yours inconcern

  18. i’m a 33 yrs old lady who has been looking for a job since 2003.i passed my matric on year 2000 and im truely sure u can help me 2 find one

  19. hi. I would love Harambe to assist me with any Job. because I’ve completed my Matric and northing seems to work. Thank you
    Kindly reply!

  20. Tofu Azola is my name I have completeted my Grade 12 last year with flying colours now I am pleased to get a job

  21. Hi my name is Filicia i would like hambe to assist with any job.I have matric,Information technology certificate and social auxiliary worker.Pls its been a long time pls.

    My contact number is: 072 7161 577
    I will be happy if you can find something for me

  22. Hi, i’m 32 years old woman.I passed matric 2003 and since
    then i’ve been looking for a job.Please help me find the job, i will appreciate any job that you’ll provide.

    Thank you

  23. Madam/Sir i am a 20 year old lady nd completed my matric in 2012,i received your call a month back nd said you wil contact again 4 an assessment and even nw am still waiting..just wanted 2 know what’s taking so long,like i really need the job. Yours in concern Madam/Sir i am a 20 year old lady nd completed my matric in 2012,i received your call a month back nd said you will contact again 4 an assessment and even now am still waiting..just wanted 2 know what’s taking so long,like i really need the job. Yours in concern

  24. Hi,m 23 years old woman.i passed my matric in 2011 since then i’ ve been looking the job,i would be happy if u can assist me with any job please help!!

  25. Elo team harambe I m a 25yr old male 4m kimberley lookn 4 a good paying permanent job or just anything u guys can find ur hlp will b highly appreciated danki my contact no.072052698 or 0747592325

  26. hi, my name is minenhle kunene, i complited my matric in 2009, i dont have any experience. i would like HARAMBE to assist me.

  27. Hi i’m kamogelo i completed matric in 2012,m without a job.would you please help me with a reasonable job..0612806263

  28. hellow sir/mam…i have a matric certificate,i need a full time job,i m a very fast learner(i can do anything)…please help me

  29. I’m 25 years old no job experience and iam a driver with code c1(10).
    any position will be fine for me…
    I am so desperate,
    I’m from daveyton around benoni.

  30. Hey guys my name is Gugu mabena from pretoria am currently looking for an job so that I can further my studies at Unisa please Harambe help me if you can’t get hold of me on my email here is my contact 079 014 5263 any time

  31. Im aphiwe magugwana passd matric in 2010 went 2 boston college bt culdnt finish my studies cz of financial problem nw im luking 4 a job nd wuld b glad if harambe wuld help me get a job so dat i cn finish my studies

  32. Hy my name is Phakamani,I completed my matric in 200 and in 2009 I went to the collage to do HRM 1 year course which include Computer lit,Communication,public relations.I have 3 years experiance in Security industry.I wld like HARAMBE to elp me find a better job. Thank you.

  33. I’m a male looking for work. I’m in the Eastern Cape, I have grade 12, I’m good with people I’m a fast learner I like challengies.

  34. Salute. I am a 24year old male who is looking for a job or learnership. Im in the Eastern Cape. I have grade12 and NC(V) Level 2,3&4 in Civil Eng&Building Construction. Any help?

  35. i am a 20 year old male whos hungry for leanerships or job opportunities…i completed my matric 2012 also have N2 certificate in fitting and plz

  36. Dear sir / madam
    my name is Sandile icompleted my matric in 2005 and in 2006 iwent to the college to do security at stallion security and training college grade obtain grade E,D,C & Induction, corner stone computer training college 3weeks course, licence code 10 ( c1 ) with pdp iwould like to do project management bt idnt have money can you help me with permanent job or learnership ihave 8years experiance in security industry my current city province is mpumalanga thank you

  37. I will be pleased if I get a job or your learnership I had completed my matric in 2012 and I have a diploma certificate so am looking forwad to hear from u

  38. Hi harambe am a 25 years old woman complited ma matric in 2007 n never find job since then,i evn continued with ma studies ,i hav National Diploma in Public Management,,Sisco IT certificate and Computer Literate i realy need a job ,,any job

  39. hey I am sekhota rosinah 21 years from limpopo polokwane I passed with diploma at commercial and I have past my matric in 2011 0766642352

  40. I m 31 years I m looking for a job I passed grade 12 and the bachelor of education my major subject geography and Xhosa my cell number is 0738299299

  41. Im a 25 year old.I passed my matric in 2008,i studied Management assistant diploma course,i have a drivers license code 8.Im looking for a job any job

  42. Hi,I’m a 29 years lady who isd looking for a job I’ve matriculated in 2007.I did IT diploma with pc training and business college.

  43. I am Male my age is 25 years old I am single I got Matric and Code 10 driving Licence,I did passed my Matric on 2010 and Driving Licence on 2012 please I real need a Job I live at Free State Sasolburg but I am capable to take any Job and any where Thank You.

  44. im sipho matusse aged 20 looking for any job available,ive got a matric and a e-c certificate in security,i reside in witbank mpumalanga,my contact numbers are 07124508878 nd0747554640…it would be my pleasure to here from you,thank you

  45. Got a call from you guys months back I should say, still waiting until now for the assessment or interview. Don’t know if yall still gonna get back to me.

    Thought its gonna be quick.

  46. Hi,I’m checking if I should still wait for your call its been weeks now I’m panicking I really need job and I’m looking forward for the great opportunity

  47. Harambe if you looking for fresh matriculent,i am the guy for you,i need a job I’m hungry for an chance to show people what i can do,i have computer skills,excellent English.please contact me at anytime on this digits 0842353577

  48. Hi my name is Mandisa am 38yrs old,i passed matric in 1996;i am a hardwork and honest,i am stayin in pe,i want anykind of job,my no is 0733759402 i would like hearing frm u soon

  49. My name is Mandisa,i am 38yrs old.I passed matric in 1996;i’m staying in Pe..i want Harambe 2 help me find anykind of job,i am a hardworker,my cel no is 0733759402,am looking foward to hearing from you

  50. I am 37 year old male marries passed my matric in 1996 and studied at the University of Forte Hare and just completed a Human Resources Manegement Degree and am desperately looking for a job please help me any job

  51. I’m a female and my name is Nonhlanhla. I’m 19 years old, completed my matric in 2O12. I
    need any job that is available

  52. hi guys, i’m Nolitha Ndamase’ a 33year old lady. I’m looking for a job, i pass my matric in 2003 & I’ve done tourism management @ Walter Sisulu University & I’ve done Galileo. Pl z help me find a job. I have 7months experience in data capturing. I would appreciate your help

  53. Hi! I get a call from you last week, and you promise to return back to me but i’m still waiting. How long am i have to wait? 0763678715

  54. plz harambee people i have matric,i’am computer literate,n i have a she principles and procedures certificate,hira n system tools certificate,also have first aid level 1 n level 2.plz find any job for me call me on

  55. Hi guyz i matriculated in 2008 nd i hv business administration,i real need a job or any training programme please help

  56. Hi guyz i matriculated in 2008 nd i hv business administration,i real need a job or any training programme please help,any wher around SA

  57. hi
    can you please assist me with any job or learnerships to.
    i’m currently working ,but i’m not getting enough money ,and i matriculated 2011 and i was doing a part time studies to i could not finish because of financial problems and i was doing travel and tourism and hospitality
    it would be nice if u guys could help me because i’m still young and i have experiences interms of direct marketing,being a assistant

  58. Hi am looking for the job as the admin clerk or any type of job , can you please assist me with any job or learner ships since i’m UN employed ,and
    i matriculated 2012 and i was doing a full time studies in business management where i obtained the n6 certificate and i wish to do the in service training

  59. Hi I am looking for a job as an admin or a clerk I matriculated in 2010 and just finished my diploma in office administration 0785292934

  60. Hey am dakalo am 26 I passed my matrix in 2009 .. I wold love harammbe to help me looking for a job cos is its been so long… So plz harammbe help me contact me on 0794783346.

  61. Hi am Tshianeo – iam 20 years old. And I have passed my matrick last year- I have never been employed and am looking for job- I will be happy if u can accept my crisis

  62. i’ve been searching 4 a job n have not seem to be lucky ahm 23 years …. Ive passed my matric in 2011 and i would realy appreciate it very much if harambe would kindly assist me with a job … Thank You

  63. Hi am Bongekile Madi,I pass my matric in 2010 I’ve been looking forward on getting a leadership,and am also looking for any job my number is 0730917196 please help and do not hesitate to call me

  64. Hi my name is mohau.i have matriculated for years ago (2010).i have grade twelve certificate and i am willing to further my studies but without stable financial or funds,that makes my dream of furthering my studies impossible.i wanted to study history of art in terms of literature and art.rights now i do visual art drawings,i write television scripts and plays.

    if theres anyone who can help,please contact me on 078 486 7103 or replay on the email.

    i will appreciate any kind of job that can be offered to me,remember being in need doesn’t leave anyone with a choice to choice.

  65. Hi am Bongekile Madi please Harambee can u assist me with leanership or any job, I pass my matric in 2010 my number is looking forward for ur help

  66. hi im a young lady from e l I passed my matric on 2009. n last year I was at cape town I did went to harambee n completed my test and I even chose where im going to work they told us to wait for a call. after that I waited for the call bt there was nothing so I decided ti came back to el while I ws here I received a sms tellng me imct go to harambee again bt I couldn’t coz I was here can sumbody help me pls… here are my contact no 0603763094

  67. I’m a 27 yr old female from a rural area at Mthatha. I only have matric, I couldn’t finish my studies because of financial problems. I am seriously in need of a job so I can feed my family and possibly continue my studies. I have worked at Spar as a cashier on a contract that took 18 months. Please contact me on ma email

  68. I pass grade 12 in 2011 with symbol D so now i need a job or learnershipe please harambe help me

  69. I am Luvuyo Mfeketo i am 26 years old, i have matric and further studies Business Management N5 certificate.
    ID number is 8804215533081

    1. I am 27 years old lady who have completed grade 12 in 2006 .I am looking for any permanent job, I have 6 months computer certificate, you can contact me on 0786297615.

  70. I am a young candidate with a matric and call centre cetificate, I have no working experience but I am eager and willing to learn any job within my capabilities. I am willing to learn,gain knowledge and acquire skills to perform duties according to job requirements. I am hungry for an opportunity

  71. I’m a 22 year old gal I passed matric. 2010 and I couldn’t further my studies because of financial problems I’m looking for a learnership or a bursary or a job pls help me I’m in need

  72. I’m a 22 year old gal passed my matric 2010 and i couldn’t further my studies because of financial problems n im in need of a bursary ,learnership or a job pls help me

  73. hi my name is THABO TREVOR MOSITO, im from freedom park/devland next to eldos……i have matric and code10.i would like to get an opportunity of the leanership,my contact number is 0840809103

  74. Im 26 i tried all my best and im still buisy but i dont fin find an oppotunity im seeking for help ive grade 12 with history,geo and maths lit

  75. Hi! Im a young vibrant lady aged 22,I’ve finished my matric(Grade12) in 2011 and having Computer literacy certificate kindly need your assistant in terms of getting a job,I’m so desperate an only having experience in customer service for 8months.

  76. am 21 years old of age and i have completed my matrix last year 2014 and I’ve been looking for a job ever since January please harambe help me fine any job available and for the record i don’t go to school since i don’t have money to osa for school so am looking for a permanent job.

  77. Hi my name is lungile khumalo I’m currently unemployed I’m look for vacancy as a receptionist or PA,I have work experience of two years,I’m reliable and I take my work very serious. My contact detail 0837210203 please help thanks…

  78. hi thr im Maria done my matric 2010 have N6 Certificate in Management Assisitant I have
    9 Months experience in administration please help. Age 23

  79. Hi, im a 36 years old male who passed his matric long time ago looking for a job.I have a code 10(pdp). I know im not a youth animore but i do need a job too to feed my family

  80. Iam looking for job l hv matric senior

    qualification.. Basic computer. Lovinglife programme. Lifeskill/life orientation

  81. My name is nomzamo i live@ Daveyton i’m looking for a job i passed ma matric 2011 no work experience i hv a certificate of Abet

  82. Hy I’m a 19year old girl n I am looking for a job. I finished my matric last year (2014) and would like you to help me. My contact is 0721122114

  83. 25years of age looking for a permanent job in hospitality (Tourism )having a job experience and i leave in Mpumalanga,Middleburg

  84. hy my name is elizabeth i’m 22 yrs old i live in cosmocity i am unemployed i finished my matric last year and i have been trying to get a job but its very difficualt i would like you guys to assist me in finding one please am really struggling.
    you can contact me me @0724704521
    Thank you.

  85. Hi Harambe team.I’m a 25 year old lady looking for any job, I matriculated in 2008.I was studying Safety Managent but due to financial problems i couldn’t complete my studies. Looking to hear from you soon.Thanks

  86. hi I’m nomfuneko maguqa 22 years female i pass my matric in 2011 i also have ncv4 civil engineering and construction and n4 civil engineering I’m looking for a job I’m a hard worker and I learn fast I’m desparete for a job even now. contact number 0710224953 /0783668537 thank you.

  87. hi I’m maguqa nomfuneko 22 years I’m a female i passed my matrix in 2011 i also have ncv4 civil engineering and construction certificate and n4 civil engineering in desparately looking for a job I’m a hard worker and I’m willing to learn fast .my contact number 0710224964/0783668537 thank you

  88. I am a 21yr old woman i dd apply to harambe on 2014 but i mistyped my contact nunbers the correct ones are 0825816367 ,i got financialy blocked in university so i am desperately in need for a job i only have a gradle 12 (science) certificate

  89. Hi,i am a 22yrs old lady staying in bloemfontein,completed my matric in 2010 with no work experience.
    i did management assistant course at orbit tvet college in brits campus,North west bt i cldnt finish bcz of money problems,thats y i could not get my results.
    i have applied in harambee for a job or learnership nd they did send me sms tht i shld attend an interview nd assesments tasks bt the sms was not clear enough in terms of the location so i never got the place they located at.i Will be very much pleased of i can get help from You because i really need it

    Thank you

    Kind regards
    puseletso mohono
    073 042 4229

  90. guys since I finished my matric 2007 I have never been hired for more than six months pls I really need this me find one I really need it

  91. Hi I’m Sharlote I have matric ,welding and ancillary nursing certificates I heard that harambee have help many South Africans,I strongly believe that I’m going to be one of them I’ve been looking for a job but no luck for more than six months now. please help ur my last resort.thank you.

  92. Hello Sir/Mam since i have finished matric 2011 i havent worked in my life so i would appreciate every job that u are willing to offer me it is not nice to stay out work

  93. Hello my name is thabiseng malange i stay at daveyton.i passed grade 12 on 2015.i am looking for job i am nt working.0827531056

  94. Hello my name is thulani ramashala i live at vosloorus i have a national senoir certificate and waiter certificate i’ve never work before i’m self motivated and patience guy i would love to hear from you.contacts no:0621253028

  95. name is Lelethu Tekile and i am currently looking for a job.I only have matric which I’ve passed at 2015,no working experience nor skills.I want to be a cashier.I am at East London.

  96. Hy my is Ndumiso Mabaso who is currently studying part time at boston. I would really be delighted if you guys can help me find a job in order for me to continue paying for my studies.

  97. hi I am norah modila I’m 21, I completed my matric 2014 I’ve been unemployed for a year now and I tried finding a job which seems to be impossible so this is really my last hope I need your help I’ve heard how many people’s lives have changed for the best since contact with harambe . I feel like I’m too young to be sitting home doing nothing I’ve got a lot to offer I just need a starter. Thank you

  98. Hi i’m Sindiswa Ngwenya i complit my Grade 12 in 2014 and i do intro of OHSACT and also HIRA and in NOSa now i looking for job i’m 22 yers old plese healp phone number 0834730033

  99. Hi,i am asanda simanga. I am 24years old having matric on hand from 2012.and need a job and contact are:0731249131.i live at Idutywa.

  100. Hi my name is Rose I have a grade 12 ,N6 in management assistant and a drives license code 10 I have never had any luck of finding a job since I completed the course can you please help me find one I believe in haranbe since I hard that it has assisted many young people

  101. Hello Harambe team please help me to get recruited by any company as long as I’m working. I’m 25 and I completed matric and I also have human resources management n4 and n5.I worked at pep store for 1 year. I’m hard-worker n fast learner. I would be happy if you consider my offer. Thank you

  102. Hi,can you please help me find any type of a job, am 20yrs and completed my matric in 2013 please reply 0631253474

  103. hi I am a 22 year old female.I passed my matric last year and would really love to get this leanership.

  104. am tshiamo and am 19 years old, passed my matric last year 2015 ,am from a rural area at hammaskraal, i would like to have a learnership

  105. hi i am sipho i am 28 years i have matric and drives licence code 10 can you please guys help me to get a job

  106. M 27 yrz old male am looking 4 job i complt grd 12 2007 and ihv n3 n n4 bolermaking plz harambe term halp m even lenership o apprentic

  107. I am Lindokuhle Lufundo from Durban at Newton A township and I have completed my matric last and I would like to study as I am not doing anything this year due to financial issues. So my future plans is to pursue my career and my contact detail is 079 6196218

  108. I am Lindokuhle Lufundo from Durban at Newton A township and I have completed my matric last and I would like to study as I am not doing anything this year due to financial issues. So my future plans is to pursue my career and my contact detail is 079 755 3076

  109. Hello.I am Sibongile Kunene from Soshanguve.I have completed my matric in 2007.I would like to further my studies hence I would be glad to have a learnership from you.My cellphone numbers are 0784959934.Thank you

  110. I am evidence matjomane an 20 years old girl,I hav passed my matric 2013 and I have n6 in business management. Am now looking for a job. Please help me

  111. Am maifo precious i completed my matric in 2013 n my parents dont have money to further my studies,so please harambee help me.

  112. I need a job I’ve been unemployed since I passed my matric on 2013 I’m looking for a job and I’m a hard staying Western Cape(Plettenberg bay)

  113. I am 21 year old female. I passed my matric in 2013. I would love Harambee to assist me further my studies/any job (073 1950 230)

  114. 2 weeks back I receive your call and u said u will call me back for assessment test ,I’m still waiting,from mokgadi.0742481535/0790462648

  115. Hi I received your call and I was told to wait for an invitation via SMS to come and write an assessment and um still waiting please help.

    Thank you

  116. Hi my name is Sindisiwe Jona a 25 years old looking for a job around Johannesburg in alberton and Germiston i have 2 year experience in cashier and customer service and i also hold a certificate in call centre thank you in advance as i am looking forward to your positive response

  117. Hi there i am takalani,i apply on harambe and they give me date to come to their office bt the problem was that i was hosptilased for 3day end i mis that appointment,what can i do now pls help me my contact is 0767429639 thanks

  118. My name is Kelebogile Balada I’m 31year my number are 0783526340 an i have matric with English, mathematics,physical science an n2 electrical engineering

  119. Hi guyz am doctor skosana from witbank am 4 years on power station experience as assistant rigger nd grinders nd many more my contact 0827972462

  120. Good Afternoon Sir/Madam

    My is Thabisa Beauty Mdudi from Heidelberg Johannesburg South in Gauteng and i have National Certificate in Business Management Assistant N6 which i obtained it from sedibeng College in 2014. I am looking for a Job any that will meet your requirements. I have experience in Admin, and Customer care In Customer Relation Department. i have experience in Call centre also. Thank you. My Contact number is 0730991277. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind Regards

    Thabisa Beauty Mdudi

  121. Hi good people.
    I’m matimba chauke.I passed metric in 2014 I’m 22 an I’m looking for a job around Pretoria.please guys help!!!

  122. Hi my name I khethiwe hlatshwayo,I’ve applied for a job at Harambee and done all the phases BT they never called me plz I’m unemployed plz help harambee

  123. I’m thabang makhafola i’m in pretoria I have certificate for office adminitartion and computer literacy and Grade 12 my number are 0729614358

  124. Im Lesego Mooketsi I Live At Mpumalanga Belfast,im Looking For A Job I Have Grade12 And Level2,level3, Level4 In Civil Engineering And Building Construction.I Also Want To Work At Transnet As A Train Drive And Other Job That Meet My Qualification.My Number083 484 3678 And Email=lsgmooketsi@gmail.Com.I Wil Appreciate If Harambe Could Help Me.

  125. Hi am promise TEBELE staying @Pretoria Mamelodi am currently looking for a job.I completed my matrix in 2012 and also counselling level 4 n drivers licence code 10

  126. God day Sir/ Madam

    im Learato Nxumalo staying in Daveyton. I ve completed matric looking for a job. My number is 0611964277 / 0825769520

  127. Hi guys am a 22 years guy and am unemployed ,I finished my matric on 2014 and I managed get to obtain myself a bachelors degree.I did Maths Literacy and physics at school and I’ve only worked less than a year at shoprte store with is a less than a year.i realy need your help guys /Thank You

  128. Hi I’m 20 years I did my grade 12 in 2015 I’m looking for a job immediately any job is ok you can contact me on 0711119858
    Thank you.

  129. Dear Sir/Madam
    I have finished matric last year and I obtained a bachelor’s degree,I don’t have anyone to support me to further my studies any kind of a job will be appreciated as I’m having many challenges at home please help me find the job.

  130. Hy am HENZIWE rito Maswanganyi I’ve been completed matric since 2013 so am looking for a job ma number 0717737108/0825102346 tnx

  131. Hi, I just want to ask if you tried to contact me for my second interview because I didn’t get message and on 26-01-2017 you said we’ll get message by next week that’s why I’m asking

  132. Hi I’m the girl of 23 years and I pass my matric on 2013,I’m looking for a job or school to you and I have no parent to continue at school please help me dear. Hopefuly you will accept my application. My contact number 083 4646 326. Yours faithful Ongeziwe Faku.

  133. Hello good people i’m ntombikayise Mbatha I completed my matric 2011(commerce) now 25 years of age , I really need a job any available job please children of God help me I never get a chance to carry on styding (funicial problem) I’m hard worker with open minded

  134. Dear Sir/Madam im Njabulo Madonsela I passed my natric last year I have PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS I saw this post at internert I really want this job. im a work harder I will appreciate if I get my self to be part of HARAMBEE my cell no is 0843238136/0630859502

  135. Hy I go by the name of Vanessa Sewela Mpeko am looking for employment . I completed my matric last year 2016 , i got a Bachelors Degree i was doing Commercial Subjects with Mathematical Literacy.. Email ” ” Cellphone Numbers ” 079 1733 718\ 062 0542 512″ .. Thank You .. I hope you can be helpful

  136. Dear Sir/Madam I’m Pertunia Mokobane I’ve completed my matric in 2012 and I also have computer literacy. I’m able to work under pressure, so it will be my pleasure to be part of harambee. My contacts are 0728348682/ 0763894804. Thank you

  137. Greeting
    My name is Nombuso at Soweto I’m desperate looking to a pharmacy to work full because I want to regirester with s buys academy .They sad I must fund a tutor here is my no:0607159382

  138. Greetings my name is Nompumelelo Dlamini I am 19 years of age, I’m located in Durban in a place called Marainnridge under Pinetown. I matriculated in 2015, I have commerce studies. I would appreciate it if I were to get a job since I can’t further my studies due to financial problems, I believe I am a very hard worker and I learn fast, I love dealing with figures as I am pretty good in accounting. Any kind of available job would be highly appreciated. My contact number is 078 947 9831 I hope to be receiving your call soon.

  139. Good day, I am a 27 year old female who completed matric in 2007 desperately looking for a learnership or any kind of job. Your help will be highly appreciated…

  140. hy i nokwazi mathebula i have matrix,diploma traffic&police,business management certificate n4,n5,computer,home based care certificate

  141. Hy my name is alina mohapi an i live in ivory park ext2 an i would like harambe to help me find a vacancy as I’m not employed anything will highly be appreciated

  142. My name is alina mohapi I’m pleasing for a vacancy anything will highly be appreciated my phone number is 0748476541

  143. dear sir\madam
    I am radali mukhethwa I have completed my matric last year I was doing mathematical and physical science I want harambee to assist me to find a job email cell number 0721292141\0798013408

    thank you

  144. my name is Kamohelo Moloi..i am currently studying as a learner at ekurhuleni west college and it is my last year.i have two years experience of office administration so if there are any open vacancies please reply to me on 078 020 5981 by sms or via email at

    1. I m lupuwana im looking 4 a job i obtained my grade12 on a girl of 31 years please harrambe 0822249671 or 0785078860

  145. Hy, am negukhula rotondwa. Am looking for a job. I comleted grade 12 on 2013. I live at spruitview. Contact number 0795961007.

  146. Hy good people. I’m Sipho Jiyane, I live in kwaggafontein MPUMALANGA and I’m looking for Driving job as I have code 10 drivers licence with PrDP, I last attend school in 2012 at Thwane North College and I’ve passed Hospitality Level 2. My contact number is 0609007052. I pleased Harambee to assist me with job.

    Thank you.

  147. Dear sir/madam am lovedonia lamola am looking for a job or learner ship I do have computer literacy please help me. Am 20years of age I have matrix

  148. Hi,I’m Bongile I have been to harambee before and I completed all the stages under corporate,can harambee please assist me to get any job in contact details are 0717170323

  149. Hi,I’m Bongile, I have been to harambee before and I completed all the stages under corporate even the interview with the psychology,I’m asking help from harambee to assist me to get a job at retail outlet or hospitality.My contact details 0717170323

  150. Hi harambee please help me to find a job l passed matric 2005 an HRM certificate m working as a chef since 2007 if there something coming up please contact me 0834894542

  151. My name is Segopotso I really want job I have 3 year experience I’m a hard work I like to work evenly in any work I’m a good listener and I’m good when it become in communicating in work my number is 0790498364 and my township I live in Magaliesburg and ID number 9102190925086 I have matrix certificate I will happy and appreciate when Harambee find me job pls I need any job pls.

  152. hello im Thabo I need a job i’m 19years I have matric certicate i will apreciate when Harambe find me a job please

  153. I’ve registered in harambe for 3years now ,done all assessments and now I’m still waiting for them to contact me for a job .

  154. I am Sisipho 21years of age I live in Western Cape. I matriculated 2015, am currently unemployed looking for any kind of job that may come up. My contact number 0848905965.

    Looking forward to hear from you.

  155. hi I’m Mbongeni Dlamini my id no: 9404086038085
    I live in city deep green field flats I have matric which i passed it in 2014 with flying colours and also i have some experience please call me at 0712334969

  156. I’m Yongama i pass gr-12 in 2012, i really need this job or learnershi. I’m 27 yrs old, my no- 0730640161 plz help me any job im desperate

  157. I’m Vukani I’m 27, I hold a Diploma in PA Administration however I’m now unemployed, so may plz Harambee group grant me or find me any job opportunity so that I will move on with my life.

    Thanks I look forward to hear from you.

  158. Hi I’m siphelo, I’m 31years,I’m looking for a learnership /in-service and I hold n6 in building and civil engineering and driver’s license code10 plus PDP and i have a matric with maths and science and I’m willing to learn and gain experience and interact with different people in the world and also grow in the business world. I Willing to do anything even if I’m volunteering as long as I get what i want to further my studies. I can be reached at 0786879306

  159. Hi, My name is Mashudu. I’m a mother of 2 kids and a wife.I am 33 years old, I have a matric, Higher certificat of Human Resource Management and a code 10 driver’s licence. I’m looking for a job or internship in human resources department. Thank you.

    1. Hi themba from krugersdorp i like harambe assist me wth a job i have matric and a have experience at the of merchendising and packer and no.0791783404 tnx

  160. Hi im Tshekeso Seerane from witbank so i need to know if you still gonna contact me regarding my Barloworld-equipment applications and now is been too long waiting for you now i start to panic so my numbers 0729405447 thanks

  161. Hi I am Gladys Puseletso Motloung and I need a job I have Matric and N6 Hospitality and 1 year experience.Contact no 073 860 3951.

    Thank you

  162. Pleasw harambee I finish matric 2015 and have been unemployed for 1 year I work for a logistic company for 6 months I am based I’m pretoria please I need a job help me 0768550241

  163. Hi am ntembeko sihlahla from East London and am 23 year old,ive passed my matric but the thing is am unemployed,so I beg and appeal to you guys for ur assistance to get me a job.thanks

  164. Hi am florence leraro mohlala from pretoria im 24 I complete my matric 2012 .I like harambee to assist me to get a job .my numbers are 0825414558

  165. I have completed my matric in the year 2016 and im hungry for opportunity please help,im willing to learn new things and im a fast catcher

  166. Hello my name is Zanele mngomezulu I’m from Soshanguve, I completed my matric in 2015…I’m 21 years old I would like you to help me get any job that is available thank you.

  167. Hi my name is letlhogonolo leteane ,I’m 21yrs old i passed my matric in 2016 and I got bachelor degree ,I live at Midrand in township called klipfountein.I beg you to put something together for me please it could be work or school ,here is my number 0632026559

  168. Hello

    This is Thembi from hammanskraal I completed my matric 2015 I am looking for a job. Pse contact me 071 370 9372

  169. Hi i am Andrew kama 24yrs old from zandspruit honeydew i have completed my matric 2015 and im looking for a job as for i have a code 10 drivers license i really want a job please contact me 0835492992 looking forward to your response

  170. Hi I am Yamkela Mzobe from Mofolo in Soweto with 22yrs old holding a matric and has never worked before who is looking for a job my contact numbers are 0845450143

  171. I’m Wandile Mazibuko I’m looking for a job I have matric N1 civil engineering including welding please good people help me to get something to do. Any thing

  172. Hi my name is Nokuzotha Mkhize
    I’m a 24 year old female. I did my matric in 2012
    And passed with reasonable grades. I am self driven, effective and i have the will to succeed. I would love to get assistancr from Harambe . I am currently unemployed and been seeking for a job

  173. My name is Thulisile cindy goqo live in pietermaritzburg i passed my matric 2013 currenty im unemployed .my number 0655718691 plz help

  174. My name nkosinathi nyanda i m matriculated last yrs at nqabakazul high school i been lookng for harambee to give the platform abt the job nd get a small exprience abt education i m good candidate i m 20yrz old u guy cn cll me0617930880 i leave in kwamashu A section

  175. My name is Terry-Ann Berry – 18 year old female – residing in Port Elizabeth – currently seeking a job.

  176. My name is Carla Shandre Esbach – 20 year old female – residing in Port Elizabeth – currently seeking a job.

  177. My name is Lance Mc Callum – 35 year old male – residing in Port Elizabeth – currently seeking a job.

  178. My name is Natasha Mc Callum – 41 year old female – residing in Port Elizabeth however am willing to relocate to Cape Town – currently lloking for job – experience in motor industry, banking sector and administration.

  179. My name is Malefu Moloi ,28 year old looking for a job plz harambee help me. I obtained my matric in 2010 i have done financial management i live in tembisa tswelopele. 0718414683

  180. 26 years old gal wth matric…i also have Electrical Engineering N1 till N6….please help me find a job around free state…please help me Harambee..i really need a job…thank you

  181. Hy My name is thendo rambau am 22 i would like harambee to assist me on finding a job I’ve passed grade 12 in 2015 nd finished my diploma last year please assist me thank you

  182. hi, my name is mongameli george kubheka. I am matriculated in 2008. I would like if harambee can help me to find a job. I would like any kind sof job that will appear. I have been unemployment for four months and now i am living at hermanus. I wpuld like to appreciate your help.

  183. i am a 24 jear old woman looking for a job. i am very eager to learn i have passed my matric in 2013
    my id 9411091057083 my name is Nere Ntsieni and my cell no is 0713209298

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