Noka Offers Learnership Programme 2014

Noka is offering the Learnership Programme 2014 in Runstenburg, South Africa. Noka Learnerships 2014 is a Training Programme in NW Province, where young and unemployed people will get training on Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT).

Noka Training Programme 2014 is offering a lot of career opportunities for students with grade 12. There are several Noka Careers Opportunities available in 2014, and you can also avail the opportunities of latest vacancies by submitting your application form. Noka Learnership Programme 2014 for commerce students have been introduced and a lot of people are going to build their careers with Noka in South Africa.

After completing the Noka Learnership Programme 2014, you will get better job opportunities in near future. You will also get a lot of experience in accounting and commerce field. So have a look on the complete Learnership Descriptions and details before applying at Noka Jobs in South Africa.

Noka Learnership Programme 2014

Closing Date: 31 January 2014

Location: Runstenburg

Noka Learnerships 2014 Descriptions

The Noka Training Programme is an exciting new initiative for the NW Province. This training is for young people who want to work towards an accounting career. Learners with a Grade 12 qualification will undergo 9 months of training on the AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) NQF 5 qualification. AAT(SA) is a unique partnership between the South African Institute of Charted Accountants (SAICA) and the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT), which is a professional body dedicated to the education, development, regulation and support of accounting technicians.

After this training the learners will be assisted with placement in a tertiary institution to further their studies.

The training will take place in Rustenburg on a daily basis and learners will receive an allowance for attendance.

This project is funded by Fasset (The Accounting and Finance Services SETA) and managed by LH Education.

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria

Unemployed learners with Grade 12 Maths and Accounting take advantage of this exceptional opportunity.

How to Apply for Latest Noka Learnerships / Careers

If you think that you comply with eligibility criteria and other job requirements, then you must apply for Noka Learnership Programme 2014, where you will get training in accounting and commerce field. So Apply Online at Noka Career Opportunities by submitting your detailed C.V.

5 thoughts on “Noka Offers Learnership Programme 2014”

  1. Can u pls provide me with your contact number.or give the direction for where interview will be held.and pls sms them to 0725626989

  2. I just missed my interview so i just want to know if i still have a chance to come to an interview cause i was suppose 2 come on Wednesday 19 of February

  3. please sent me your contact details because i want to get some more information for my daughter she is very interested in doing chartered accountant please via email or sms please my cell 083 7528127 thank you


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