North West Dept of Finance Offers Internship Programme

internships at north west dept of finance south africa

North West Department of Finance is offering the Latest Internship Programme 2014-2015 in South Africa. This is a special 12 Month internship programme 2014 in North West in Government Department. Sustainable Resource Management, Financial Governance and Administration Internship Jobs 2014 are available at the North West Dept of Finance (A Government Department in North West).

The Government Vacancies and Jobs are available in different areas of South Africa. So North West Dept of Finance has also offered the Financial Governance Internship Jobs 2015 for the serious candidates, who are willing to get experience in financial department of Government Sector.

The Sustainable Resource Management Internship Programme 2014 can boost your experience, knowledge and expertise at North West Department of Finance. After completing the 12 month Internship Job for 2014, you will be able to get better job opportunities and career offers with handsome salary package in near future. So you should have a look on the following internship programmes for 2014-2015 offered by North West Department of Finance, South Africa.

Internship Jobs at North West Department of Finance

Closing Date: 31 January 2014

Duration: 12 Months

Interns will receive a monthly stipend in accordance with their highest qualifications as at the date of their appointment.

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria

Applicants should be South African citizens, aged between 18 – 35 ♦ Applicants who have already completed an governament internship will not be considered and if this is the case after appointment, the contract will be terminated with immediate effect ♦ Applicants who have not yet received their qualifications must provide proof of academic transcripts or letter confirming that they have completed their studies and will be graduating.

The Dept of Finance is inviting unemployed graduates and graduates with disabilities to apply for internships in the following fields of study:

Sustainable Resource ManagementBudget and GovernanceBudget ManagementPublic Finance Management and Personnel ExpenditureNational Diploma / Degree in Accounting / Economics / Management Accounting / Financial AccountingFinance/SRM/01
Provincial Supply Chain ManagementProvincial Supplier ManagementSCM: Contract ManagementProvincial Supply Chain Management Performance

SCM: Policy Management


National Diploma / Degree in Accounting  / Supply Chain / Economics / LogisticsFinance/SRM/02
Macroeconomics Analysis & Revenue OversightProvincial Revenue OversightMacroeconomic AnalysisNational Diploma / Degree in Economics / Mathematics Science Development StudiesFinance/SRM/03
Financial GovernanceMunicipal FinanceMunicipal Finance  Monitoring and SupportBudget and ReportingNational Diploma / Degree in Financial Accounting / Economics / Financial Management / AuditingFinance/MF/04
Provincial Accounting ServicesAccounting Services (2)Norms and StandardsFinancial Management and Systems TrainingNational Diploma / Degree in AccountingFinance/PAS/05
Provincial Internal Audit ServicesRisk & Specialised AuditsInternal Audit ServicesNational Diploma / Degree in Accounting / Internal AuditingFinance/PIA/06
Provincial Risk ManagementProvincial Risk ManagementNational Diploma / Degree in Internal Auditing / BCom Accounting / AuditingFinance/PRM/07
AdministrationFinancial Management ServicesFinancial Accounting & Bank Management;
Financial Systems;
Salary Management Claims, Payments & Reconciliations
N4 – N6 Certificate  / National Diploma / Degree in Accounting / Financial ManagementFinance/FM/08
HRHR: Admin & Employment PractisesNational Diploma / Degree in Human Resource ManagementFinance/HRM/09
Human Resource DevelopmentNational Diploma / Degree in Human Resource Management / Human Resource Development / Training and developmentFinance/HRD/10
Employee Health and WellnessNational Diploma / Degree in Psychology / Social Work / Occupational Health and SafetyFinance/EHW/11
Strategic ManagementTransformation ProgrammesNational Diploma / Degree in Gender Studies /Disability Studies / Human Resource Management/ Social Science / Public AdminFinance/TP/11
Organisational Development and Monitoring and EvaluationNational Diploma / Degree in Advisory Services / degree in Industrial Psychology, Public AdminFinance/OD/12
Legal ServicesLegal Advisory ServicesLLB DegreeFinance/LSM/13
Information Management ServicesRecords ManagementNational Diploma / Degree inRecords & Archives StudiesFinance/RM/14
CommunicationsNational Diploma / Degree in Communications / PR / JournalismFinance/C/15
Monitoring and EvaluationMonitoring and EvaluationNational Diploma / Degree in Public AdminFinance/M&E/16

How to Apply For North West Dept of Finance Internships For 2014-15

Application must be sumited on a Z83 formand must be accompanied by a detailed CV, certified copies of qualifications and ID. A separate application should be submitted for each post applied for.

Applications must forwarded to the Director: Human Resource Management, Dept of Finance, Private Bag X2060, Mmabatho 2735 for attention: Ms S Tlatsana or Ms K. Metseamere; OR hand delivered at the Human Resource Development Unit, Ground Floor, Ga-Rona Building (East Wing). Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted.

Enquiries: Ms S. Tlatsana, or Ms K Metseamere at (018) 388-3487/22910.

So if you think that you comply with the eligibility criteria and other requirements provided by North West Dept of Finance for Internship Programme 2014-15, you can apply by following the above mentioned method. So don’t waste your time and apply for the Internships at NWDF, South Africa at the earliest possible time.

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