SASSETA Vacancies: Paralegal Learnership 2014

SASSETA Paralegal Learnerships

SASSETA is offering the latest Paralegal Learnership 2014 in EC, NC, KZN and NW South Africa. SASSETA Vacancies are available in different areas of South Africa, where the Paralegal Learnerships 2014 have been announced by the company. Almost 95 learners will get the Paralegal Training at SASSETA in 2014.

Paralegal Learnership Opportunities can boost your experience level and give you experience in the relevant field. So if you are willing to get a Learnership Job 2014 in South Africa, you can join the Paralegal Learnership Programme 2014 at Sasseta by going through their Vacancies and Job Opening Section.

After completing the Learnership Programme at Sasseta, South Africa, you will have more chances to get better job opportunities with handsome salary package in near future. So you should not miss the Job Opportunities at Sasseta and apply at the earliest possible time. Have a look on the following Learnership programme at Sasseta in Paralegal field.

SASSETA Paralegal Learnership 2014

SASSETA – in partnership with the Department of Justice will host a Paralegal learnership NQF 5 early in 2014. We are searching for 95 learners in the four provinces listed below to apply for consideration to be selected for this prestigious learnership.

Applications are limited to those who have written and passed their Grade 12 (Matric) examinations in the 2013 year.


  • EC [41]
  • NC [19]
  • KZN [21]
  • NW [14]

Paralegal assistants play an important role in providing support services to legal and paralegal practitioners as well as limited assistance to members of the public. This results in a greater capacity to address the growing social demand for legal services and limited legal assistance as South Africans embrace democracy and seek to protect their rights. Remember that completion of this learning programme does not guarantee you employment.

How to Apply

To apply for this learnership please do the following. Please read this carefully and comply with the application criteria. Failing to do so will result in your application being discarded.

Your application pack must contain the following:

  1. A letter of motivation listing why you need to be considered for the Paralegal Learnership NQF 5. State the learnership in the subject line for easy identification.
  2. Your Curriculum Vitae listing your personal details and contact numbers plus any other information you view as important to your application. Please note yourcontact details must be a valid and current mobile number or a contactable landline number.
  3. A certified copy of your Matric Results. You can get your results certified at a police station or with a commissioner of oaths at a magistrate’s court.

Send your application to: with the subject Line: Application: Paralegal Learnership NQF 5.

Please list a valid and contactable email address because acknowledgement of receipt of your application will be sent to that email address.


SASSETA Learnership Department

Paralegal Learnership Application NQF 5

SASSETA offices: Riverview Office Park, Janadel Avenue (Cnr) Bekker), Halfway Gardens, Midrand.

After having a look on the above mentioned requirements and eligibility, if you comply with them, you can apply online for Sasseta company’s Paralegal learnerships in South Africa. So have a look on the SASSETA Jobs portal to get latest updates on the new jobs, learnerships and other vacancies at SASSETA.

7 thoughts on “SASSETA Vacancies: Paralegal Learnership 2014

  1. I have completed my paralegal practitioner course and would like to be involved in the leanerships, how should I go about it?

  2. Hi there i did apply for the learnership before the closing date i didnt received any cornfimation that states my application was receive or not. atleast if youcan tell me if my applcation was unsuccessful i would appreciate that and the reason so i can fix the arror next time. please

  3. I am 33 years old and passed matric in 1998 and the year after went for a short course in paralegal.Can you please tell me why only matrics from 2013 are considered and why are there only learnersips for young people what about us that couldn’t complete our training because of unforseen circumstances.I really wanted to become a paralegal and why isn’t there learnerships in capetown.Please tell me if there is a way that I could still learn and become a paralegal through the help of government as the private sector ask to much for these courses.thank you and awaiting your response.

  4. I was ding the CCTV programme in 2014 and we where promised to attend classes this year but I haven’t received a response yet

  5. i just want to know from you i complete my sasseta learnership with fedility company last year june but even now i received nothing from us, help please i dont know what can i do from now on. my ten digit is 079 8097 583.

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