Thuthuka Bursary Fund: Latest Bursaries

Thuthuka Bursary Programme 2015

Thuthuka has announced latest bursaries 2015 in South Africa. Thuthuka Bursary Fund 2015 is available for Chartered Accountants, the Scheme is closing on 30th of April, 2014. Latest Bursary Programmes 2014-2015 have been announced by various institutes and companies working in South Africa for different fields of studies. The Thuthuka Bursary Fund Trust Applications can be submitted before the closing date of bursary programme.

Thuthuka Bursary Programme 2015 can give you benefits in several ways, and you will study after getting tension free. Thuthuka will manage your educational expenses with ease and give you a good environment to study. Hence you must take the advantage of available bursaries in 2015 by submitting your bursary application for Thuthuka Bursaries 2015 in South Africa. You should also have a look on the details of bursary programme to get advantage of the educational funding programme.

Thuthuka Bursary Fund 2015 for Chartered Accountants in South Africa

How to get a bursary

The purpose of the project is to annually place between 250 – 300 fully bursared Black African and Coloured students at selected SAICA-accredited universities in cohorts of 50 per university on special undergraduate BCom Accounting education programmes. The Thuthuka Bursary Fund is looking for academically strong learners who aspire to become Chartered Accountants. Students who do exceptionally well in Mathematics and have excellent marks in the other subject to qualify for university entrance may apply.

Requirements for application of the Thuthuka bursary

  • The learner must be African or Coloured
  • The learner must be a South African Citizen
  • The learner must obtain at least 60% on Mathematics (5 or above on the NSC Scale of Achievement) NOT MATHS LITERACY
  • The learner must be in Grd12 intending on studying B comm. Accounting
  • The learner must be financially needy and will be assessed using the NSFAS MEANS TEST to confirm financial need
  • The learner must not be out of Matric/school for more than 2 years

The Process of Awarding a Bursary

The application must have met the above criteria

The learner must have applied or be in the process of applying to one of the following tertiary institutions:

  • University of Johannesburg
  • University of Cape Town (Bachelor of Commerce code CB011)
  • Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Stellenbosch University
  • University of Pretoria
  • University of Orange Free State
  • University of Witwatersrand (WITS)

Once the learner has met the above criteria they will be called in for testing
Depending on the test results then the learner may be called in for an interview.

Once the learner has met all the above requirements and gone through the relevant test and interview only then will the bursary be provisionally awarded to the learner pending the final Grade 12 results.

How to Apply for Thuthuka Bursary Fund Scheme 2015

Click here to download the applications form, which must be forwarded to the address below upon completion.

Closing Date: 30 April 2014

Postal address:
Thuthuka Bursary Fund
P.O. Box 59875

Contact center number 08610 72422

Hence if you comply with the eligibility criteria and requirements provided by Thuthuka, South Africa, you should submit your bursary application at the earliest possible time for Thuthuka Bursary Funds 2015 available in South Africa.

10 thoughts on “Thuthuka Bursary Fund: Latest Bursaries

  1. Please,could you furnish me with the Thuthuka bursary fund physical address,I would like to courier my application as I received my application form late from my school teacher.

  2. I have read the qualifying criterias of get the bursary but want to know if there is other way may be to help us who did national diploma in accounting and have been out of school for more than two years but very interested in becoming chartered accountants. Please help we need this opportunity also.

  3. I just wanted to say that how come I did not get a bursary even though I passed my test this sucks because now I am very stressed out about my fees please can you consider me again because nsfas has rejected me please I need your help

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