Hernic Ferrochrome Offers Production Learnership 2014

Hernic Ferrochrome Learnership Jobs in SA

The Hernic Ferrochrome Pty, Ltd is offering the Latest Production Learnership Programme 2014 in Pretoria, South Africa. The Production Learnerships 2014 can boost your experience and expertise level in short span of time, so you should avail these Production Job Opportunities by submitting your application at the earliest possible time.

Hernic Ferrochrome Jobs and Careers usually remain vacant and you should get the complete advantage of the training programmes going on in South Africa at different companies like Hernic Ferrochrome. The Latest Production Learnerships 2014 at Hernic Ferrochrome are helpful for you in your future, as you may able to get more better Production Jobs and Career offers from various big companies working in South Africa.

It is pertinent to mention here that after completing the Hernic Ferrochrome Learnership 2014, you may get better job opportunities from other companies. You may also avail the jobs at Hernic Ferrochrome after successful completion of your learnership programme 2014. Hence if you are interested, you should have a look on the details of learnership jobs before submitting your job application at the recruitment department of the company.

Hernic Ferrochrome Production Learnerships 2014 in South Africa

Location: Pretoria

The incumbents will train as Cranebay Operators.

They will:

  • Complete the NQF Level
  • Production Learnership
  • Inspect equipment to maintain SHEQ


  • Minimum academic qualification – Grade 12 or NQF level 4 equivalent
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Must reside in Madibeng Local Municipality
  • Ability to work under high temperatures
  • Medically fit.

NB: No late applications will be accepted.

Closing Date: 7 March 2014 at 16:00

How to Apply for Hernic Ferrochrome Learnership Programme 2014

If you comply with the eligibility criteria and other requirements provided by Hernic Ferrochrome, you may Apply Online for the Production Learnerships 2014 to get experience and expertise in production field. You should not miss the Hernic Ferrochrome Vacancies for 2014 available in South Africa, and submit your application for Learnership at your first convenient.

14 thoughts on “Hernic Ferrochrome Offers Production Learnership 2014

  1. i will passionately love to apply for this hernic learnership but i live in mpumalanga,willing to relocate if being given a chance my no: 0720462781 alt 0727645393

  2. hi i have passed matric and engeneering studys as fitting and turner with four subjects please you team upp me to be part of apprenticeship as a fitting and turner.

  3. My name is thapelo nkada I would like to apply for a learnership I am doi engineering at mankwe orbit collage.0839851815

  4. Im realy intrested 2 apply 4 hernic learnership , since january i hv bee trying 2 apply for it but i never recieve any response , im living next 2 hernic , en i passed my matric last yr en im stll sitted at home i hv no job en my cvs are at de office but dey never contacted me , so plz help me . Im still fresh frm school en im eager 2 learn new thngs , en able 2 work underpressure . Plz reply en i wll be happy

  5. Cs an you please help me enter to this learnership program as I’m willing to work hard to be one of the trusted employees of hernia ferrochrome.my contacts is 0768992723

  6. My name is Koketso Motlhamme an i’m willing to enter in this hernic learnership programme for 2015,i finished my matric on 2014 an i also reside in Madibeng Local Municipality.plz help 0818092095

  7. I would’ve applied for the learnership but I saw the advert late,if there would be other learnership opportunities I definitely will apply.
    pls send me an email if there will be other opportunities I live at Letlhabile.

  8. my name is refiloe kgogome am seeking for any leanership am located at oukasi i finished my matric in 2008 with a great marks your help is more important to me thanks.

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