Netcare Learnerships in South Africa: Netcare Jobs

Netcare Jobs Learnerships Training Programmes Careers

Netcare Jobs for 2014 have been announced in South Africa. Netcare is offering the Latest Learnerships 2014 for Grade 12 students in Midrand, SA. If you are looking for experience in the relevant field then you should join the special learning programme 2014 at Netcare, South Africa. These learnerships for disabled candidates are available for candidates with disability, and disabled persons should submit their learnership application for the Netcare Learnership Programme 2014.

Netcare jobs are usually available in Johannesburg, Gauteng, Pretoria, KZN, Cape Town and Durban etc, and you can avail these job offers after getting experience in your relevant field by working at Netcare. Several Training Programmes for 2014 are going on in South Africa, but you should also have a look on the Netcare Vacancies in South Africa, where you can optimize your skills and knowledge. Netcare has announced these Learnership Jobs for Disabled Candidates, and the people with any disability can apply for the Netcare Jobs for Disabled persons.

Netcare Learnerships 2014 can boost your experience and expertise level in short span of time. It is also pertinent to mention here that you may get more better job opportunities and career offers after successful completion of Netcare Learnership Programme 2014 in South Africa. You may also get Netcare Jobs and Careers after completing your learnership opportunity successfully. If you are interested in joining the Netcare Learnership Programme in Midrand South Africa, you should submit your learnership job application at the earliest convenient at the recruitment department of Netcare, South Africa. You should have a look on the details of programme before submitting your employment request.

Netcare Learnerships 2014 in South Africa


Qualifications / Expereince / Eligibility Criteria

  • Learnerships – Grade 12
  • Please indicate the nature of your disability on your CV
  • English proficiency
  • Be a South African Citizen and be in possession of a valid SA ID book
  • Must have a disability.


How to Apply for Netcare Learnership Programme 2014 – NetCare Jobs in SA


Netcare actively supports the recruitment of people living with disabilities.

Interested candidates who meet the above criteria are requested to e-mail a detailed CV to or alternatively fax application details to fax number: (011) 301-0079, by no later than 20 March 2014.

The Net Care Careers and Learnerships are for disabled people in South Africa, so if you have any disability and comply with the eligibility criteria, you should apply for the Netcare Learnerships Jobs in South Africa at the earliest possible time to get experience and expertise in your relevant field.

12 thoughts on “Netcare Learnerships in South Africa: Netcare Jobs

  1. Hy am Itumeleng Ganyane am 20yrs old i was a matriculant last year am interested in traffic officer learnership nw am busy wth licence bt b4r gudfridai i wl be hvng my license so plz inform me wth any job or any learnership my nmbr 0764872168

  2. my name is nthabiseng thabisile im realy interested on netcare learnership bt my problem i don’t have matric but i only have grade 10 n level2 qualifications please i reaaly need this learnership please accept me i have accounting and officer administration

  3. Hey my name is itshokeng lybia malebye.I’m 26 years old of age.I complete my matric in 2007, I study call center support,now I volunteer at relebogile care and support group as a care giver… I’m looking for teaching learnership

  4. hi my name is mmadika,I completed matric in 2002 and I’m interested in nursing, would you please inform me of any learnerships available

  5. I am an Advanced life support and I would like to Continue my studies and become a graduate in emergency field. I need your support for a learnership. I promise to serve in your Emergency department when I finish my studies

  6. Hi my name is WendY Ramba… Am from Cape town, and am in need of a job. I was wondering if I could be assisted. Am a person who loves caring and helping out, I wish to be a nurse, consultant,ect… Please if there is any post please please contact me @:0710658939 WENDY RAMBA… I matriculated 2012 and can’t wait to here from you guys!!!

  7. Hi I matriculated in 2007.I have done voluntery work,sales consultant,cashier,call center agent was a field workers as well.

  8. I have grade 12,BAA certificate,drivers license C1,home base care,childcare experience and wish to apply for a leanership program.I’m willing to learn and work under pressure.I have good communication skills,I like to know why people might go under performing and see what we can do to help them back up to speed.

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