CSIR June/July Vacatoin Work Programme

CSIR Summer Internship Jobs Training Programmes

The CSIR Defence, Peace, Safety and Security is offering the June/July 2014 Vacation Work Programme 2014 in South Africa.The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is one of the biggest companies working in South Africa, and it my be a best job opportunity for you to get training at CSIR, South Africa.

The Summer Vacation Work Programme 2014 at CSIR can kick start your career with a good job opportunity, and after successful completion of your Vacation Work / Summer Internship Jobs at CSIR, you may get more better and reliable jobs in South Africa. The CSIR Careers and Vacancies usually remain vacant / available, and you may avail these job opportunities by submitting your job application at the recruitment dept of the CSIR Defence, Peace, Safety and Security, South Africa.

The Interested candidates should have a look on the details of CSIR Vacation Work 2014 i.e. a special Training Programme 2014 for those candidates / students who are willing hard t0 get experience in their relevant fields.

CSIR June 2014 Online Applications are available for the interested candidates, and you can apply online for the CSIR June 2014 Vacation Work Programme.

CSIR June/July 2014 Vacation Work Opportunity in South Africa

CSIR Defence, Peace, Safety and Security invites applications for the June/July Vacation Work.

About the Vacation Work Training Programme 2014 at CSIR:

CSIR Defence, Peace, Safety and Security (DPSS) unit positions itself as the strategic science, engineering and technology (SET) partner of state departments and agencies in the defence, peace, safety and security industries. As such, it develops its people to operate as experts in SET disciplines and to have systems insight and application domain understanding. It contributes to the national need for skilled SET people through programmes with universities and leading laboratories.

The CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) is a leading scientific and technology research organisation, implementing projects throughout Africa and making a difference in people’s lives.The vacation work programme is designed to provide students with experience and understanding of research and development and the implementation thereof in projects. Students will gain in-depth experience and knowledge in this field through exposure to world-class facilities and some of the top minds in radar and electronic protection. The opportunities are based in Pretoria.

Minimum requirements / Eligibility Criteria

  • Be third-year students pursuing Bachelor’s degrees in computer or electronic engineering.
  • A minimum of 60% academic average for the past three years – please attach latest results.
  • A letter of motivation as to why the CSIR should consider the applicants’ application.
  • Applicants must be South African citizens.


How to Apply for CSIR Vacancies / Vacation Work Programme 2014

The CSIR June to July 2014 Vacation Work Programme 2014 is a special training programme that is going to be started soon. The selected candidates will get training in the relevant field while working at CSIR, South Africa. Hence if you comply with eligibility criteria, you can Apply Online for the CSIR Jobs and Summer Training Programme 2014 to get experience and skills in the relevant field of study.

4 thoughts on “CSIR June/July Vacatoin Work Programme

  1. I am student currently studying environmental sciences and i am so eager in joining the CSIR as it encourages students to be innovative and good reseachers in a way that it grooms us to be better scientists, so that we can build a better South Africa

  2. I have a National Diploma in office Management and Technology and i am so eager in joining the CSIR as it encourages students to be innovative and good reseachers in a way that it grooms us to be better, so that we can build a better South Africa

  3. I am a 23 year old female..who is doing civil engineering at coastal college FET..at umlazi v..in kwa-zulu natal..I woul’d really love to get a chance to be one of the cadidates at CSIR..

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