SAB Bursaries: Brewing, Packaging, Supply Chain, Marketing

SAB Bursaries for 2015 in South Africa

SAB is offering the Latest Bursaries 2015 in the Following fields of study:-

  • Brewing
  • Packaging
  • Control & Automation
  • Supply Chain
  • Marketing

The SAB Bursary Programme 2015 can give you benefits in various fields. So if you are studying one of the above field, you can submit the SAB Bursary Application Form at the earliest possible time to avail these available bursaries for 2015 in South Africa. The SABMiller Vacancies and Jobs have also been announced in various categories, and now you can apply for the 2015 Bursary Programme at SAB, South Africa.

SAB Bursaries 2015 can manage your educational expenses during your study time, and you can now study without any tension of fee or finance problem. SAB Bursary Scheme 2015 should be availed by the hard working and talented candidates in South Africa, so have a look on the details of available Bursaries for 2015 at SAB.

SAB Bursaries 2015 in Brewing, Marketing, Supply Chain, Packaging and Control & Automation Fields

SAB is committed to contributing to South Africa’s national skills development agenda. One of the ways in which this is demonstrated is by awarding academic bursaries to talented and deserving South African students. Bursary focus areas change from year to year and are impacted by the South African skills market and the SAB business need.

In addition to financial support, our bursars are also afforded the opportunity to learn more about the world of work by participating in the resolution of real business challenges, through structured summer school or vacation work.

SAB expects its bursars to maintain high academic standards and exemplary behavioural conduct during their years of study. After the successful completion of their degrees, our bursars join the company full time as graduate trainees.

Bursaries are currently available in the following areas of study:

  • Brewing
  • Packaging
  • Control & Automation
  • Supply Chain
  • Marketing

Note: Applications for the 2015 Bursary Programme are open and will close on 15 August 2014.

How to Apply for SAB Bursary Programme 2015

SAB Bursary Funds have been allocated by the company, and if you comply with the eligibility criteria you can Apply Online for the recently announced SAB Bursaries 2015 in different fields. SAB is one of the biggest and famous companies working in South Africa, and it can help you in the management of your educational expenses. So you should not miss the opportunity, and submit your application for Bursaries 2015 at the earliest time.

16 thoughts on “SAB Bursaries: Brewing, Packaging, Supply Chain, Marketing

  1. My daughter is in matric this year and I would like to know how to go about gettin a bursary for next year for her.

  2. I am intersting in doing accountancy and my grade 12 passing average is 60%, so i was intersted in finding out if SAB bursary can accommodate me in furthering my studies in 2015. I’ll be waiting for feedback thank you.

  3. I am doing second year at university of Limpopo, I am doing B.ADMIN. i am looking for application form.

  4. Hi I’m Emmanuel Mongatane I’m studying bcom law at Midrand Graduate institute and I’m interested to get bursary do a qualify with this course. Thank you.

  5. I am 26 years old have a National senior certificate from Damelin college which I obtained in 2007, I’d really love to study further but can’t financially, just wanted to. Know if I could apply.

  6. please send me the application form i am studying small business management majoring in management and marketing

  7. Currently doing my 3rd year at Vaal university of technology ,i really need a bursary for Marketing ,please send me an application form

  8. Good Day
    I just wanted to find out if i qualify for a SABMiller bursary in accounting science or financial science, if my grade 12 marks had a 64% average

  9. Good day!

    I am currently not working NIR studying,I have have completed my Ncv Tourism NQF Level 4. And I am very interested in being part of your SAB team,in any of your learnership programmes I would really love and appreciate anything u give me.please let me know if I would make a perfect candidate’s for any kind of your learnership.


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