Standard Bank Learnerships in Various Provinces of SA

Standard Bank South Africa Learnership Programmes

Standard Bank South Africa has announced the Latest Learnerships 2014 in Various Provinces of South Africa Including Eastern Cape, Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal (KZN) and Western Cape. The Standard Bank Learnerships 2014 are opened for those candidates who are hard working and talented. If you want to get experience in the banking field / accounting & finance, you should join the Standard Bank Learnership Programme 2014.

Various Learnerships in South Africa have been announced in the banking sector by various banks, and now the Standard Bank is also offering the Career Opportunities for Learners. The Standard Bank Learning Programme 2014 will jump start your career, and you will get more better banking jobs and career offers from various other banks working in South Africa. The Standard Bank Learnership Opportunities usually remain available / vacant, and you should get the full advantage of these Learnership Programmes, as such they will provide you valuable experience in the relevant field. If you are interested in Standard Bank Learnership Programme, you should go through the complete details of the learnership opportunities.

Standard Bank Learnerships 2014 in Various Provinces of South Africa

Closing Date: 12 June 2014

Location: Eastern Cape / Gauteng / KwaZulu Natal / Western Cape

Ref.No: SBL201403

Stipend: R8000

About the Internships at Standard Bank, South Africa

The Standard Bank Financial Consultancy Learnership is an internship programme targeted at the Financial Planner role within the Standard Bank Financial Consultancy in Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Kwa—Zulu Natal Only. It is a 24 month intensive programme that consists of theoretical training together with practical training and sales.


  • Have completed a 3 year Finance / Financial Planning related qualification (Degree or Diploma)

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria

  • Be between the ages of 23-30
  • Be able to speak, read and write English
  • Be computer literate
  • Not be employed
  • Not be studying at any other institution
  • Not be registered on any other learnership
  • Drivers Licence and own car
  • Recruitment Process

Candidates must have a valid email address as all correspondence will be done via email.

Candidates will be required to complete relevant assessments- online.

The following checks will be conducted:

  • Register for Employees Dismissed (RED) checks
  • Credit and criminal record checks
  • Reference checks with previous employers
  • Verification of educational qualifications
  • Proof of South African citizenship / South African residency / work permit

How to Apply for Standard Bank Learnership Programme 2014 in South Africa

Standard Bank Careers and Job Opportunities usually remain available, and you may also avail these opportunities after having good experience in the relevant field. Standard Bank has recently announced the Financial Consultancy Learnerships 2014 in different provinces of South Africa, and you should Apply Online at Standard Bank for the recently announced careers for learners. The Standard Bank Learnerships in Financial Consultancy will be beneficial for you, as you will go through various tasks related to your field, and get experience that will be helpful in near future. So don’t miss the Standard Bank Internship Opportunities / Learnerships and submit your application at the recruitment dept of Standard Bank of South Africa.

26 thoughts on “Standard Bank Learnerships in Various Provinces of SA

  1. Hi I’m a financial management student doing N5,was hoping ucould send me some learnerships that requiers grade 12 n N5 n5 as a qualification.thanks

  2. I’ll like to apply for this learnership.subject that i passed at school,English,sepedi,mathematical literacy,business,geography,life orientation.

  3. I’ll like to apply for this learnership.subject that i passed at school,English,sepedi,mathematical literacy,business,geography,life orientation.(matric2013)with diploma.

    1. I want to apply for this learnership,i passed my matric and i studied marketing management,im computer literate nd i have 2 years working experience

  4. i would like to apply for this learnership, subject that i passed at school, English, Isixhosa, mathematical leteracy, science, accounting, life oriantation, life sciences, physical sciences

  5. Hi im a hard woker fast learner with no matric passed grade 11 i have basic computer course,i am so interested in banking. can i apply?

  6. Good afternoon

    I’ve realised that this is an interesting interrnship so, I would like to take part on it. I am currently doing my final semester at Unisa. my course is based on INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT(COMPUTER SCIENCE). If there is any internship related to this, please don’t hesitate .

  7. Hi, I will like to apply for the internship. I do not have money for studies but is my dream to work in a bank. I passed matric and my subjects was Maths, Accounting, Computer Applications Studies and Business Studies. I would love to see an reply. Thank you

  8. i have matric only nd passed all my subject >>> geo,eng.afrk.maths l..LS.hist.LO ….. can i apply

    1. Hi im the girl of 22 years old of age,i’m looking for a job and since the standard careers offers learnership i’d like to take part too since i passed matric and i’m at home,i did the following subjects:Sepedi,English,Mathematics,physical sciences,Life Orientation,Life Sciences and Tourism.i will be so grateful if my application will fall under does who will be employed

  9. I am 23 lives in Knysna , western cape. I passed my matric in 2009 and i was doing commecial studies at school. 2011 I did my L2 certificate in Office Admin. And now I have jst finish my Diploma in Business Management. I got experiance in sales consultancy and in client servises.

  10. I am 30 years of age,I have a National Diploma in Local Government Finance.I have worked for Pick n Pay as a Inventory Clerk,Ackermans as a Human Resource Administrator and worked for Correctional Service as an intern for finance.I am a person of integrity, a fast learner, I strive for success and take pride in what ever I do.

  11. I passed my matric and have few works experiences I always want to start a career at standard bank be the part of the team

  12. Hi, i would like to apply this learnership i only have matric with passing subject of english,zulu,law,accounting,business economics,economics and maths

  13. Hi I could like to apply for this post I only did diploma in business Admin specialising in human resource management and I’m a computer literate lady, and matrix wit passing subjects of English,Afrikaans, Economics, Business,and tourism

  14. I pass my matric with maths science english afrikaans business studies biology and life orientation . I also studied for a year at nmmu as an analytical chemist and have my results . I also have a level 1 first aid diploma , a computer course diploma , and did a course on how to communicate with people for three year , can i also apply

  15. My name is Talent Nosihawu Ntombela im 27 years old passed my grade 12 in 2004. I have computer, call centre, drivers licence code C1, BAA basic ambulance assistance. I have good communication skill ame like working with people. I have worked for Cash Paymaster Services. Iwould love to a part of da Thank you

  16. I would like to apply for this learnership I passed my matic with diploma n nw studing business management 3years and I’m on my 3rd year 2014,I also equiped a book keeping certificate

  17. I give up, there is nothing in this world for me been trying everything, its like don’t match anything in these vacancies and these learnerships, studied Business Principle and Practice a NQF 5 qualification and yet I can’t get nothing this sucks.

  18. When will you recruit staffs again? Pls I need job I am an OND holder. Thanks we appreciate your service!

  19. I passed my matric and i would love to be considered for this banking learnership,subjects passed : mathematical literacy,English,Bussiness studies,.

  20. Hi I would like to apply for 2015 learnership. I’m 26 years old & have passed Grade 12. The subjects I’ve done are as follow” English second ad lang, N sotho , maths lit, bussiness studies, Economics, LO. Your respond will be highly appreciated thank you.

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