Provincial Bursaries: KZN Department of Health Bursary

Dept of Health KZN Bursaries 2014

The Latest Provincial Bursaries for 2014 are available at KZN Department of Health, South Africa. The Government Bursaries 2015 are rare in South Africa, so it is the best chance for you to apply for KZN Department of Health Bursary Programme 2014. If you are seeking for the available bursaries 2014 at government department of South Africa, then you have come to the right place.

The Provincial Bursary Programme 2014 can make your study time more reliable and healthy. If you are finding it hard to manage your educational expenses, then you should submit your bursary application form for the Government / Provincial Bursaries 2014 in South Africa. The KZN Department of Health Bursaries 2014 will be helpful for you, as you will be studying without any tension. So don’t waste your time and get full advantage from the Government Bursary Scheme 2014. The details about the KZN Department of Health Bursary Programme 2015 are appended below.

Provincial Bursaries 2015: KZN Dpet of Health Bursaries for 2014

The Department of Health is promoting careers in Health Sciences and is offering provincial bursaries for the following fields of study:

  • BCMP

Qualifying  Institutions



Applicants must

  • Be from KZN Province
  • Be financially needy (Combined gross income of parents must be less than R120 000), if income is above
  • sliding scales will apply;
  • Candidates must not be older than 35 years

Candidates must produce the following:

  • Certified copies of Identity Document, Matric certificate with a minimum of 4 achievement level/ D symbol in all subjects;
  • Obtain a total of 15 points and above in the 3 subjects (Mathematics, Biology or Life science and Physical science)

Please note

Applicants must

  • Bursary application forms must be collected from the Human Resource Office at all Government Hospitals, Clinics or CHC’s, Due to the volume of applications received only successful applicants will be notified.
  • All successful candidates will be required to sign a year for year work back agreement to serve district.
  • All supportive identity documents of both parents, pay slip, death/divorce certificate and sworn affidavit to be attached stating the legal guardian or marital status of parents.
  • Applicants must sign when receiving and when returning the application form to the same institution where the form was obtained. No posted application will be considered but should be delivered by hand.

Closing Date: 15 July 2014

How to Apply for Provincial Bursary Programme 2014 at KZN Department of Health, South Africa

The KZN Department of Health has announced the Latest Medical Bursaries 2014 for the Medical Students of South Africa. So if you are studying Medical, then you should submit your bursary application form for the KZN Medical Bursaries at the KZN dept of Health, South Africa. So if you comply with the eligibility Criteria, you can have a look on the KZN Bursaries to submit your application for Bursaries 2014 online.

The department reserves the right to further verifies the authenticity of information provided. Failure to comply with the above directions will lead to disqualification of application.

2 thoughts on “Provincial Bursaries: KZN Department of Health Bursary

  1. My daughter is in matric this year, the subjects that she is doin are, business studies, tourism, geography, mathematical literacy, life orientation, afrikaans and english. Can she get a bursary to study something related to theses subjects?

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