Packaging Learnerships at SA Breweries South Africa

SA Breweries Jobs Careers Learnerships Internships

The South African Breweries (SAB) is offering the Latest Packaging Learnerships 2015 in South Africa. The SA Breweries Learnership Programme 2015 will boost your experience level and raise your skills in short span of time. The Packaging Learnership Opportunities are rare in South Africa, so you should get full advantage of the Packaging Learnerships at SA Breweries.

The Packaging Jobs and Careers usually remain available in various countries including South Africa. You may become able to avail these Packaging Careers after completing the SAB Learnerships 2015. The SA Breweries Jobs and Careers may also be available for you after getting the learnership completion certificate from the company. The Packing or Packaging is a field that needs valuable experience and good training to make you expert. So you should join the Packaging Learnership Programme 2015 available at SAB at the first convenient. The interested candidates should go through the details and descriptions of the Packaging Learning Programme 2015 before forwarding their job application at the recruitment department of the company.

Packaging Learnerships 2015 at South African Breweries (SAB) in South Africa

South African Breweries is offering Learnerships at the Rosslyn Production plant to provide 24 individuals with an opportunity to enrol for a National Certificate in Food and Beverage Packaging NQF 3. They will enter into a one-year, fixed term contract with Rosslyn Brewery, during which they will undergo both on-the-job and off-the-job learning, culminating in a national qualification.


  • Self motivated
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to interact well in teams
  • Ability to work effectively in teams


  • Minimum Matric with Maths & English
  • Technical Courses (N2, N3, N4, N5 or N6) will be an added advantage
  • Experience in a food and beverage packaging line will be an advantage.


Learnership is a structured learning programme that combines off-the-job learning and on-the-job learning in an integrated programme. The off-the- job component covers more theoretical aspects of the learning with work-based learning providing the opportunity for application of the theory and the further practical learning experiences required.

Further characteristics of a Learnership are:

  1. A Learnership leads to a national qualification registered on the (NQF) Qualification Framework.
  2. The qualification is based on SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) registered unit standards
  3. The unit standards are written to reflect value adding skills required in the workplace and contains the outcomes and assessment criteria
  4. Competence is demonstrated in the workplace utilising a variety of assessment methods and using the assessment criteria as the standard of performance.

Closing Date: 23 January 2015

How to Apply for SA Breweries Learnerships 2015: Packaging Careers / Jobs

SAB is offering the Latest Packaging Learnership Opportunities for those candidates, who are willing to get experience in the field of packaging / packing. So if you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Click here to apply online for the Latest Packing Learnership Jobs. If you are interested in packaging field, you should not miss the chance. The Packaging experience will be really helpful for you in near future, when you will get better packing jobs and career offers from various other big companies of South Africa. So keep in mind the closing date and go for the job application at the first convenient for getting better Packaging training.

9 thoughts on “Packaging Learnerships at SA Breweries South Africa

  1. Good day,I will like to have the opportunity of getting a leaarnership at SAB,I have passed my matric very well and also think I meet all the requirements,I will highly appreciate if you get back to me as am looking foward to it.Thank you in advance.

  2. im impeccable hard working coupled with highly thinking matriculated with maths,physics,&technical studies would appreaciate the learnership programe at SAB and excel should the opportunity arise.would be very please hearing from you,regards Reginald.0735504157

  3. i would like have this opportunity getting the learnership at SAB,i never pass my matric but i have 3 years in service department please call on this number 0789072668

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