Unilever Bursaries: Engineering Bursary Programme

Unilever Bursaries Jobs Careers Vacancies

The Unilever is offering the Latest Bursaries for 2015 in South Africa. The Unilever Engineering Bursary Programme 2015 is available for the talented, hard working and deserving students. The Unilever Bursaries and In Service Training Programme have been announced many times in South Africa, and now the company has come up with the Latest Engineering Bursaries 2015. The Supply Chain Engineering Bursary Programme 2015 will make your study time more reliable, and you will become able to study with more ease.

The Unilever Careers and Jobs usually remain available in South Africa, and the company is also offering the Supply Chain Management Engineering Bursaries in South Africa. The interested candidates should have a look on the details of programme before forwarding their bursary application form at the concerned department of the Unilever South Africa.

Unilever Bursaries for 2015: Supply Chain Management Engineering Bursary Scheme 2015

Be part of the largest FMCG company in South Africa and a global winning team. The Unilever Supply Chain Engineering Bursary Programme will offer you the support structure to complete your degree successfully and with the right capabilities.

Put your genius to good use.

It takes a clear person to figure out how to raise the figures by 30%. It takes extra genius to do this without ruining the planet 30% more. The things that you can learn at Unilever, will make you a better leader for a different kind of career. Unilever’s Bursary Programme will offer you a support structure to complete your degree successfully!

Our brands are among the most successful in the FMCG industry because the people behind them were not afraid to stay hungry for success.

Who can apply for this opportunity?

The bursary scheme is open to any person in South Africa who wants to study Engineering at tertiary level

How to Apply for Unilever Bursary Programme 2015: Engineering Bursaries for 2015

Apply for financial assistance today. Click here to download the application form and follow the submission instructions

You can e-mail bursary.SA@unilever.com for more information.

Closing date: 30 April 2015

If you have not heard from the Unilever Bursary Fund by the 31 July 2015, please consider yourself unsuccessful.

The Unilever Bursary Scheme 2015 will be helpful for you while your study in college / university. The interested candidates should forward their bursary application form at the first convenient to avail these bursary opportunities.

3 thoughts on “Unilever Bursaries: Engineering Bursary Programme

  1. I am a 23years old female from mpumalanga am in need for a Nedbank bursary am very partisan and am a hard worker i work very good with people I believe in vision and action ,I always do my duties, my long term goal involve working for a winning company like Nedbank and I believe that I this bursary will me achieve a good level my career ,I thank you I hope my application will be a success.

  2. I’m a first year student at DURBAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY for PULP AND PAPER TECHNOLOGY I DON’T have money to pay for first semester I need a scholarship or a bursary fund to Unilever

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