First National Bank Bursaries: FNB Bursary Programme

Bursaries at First National Bank South Africa

The First National Bank of Pakistan has announced the latest Bursaries 2015 for hard working students. The FNB Bursary Programme 2015 will manage your educational expenses, and you will be studying without any tension. Various companies, banks and institutes have announced the bursary schemes for 2015 for those students who are really talented and deserving.

The FNB Bursary 2015 will be beneficial for you, if you are finding it hard to pay your school fee. The First National Bank has provided different Internship jobs and Bursaries for 2014 in past, and now it has allocated the bursary funds for students. If you are interested, you should submit your bursary application for First National Bank Bursaries 2015. Before submitting the bursary application form, you should have a look on the details of First National Bank Bursaries for 2015. The following Bursaries are available in the Commerce, Engineering and Science Fields.

FNB Bursaries 2015: The Latest Bursary Programme

The FNB Fund Bursary Programme provides tertiary education access for learners who are academically capable but financially disadvantaged. An FNB Fund sponsored bursary administered by Studietrust is a partial bursary and is offered for any of the following qualifications:


  • Accounting
  • Actuarial Science
  • Auditing
  • Economic & Management Sciences
  • Economics
  • Financial Management
  • Investment Management
  • Management
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Computer Science
  • Information Systems
  • Information Technology
  • Statistics
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Law
  • Psychology
  • Organisational Psychology


  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Building Technology
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Construction Management
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Metallurgical Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Mining Survey
  • Architecture


  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Business Information Technology
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Information Systems
  • Information Technology
  • Software Development
  • Actuarial Science
  • Statistics
  • Mathematics

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria for FNB Bursary Scheme 2015

  • A certified copy of this year’s June exam results or an appropriate progress report if no examination was written with a minimum of 60% in Mathematics, English and Physical Science.
  • A copy of your final results if you have completed your NSC (matric).
  • Your academic record if you are currently studying at a tertiary institution.
  • Two testimonials: The first by a responsible educational official (e.g. your principal or lecturer) and the other by a community leader (e.g. your spiritual leader, local civic leader, etc.). See Sections 5 and 6.
  • An essay on your life in Section 7. This essay must be written by you personally. Your parent / guardian / friend may include a letter of recommendation.
  • Proof of income/salary* of parent(s) or guardian. (*e.g. payslip or letter from employer or sworn statement or tax return statement).
  • A certified copy of your South African Identity Document (ID).

Closing Date: 30 September 2014

How to Apply for First National Bank Bursaries in South Africa

If you comply with the eligibility criteria for FNB Bursaries 2015, you should Apply Online for the Latest Available Bursaries at First National Bank, South Africa.

Post your application to: PO Box 29192, Melville, 2109.Email Enquiries: (not for applications)

The interested candidates should submit their bursary application form for FNB Bursary Programme 2015 in South Africa to get the advantage during their study period.

42 thoughts on “First National Bank Bursaries: FNB Bursary Programme

  1. I am Clint Dlamini I would like to be noted when there are any available bursaries @ FNB. I desperately need a financial support haven’t paid my fees or the past three months now @ UNIVERSITY Of JOHANNESBURG.

    I would be happy to receive an email from you.

  2. I am a first year student at the university of Johannesburg and in need for a bursary so that I can complete my studies currently am doing banking

  3. I am a grade 12 leaner at J.G zuma hingh School I need a busary to take my education to the next level

  4. Hy Im Esihle Matomela ,I need a bursary to further my studies,I already have a bachelor degree attained in 2013.All I need is financial assistance..Im looking ahead to study Industrial psychology.

  5. Hey I’m Busani Hlabisa currently a first year student at University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville campus) doing Bsc LES and I really need financial support to pay for my studies

  6. hey my name is sibusiso I am a first year student in wits university and I am studying a Bsc degree and I need financial assistance to continue with my studies. I am looking forward to become a mathematician. I will appreciate if I get help.

  7. Hi, I am Madela DH and I currently doing my second years at University of Limpopo. I need financial assistance in order to further my studies. I intend to become Mathematical Statistician, I would be pleased if I could get feedback soon

  8. Hy admin am mandla dlamini am doing Human Resource in majub college i wana knw that F.N.B bursary cn assist me untl i complt my diploma coz nw am doing N4?

  9. I am a grade 12 student and i’d like to get an application form, via e-mail or post (97 Bisset street, Umkomaas 4170)

  10. hi, I’m David thaphane nd I’m currently doing first year in marketing at tshwane university of technology.i need financial assistance in order to further my studies ,i would be pleased if i get feedback soon, thanks

  11. Hi, I’m a student at Rhodes University and I’m studying Bcom Accounting, I really need financial assistance. This is my postal address 262 Ebony Park, EXT 4 Scheflera Street, Midrand 1685, I Need the application forms.

  12. Hi, i am a student at the University Of Johannesburg. i really need financial assistance, i am currently studying Psychology. my postal address: PO Box 836, Letaba 0870, kindly send me apllication forms.

  13. Hi, I’ve applied for Psychology honours at Rhodes University in Grahamstown. I am a bread winner at home with many responsibilities. I cant afford to study honours on my own due to financial constraints. I could be glad if my application can be considered.

    Thank you FNB for the support giving to us.

  14. Hi,i am a student at the university of stellenbosch.i really need financial assistance,i am currently studying medicine and bachelor of postal adress is PO Box 578,thohoyandou 0950.kindly send me application form

  15. Hi my name is lerato and i am a tertiary student doing my 3rd year in psychology. I had to leave school this year due to my financial problems. I would help a lot if i were to be considered for the bursary so i can go back to school next year. Please email your reply and hopefully the application forms. Thank you.

  16. Hi, I am Vincent currently doing my third year, so I just want to know if you also fund for postgraduate students or just undergraduate students only?

  17. Im in need for a bursary im a second year psychology student. im in need of the bursary it would really help me because im self-funded an its straining my family. my mother is a single parent who is an educator and does not earn much for a liviving. I would be very happy if fnb could sponsor me so that next year i will be able to further my studies till to my masters degree and next year i wont make it. i would be very happy if fnb funds me this bursary its a need not a want. may you please send me your application forms

  18. Hi

    I am Aluwani Magada, I have a degree of BCom in Tourism Management that i have studied at University of Venda. Currently am not employed and now I want to study BCom in Accounting degree at the same University. Am interested on this bursary to further my studies.

    I will be very thankful if you consider my application

  19. hi i am a first year student at university of Zululand doing b com economics i kindly ask for financial assistance

  20. I am studying information technology at Boston city campus I am in need of a bursary, can you help me please

  21. Need a bursary for BCom Accounting Sciences.Obtained 4 distinctions including Accounting.No funds and supported by a single parent.Thanks in advance.I really need assistance.I am accepted at the University of Johannesburg.May u assist

  22. greetings.
    my name is katlego mokonoto, im currently studying bsc mathematical statistics at university of Pretoria. I need a bursary for my studies and i do comply with the requirements for the bursary.

  23. Hai out there..? I am Sem Alweendo and I am currently in level 1 doing DIESEL MECHANIC (engineering) at NIMT (Namibian Institution of Minning & Technology) in Namibia, I really need financial help! I do not have any source of income! I am very good and I have no bad record, help me out! Thank you.

  24. My name is Naledi Motsoeneg, I am currently studying human resources management doing my final year at Vaal University of Technology…being raised by a single parent working as a domestic worker,my father passed away in 2010. I really need a bursary for my studies to be able to pay for my outstanding fees,your help will be really appreciated…

  25. I am doing my second year at university i live with my single we really need money for me to finish my studies i would really appreciate it if i find help

  26. Good day.

    I am currently employed by the Department of Healtg and registered for B-Com a Industrial and Organizational Psychology. I desperately need financial assistance as I can not afford to pay for my fees. Kindly advise.

  27. am doing my second year and I need a bursary to pay for this year and the coming year is it possible? please help

  28. I’m Letisha Kisten and my sister is Ceanne Kisten. We both are doing Industrial Psychology 3rd years students at UKZN. We are looking for bursaries to complete our Honours in 2017. Your assistance will be gladly appreciated.

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