Office of the Chief Justice Vacancies: Internships 2015-2016

Office of Chief Justice Careers Vacancies Internships Jobs in SA

The Office of the Chief Justice is offering the Latest Vacancies in South Africa. The OCJ Internships 2015-2016 are available in various fields including Court Administration, Internal Audit etc. The OCJ Internship Programme 2015 / 2016 will boost your experience level in short span of time. If you are looking for the Government Vacancies or Government Jobs at Office of Chief Justice South Africa, you have come to the right place.

The Office of Chief Justice Jobs in South Africa are available for those candidates, who are willing to get experience in the relevant fields. The OCJ Jobs and Career Opportunities may also be available for you after completing the OCJ Internships 2015-2016. The Government Internships 2015-2016 are rare in South Africa, so you should avail these opportunities at the first convenient by forwarding your job application form to the recruitment department of the concerned Government Office.

Office of the Chief Justice South Africa Vacancies 2015-2016: Internship Opportunities at OCJ

The Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ) is offering internship opportunities to provide South African matriculants and graduates with the opportunity to gain workplace experience in the field of work that they have studied. The OCJ is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Candidate s with disabilities are encouraged to apply .

  • Court Administration
    A Legal Qualification
    2015 / 52 / OCJ
  • South African Judicial Education Institute
    Diploma or Degree in Event Management / Communication / Public Relations / Marketing
    2015 / 53 / OCJ
  • South African Judicial Education Institute
    Machine Operator ABET / Matric
    22015 / 54  / OCJ
  • Internal Audit
    Diploma / Degree Internal Audit or Commerce
    22015 / 55  / OCJ
  • Strategy, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting
    BA or BAdmin
    22015 / 56  / OCJ
  • Private Office of the Chief Justice
    Legal Qualification
    2015 / 57  / OCJ

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria

Applicants that wish to apply for internship must have valid matriculation certificates. For all the other internships the applicants must be graduates in any fields listed above. Applicants must be submitted on a Z83 form, obtainable from any Public Service Department, stating the field to which the Interns is applying from the above list, a CV together with certified copies of matriculation certificate and certificates, transcripts as well a s Identity document. Failure to submit required documents will result in the application not being considered. A pre-employment security screening will be conducted on RSA citizenship, criminal record, credit record and verification of qualification. The outcome of this screening will be considered to determine suitability for employment. Who should apply? Unemployed South African matriculants and graduates , with a tertiary qualification in one of the above mentioned fields of study, who has not been previously employed under any internship programme.

CLOSING DATE: 24 April 2015

How to Apply for OCJ Internships 2015 / 2016 in South Africa: OCJ Careers & Jobs

Note: Candidates that wish to apply for internship outside their respective Regions must be willing and able to find their own accommodation considering that they will not earn a salary but only a stipend. Persons with disabilities are also encouraged to apply . Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an interview to determine their suitability. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months of the closing date, please accepts that your application was unsuccessful .

Enquiries: HR Directorate Tel. 011 838 2010,

NOTE: Separate applications must be made for each position which you are applying for and quoting the relevant reference number for the centre of your choice Direct your application to addresses indicated below:

The Office of the Chief Justice Edura House, 41 Fox Street, Johannesburg, 2001, Private Bag X10, Marshalltown, 2000

Office of the Chief Justice has announced the Latest Internships 2015-2016 for the hard working and talented candidates. If you are trying to join an Internship Programme for 2015-2016 at Government Office, you should not miss the chance for working at the Office of Chief Justice South Africa. Your Experience at the Government Department will be helpful for you in future, and you will get more better Government Jobs and Career Offers.

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