Actuarial Science Bursaries 2016 at Metropolitan SA

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Metropolitan South Africa is offering the Latest Actuarial Sciences Bursaries 2016 in South Africa. Actuarial Bursaries 2016 are helpful for those candidates who are deserving and looking for the student financing / student loans. The Actuarial Bursary Programme 2016 will manage your educational expenses, and you will study with more reliability and ease.

The Actuarial Sciences Bursary Programme 2016 should be availed by the talented, hard working and deserving candidates. Various Bursaries for 2016 are available with different companies and institutes, and a lot of students are getting their benefits. The Latest Bursary Schemes 2016 have been announced by Metropolitan South Africa for students in Actuarial Sciences. The Actuarial Bursary Application Form should be submitted by the interested candidates after going through the complete details of Metropolitan Bursaries 2016.

Actuarial Bursaries 2016: Bursary Programme 2016 at Metropolitan South Africa

Metropolitan, the third-largest life insurer in South Africa, is offering bursaries to ensure that highly self-motivated achievers are given the opportunity to realise their career ambitions in life insurance. Metropolitan provides market-leading actuarial bursaries to students studying towards a degree in actuarial science.

The programme considers applications for bursaries (for a maximum period of four years) from students who intend following or who are already following an appropriate Bachelor degree with a view to an actuarial career.


  • Applicants for the bursary must generally have obtained well over 85% (Level 6 or above) for mathematics, mathematics 3 and/Additional mathematics and at least two A symbols in other related subjects in their final matriculation examination, or most recent two examinations if the former is not yet available.
  • Current Bachelor degree students should meet the above requirements and must also submit evidence of their academic progress to date at the university.

Value of bursary

The annual amount of the bursary is equal to the total cost of registration and tuition fees and levies; universities residence fees, or the equivalent if the student boards privately (students choosing to board privately must obtain Metropolitan’s approval); and a textbook and incidental expenses allowance. In addition, the student can qualify during his/her study course for incentive payments for outstanding achievement in specific subjects selected by Metropolitan.


Metropolitan is usually prepared to employ and remunerate the bursars during the summer holidays at the Metropolitan Head Office in Cape Town, to enable the student to gain practical experience.

Closing Date: 30 June 2015

How to Apply for Actuarial Sciences Bursaries 2016: Latest Bursary Programme in South Africa

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria for the Bursary in Actuarial Sciences at Metropolitan, SA, you should Click here to apply online for the recently announced Metropolitan Bursary Programme 2016. These bursaries can make your study time more easy and reliable, so don’t miss the chance to avail these opportunities.

3 thoughts on “Actuarial Science Bursaries 2016 at Metropolitan SA

  1. wow m 34yrs old with matric and computer , l would like to be one of selected candidate .l am hard working working and strong women well behave

  2. plz help me to find a job or learnership.l
    m scared next i”ll reach 35yrs with no job help SA plz

  3. Please advise if these Actuarial Bursaries 2016 are available for studying at a university in the United States?
    Or only at a South African university.

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