National Treasury Bursaries: Bursary Programme

dept of national treasury bursaries bursary schemes for students

The Department of National Treasury South Africa is offering the Latest Bursaries 2016 for talented and deserving students. The National Treasury Bursary Programme 2015/2016 can manage your educational expenses, and you can study with more ease and reliability. Various Students are looking for the Online Bursaries or Latest Bursary Schemes, so they should apply for the National Treasury Bursaries 2016. Government Bursaries 2015/2016 are rare in South Africa, so you should apply online for the Available Bursaries 2015/2016 at DNT.

The Dept of National Treasury Bursary Programme 2016 is available in various fields of study including Econometrics, Economics, Accounting, Financial Engineering, Development Economics, Tax Law and Banking. If you are studying in these fields of study, you should go for the National Treasury Application Process, as the online application forms may also be available over the web or on their official site. The National Treasury Bursary Programme 2016 should be availed by interested candidates after having a look on the details and descriptions of the bursary 2016.

Department of National Treasury Bursaries 2016: The Latest Bursary Programme in Various Fields

As part of our commitment, the department’s bursary scheme provides financial support to South Africa students studying in the fields deemed critical and scarce to the National Treasury. It aims to build critical skills capacity and provide students with the opportunity to further their studies.

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria

  • You are a South African citizen
  • You meet the entry requirements for your chosen field of study (provide proof of registration or provisional acceptance at the university)
  • Financial need
  • You must be studying or intending to study in the fields stated in Q2 below
  • If you are in matric: You have a grade 12 certificate with university exemption and an aggregate of 65% or higher
  • If you are already in university: You have obtained an average of 65% or higher for the previous year of study at university

National Treasury Bursaries for 2016 are Available in Following Fields Of Study

  • Economics
  • Accounting
  • Banking
  • Financial Management
  • Econometrics
  • Tax Law
  • Development Economics
  • Financial Engineering

No bursary will be awarded for studies outside the list above

What Does The Bursary Cover?

  • Tuition fees
  • Registration fees
  • Prescribed books only
  • Accommodation at an official university residence and meals

Closing Date: 12 June 2015

How to Apply for National Treasury Bursary Scheme 2016:

Complete and submit the bursary application form (download here) and attach the following:

  • Cover letter stating your field of interest and motivation
  • Certified copy of the applicant’s South African ID
  • Full official academic record or the latest statement of Grade 12 results
  • Proof of Registration or Provisional acceptance at University
  • Certified copies of parent/s or guardian’s South African IDs
  • Proof of Parent’s/Guardian income (salary advice) or affidavit

Send completed applications and accompanying documents to: GDP Specialist, Talent Management, National Treasury, Private Bag X115, Pretoria, 0001

E-mailed, faxed and late applications will not be accepted. Click here for further guidelines about the National Treasury Bursary Programme.

The National Treasury Bursary Programme 2016 is a special Government Bursary Scheme opened for the needy and talented students, so you should not waste your time here and there. The interested candidates / students should forward their bursary application form at the first convenient to avail these government opportunities.

6 thoughts on “National Treasury Bursaries: Bursary Programme

  1. I would like to apply for this learnership/bursary,hence ipassed matric this year but could’nt find aschool because Ihad no money

  2. Hello everyone….i am a boy of 18 yrs and im doing my diploma to one of Universities of Technology, but now i need financial aid to complete my diploma. I respect and i love my work, it keeps my marks high all the time.

  3. I also need a full time bursary as my parents have not enough money to give me to go further with my education

  4. I also need full time bursary and I don’t have Money to register at the college or university. Please can you help me,Here it is my contact:0632210306

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