Umgeni Water Apprenticeships and Learnerships in KZN

Umgeni Water Careers Jobs Bursaries Vacancies in South Africa

The Umgeni Water is offering the Latest Apprenticeship Programme 2015 as well as the Latest Learnerships 2015 in South Africa. The Umgeni Water Vacancies and Careers usually remain available / vacant in KZN, South Africa, and you may avail the Umgeni Water Jobs after completing the Apprentice Training Programme 2015. The Umgeni Water Apprenticeships 2015 can jump start your career by providing you valuable experience in the relevant fields.

The Umgeni Water Learnerships 2015 should be joined by the interested candidates related to the below mentioned fields. It is pertinent to mention here that the Umgeni Water Careers may also be available for you after getting the experience certificate. You may also avail more better Jobs and Career Opportunities after completing the Umgeni Water Learnership Programme 2015. Umgeni Water has announced the 40X Apprenticeships and 13X Learnerships for 2015 for those candidates who are willing to get experience in the relevant fields. The interested candidates should have a look on the details of Apprenticeships and Learnerships 2015 before forwarding their application to the concerned / recruitment department of the company.

Umgeni Water Vacancies: Learnerships & Apprenticeships 2015 in KZN, South Africa

Umgeni Water, the largest supplier of bulk potable water in the KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, invites applications for its Learnership and Apprenticeship programme to provide trainees with experiential training in Motor Mechanic/ Boilermaking/Instrumentation/ Mechanical/Electrical Engineering. 40 x Apprenticeships and 13 x Learsnerships are required for this programme based on both Inland and Coastal regions of Umgeni Water.Trainees are to gain experiential training that will result in the development of their technical knowledge leading to Artisan Trade Certification with the National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB) and Energy & Water SETA (EWSETA). On completion of the training programme trainees will be required to serve back an obligation of two (2) years.

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria

  • Minimum Qualifications for Apprentice: FET N3 in Boilermaking, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation Engineering and Motor Mechanics.
  • Minimum Qualifications for Learnership: Matric with Mathematics and Physical Science.
  • First preference will be given to applicants who are permanent residence of KwaZulu-Natal (Umgeni Water operational areas).
  • The programme is restricted to South African citizens. Appointment will also be made in the context of Employment Equity Act.

Short-listed applicants may be subjected to competency assessment / or security clearance and will be required to produce original certificate.

Closing Date: 19 May 2015

How to Apply for Umgeni Water Learnerships / Apprenticeships 2015 in South Africa

Interested persons are requested to email/post an application letter, together with their CV’s and certified copies of qualifications and proof of residence to:

The Skills Development Facilitator
Umgeni Water
P O Box 9

If you do not receive a reply within four (4) weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria and other requirements as mentioned above, you should apply online for Umgeni Water Learnership Programme 2015 or Apprenticeships 2015. The Umgeni Water is one of the famous South African companies, and it can raise your experience level and expertise in short span of time, so don’t waste your time, and avail the opportunities.

3 thoughts on “Umgeni Water Apprenticeships and Learnerships in KZN

  1. Do u guys take people who have n2 electrical engineers for an apprenticeship if yes please reply to me

  2. I am Sizwe Bright Mkhize,I have N3 National Certificate in Water Treatment.I need some expiriential training in Water Treatment Plant as Trainee Process Controller.I need help as soon as possible.I have some theorical knowledge in that fieid now i need some practicals.I thank you.

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