5FM Mentorship Programme 2016

Mentorship Opportunities at SABC 5FM

5FM is offering the Latest Mentorships 2016 in South Africa. The 5FM Mentorship 2016 is available for candidates looking for experience at Radio Channels. The 5FM Mentorships for 2016 should be availed by the interested candidates to raise their experience level and expertise.

5FM Careers are rarely available in South Africa, but you may also avail the 5FM Job Opportunities after completing the 5FM Mentorship Opportunities 2016. The successful candidates will go through the Short Radio Training that will be helpful for them in near future. You may also get better Radio Jobs or Vacancies after having good experience in the field. The 5FM Mentorships in South Africa should be joined by the candidates after having look on the details as mentioned below.

5FM Mentorship Programme 2016 in South Africa: Mentorships

5FM’s mentorship opportunities are one week long and accommodate 6 interns at a time. This is an intensive programme, where you will experience every aspect of 5FM. The mentorship opportunities are one week long and accommodate 6 interns at a time.

It does not matter if you are studying, working, chilling or still at school – if you love 5FM, you stand a chance to be picked.


Monday 18 January – Friday 22 January 2016

About the Mentorship Programme

Any content produced by an intern during the duration of their time at 5FM is owned by 5FM, unless permission is granted otherwise by management. The internship programme is an experience for which you will not be remunerated. Interns need to be located in Johannesburg for the duration of their 1-week internship at their own expense.

5FM retains contact with many interns post the period that they spend at 5FM. They are often contacted for dip stick research and for assistance with regional 5FM events. They are also informed first and foremost for job opportunities at 5FM outside of first citizens at the SABC.

How to Apply for 5FM Mentorship Opportunities 2016

If you’d like to take part, email intern@5fm.co.za with your name, age and region where you live; a 100-word motivation as to why we should pick you and what your aim in obtaining this experience is all about; and 5 things that make you stand out from the crowd.

Please note that we 5FM receives thousands of applications so please be patient. If you have submitted your motivation and have not been chosen, send it in again. If you need any other information, you should go through the official site of (5FM).

5FM is one of the famous Radio Channels working in South Africa, so you should avail these opportunities available at 5FM South Africa to boost your experience level as well as expertise.

4 thoughts on “5FM Mentorship Programme 2016

  1. I am student studying public relation I would like to just volunteer in your organization so I would get experience on your field how things are than.

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