Bursaries for Law Students 2016 at Tim Mills

Law Students Bursaries 2016 at Tim Mills Memorial South Africa

The Tim Mills Memorial Bursary 2016 is available for Law Students in South Africa. The Bursaries for Law Students for 2016 have been announced by few companies, and the Tim Mills Memorial has also come up with the Latest Law Bursaries 2016 in South Africa.

If you are looking for the Law Bursary Programme 2015 / 2016, you have come to the right place. The Law Studies Bursaries 2016 are rare in South Africa, so you should avail the Tim Mills Bursary Programme 2015 / 2016. The Bursary Schemes will make your study time more easy and reliable, so you should not miss these opportunities. The interested candidates should go through the details of Tim Mill Bursaries in South Africa before forwarding their bursary application to to concerned department.

2016 Bursaries for Law Students in South Africa: Tim Mills Bursary Programme 2016

The Tim Mills Memorial Bursary is awarded to candidates intending to register for any LLM degree at a South African university.

The bursary will cover university/tuition fees only up to a maximum total amount of R25 000 per student for the duration of his/her studies.

This bursary may be awarded on an annual basis.  The bursary committee reserves the right not to award this bursary in any particular year.


To be considered for a bursary, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • be a citizen or permanent resident of South Africa;
  • intend to enroll at a South African university for the LLM degree and
  • complete the prescribed bursary application form and submit all supporting documentation before the deadline.

Please take note that:

Each application for a bursary is considered on its own merit taking into account the financial merit of the application as well as the following factors:

  • academic performance and
  • proven excellence in any other field.

Closing Date: 01 September 2015

How to Apply for Tim Mills Law Bursaries for Student in South Africa

The Law Bursaries 2015 – 2016 are available in Cape Town and Johannesburg, so you should apply online according to your region / area.For more information about this bursary, please contact us: apply4lawJHB@dlacdh.com or apply4lawCPT@dlacdh.com.

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria, you should Download The Application Form to submit it in duly filled position. The Tim Mills Memorial Law Bursaries should be availed by the Law Students at the first convenient to get financial assistance.

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