STANLIB Bursary Programme: Bursaries at STANLIB SA

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The STANLIB is offering the Latest Bursaries for 2016 in South Africa in various categories. The STANLIB Bursary Programme 2016 is available in Accounting, Actuarial Sciences, Finance, Economics and Investment Management fields. The STANLIB Bursaries 2016 are available for hard working and talented candidates, so if you are looking for the Available Bursary Schemes 2016 in South Africa, you have come to the right place.

The STANLIB Bursaries 2016 can manage your educational finance, and you can study with more ease and reliability. The STANLIB Bursary Awards should be availed by the interested candidates belonging to the below mentioned fields of study. The Bursary Application Form is also available over the web, and now you can submit your Bursary Application at the first convenient. The interested candidates should have a look on the details of STANLIB Bursary Scheme 2016 before forwarding their application for the Online Bursaries.

STANLIB Bursary Scheme 2016: Bursaries in South Africa

Have you ever dreamed of graduating from university and achieving your goals? If yes, STANLIB, one of the largest investment management companies in South Africa, wants to assist you to get there!

The STANLIB Bursary Sponsorship Programme gives academically outstanding and previously disadvantaged students the opportunity to study at any public university in South Africa. Students studying towards a degree for the following qualifications are urged to apply for funding:

  • Actuarial Sciences
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Investment Management
  • Accounting

Who can apply?

Students who will be doing the following in 2016

  • Undergraduate degree (1st, 2nd and 3rd year)
  • Post-graduate degree (Honours level)


  • The applicant must be a South African citizen with a valid South African ID book or smart ID card
  • The applicant must send through a certified ID copy
  • Send through certified ID copies of parent(s)/guardian(s). If parents are deceased a certified copy of the death certificate(s)
  • Salary Advice (payslip) of parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • If applicant is in matric, they must send a copy of their June report card but the final decision about whether funding will be given will be based on the final year-end results
  • The applicant must have achieved an average of 70% in their courses or subjects, as applicable
  • The applicant must have studied mathematics, not mathematics literacy
  • If the applicant is already in University they must provide their academic transcript

How to Apply for STANLIB Bursary Programme 2016 in Various Fields.

Applications will close on 30 October 2015.

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should  Click here to download the Application Form for Bursaries at STANLIB, South Africa.

You can post your application form and supporting documents to: 17 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch, 2196 OR P O Box 202, Melrose Arch, 2076 OR Email to:

* Please Note: If you do not receive any feedback about your application from us three (3) weeks after the closing date, do consider your application as unsuccessful.

The Application Form should be submitted at the earliest convenient to avail more chances for getting STANLIB Bursary Awards. The Bursary Funds have been allocated by the company, and now you can get the full advantage of the Available Bursaries for 2016.

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