W&RSETA Bursaries: Bursary Programme

W&R Seta Bursary Careers Vacancies Jobs

The Wholesale and Retail SETA is offering the Latest Bursaries for 2016 in various fields in South Africa. The W&RSETA Bursary Programme 2016 is available in many fields including Retail Management, Purchasing Management, Retail Marketing, Sales, Marketing, Information Technology, Computer Science etc. If you are looking for the W&RSETA Bursaries 2016, you have come to the right place, as the company has come up with the Available Bursaries in South Africa.

The W&RSETA Bursary 2016 will manage your educational expenses, and you will be able to study with more ease and reliability, so you should avail the Bursaries at W&RSETA, South Africa at the earliest possible time. The interested candidates should have a look on the details of programme before forwarding their bursary application form to the concerned department.

W&RSETA Bursaries for 2016: Bursary Programme in South Africa

The Wholesale and Retail SETA (W&RSETA) is offering bursaries to learners / students who have been accepted to study at Public Higher Education Institutions in South Africa . The W&RSETA has identified as one of its strategic objectives , the need to support learners to further their studies at Public Higher Education Institutions in South Africa .

This objective address es Outcome 4.2.3 of the National Skills Development Strategy III which is to ensure that high – level national S carce S kills are being addressed by work – ready graduates from Higher Education Institutions.

Applications for the Bursary are open for the 2016 financial year and the Bursary is restricted to students who are registered for the following Degrees / Diploma s / B.Tech or NATED / NCV Programmes which are related to the Wholesale and Retail Sector Scarce Skills priorities as indicated below :

HETI PROGRAMMES / Bursaries are Available in the Following Fields of Study

  • Retail Business Management
  • Purchasing Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Logistics Management
  • Sales and Marketing Management
  • Retail Marketing
  • Accounting
  • Financial Management
  • Retail Pharmacy
  • Training and Development Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Information Technology / Computer Science


  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management Assistant


  • Finance, Economics & Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Information Technology & Computer Science
  • Office Administration
  • Transport and Logistics

To qualify for the bursary, l earners / students must be accepted / registered at a P ublic Higher Education Institution ( Universities and Universities of Technology and TVET Colleges ) The W&RSETA has made available bursaries as follows :

  • The bursary cove rs tuition, books, accommodation (accredited / leased by the Institution s and University / TVET residences ) , and meals where applicable.
  • The bursary is for full – time or part – time (for employed students) studies at any public South African University or TVET College
  • Students will not be funded for longer than the stipulated duration of the qualification or studies .
  • Students will not be funded for subjects / modules they have failed .
  • Students must have be en accepted by their preferred public South African University / TVET College
  • Students that were previously funded by the W&RS ETA and failed do not qualify.
  • Students with other sources of funding do not qualify.

All interested applicants may apply via the W&RSETA online bursary application system no later than 31 January 2016 . Please note that the applicant must have the following information and documents on a flash disk / memory stick in PDF or Word forma t for uploading purposes :

  • Matric Certificate / Grade 11 Results / NCV Level 4 Certificate / for HET Programmes
  • Matric Certificate / Grade 11 Results / NCV Level 4 Certificate / N3 Certificate for NATED Programmes at TVET Colleges
  • Grade 9 Results for NCV Programmes at TVET Colleges
  • Certified ID Copy
  • Proof of Statement of Fees (if already available)
  • Proof of Admission
  • Proof of accredited / leased accommodation or University / TVET residences if already allocated
  • Parent / Guardian’s Personal Details
  • Parent / Guardian’s Employer Details
  • Parent / Guardian’s Proof of Income

Closing Date: 31 January 2016

How to Apply for W&R Seta Bursary Scheme 2016: Bursaries in Various Fields

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria and other essential requirements as mentioned above, you should Apply Online for the 2016 Bursaries at W&R Seta. The Bursary will make you able to study with more ease and reliability, so you should not miss these opportunities.

8 thoughts on “W&RSETA Bursaries: Bursary Programme

  1. I’m student who is looking for a bursary to cover my studies.I looking forward to achieve my successful as undergraduate student. I would be honoured to take my offer.Thank you!!!

    1. Yes undergraduate i looking for internship to get an experience and i am also doing b tech to cost and management, in order to get more qualification

  2. I am a student schooling at CTI Education Group . i am looking for a bursary in IT. I would be honor if you take my offer thank you.

  3. Good day Hr @Seta

    I’m looking for any bursary fund to study/further my education… I’m currently working and need more information about getting back to school and will be reaching 30 years next year and I have have a criminal record while I was young…Need assistance with both my education and criminal record.

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