Guarantee Trust Graduate Internship Programme

guarantee trust jobs careers learnerships work readiness programme

The Guarantee Trust Bank is offering the Latest Graduate Programme 2016 in South Africa. The Guarantee Trust Internships 2016 have also been announced in Johannesburg, Cape Town and South Africa, where you will go through the special training regarding banking and micro-finance. The Guarantee Trust Careers mostly remain vacant, so you should avail these Internship Opportunities to raise your experience level in short span of time. The Banking Jobs remain available in SA, and you  may also avail these Banking Careers after getting experience certificate.

The Guarantee Trust Jobs will raise your experience in short span of time, so you should get relevant experience first. It is also pertinent to mention here that you may avail the Guarantee Trust Vacancies after completing the Internship Programme 2016. Guarantee Trust Graduate Programme 2016 will help you in boosting your knowledge, experience and skills, so you should not miss the graduate opportunities. The interested candidates should have a look on the Guarantee Trust Training Programme 2016 before forwarding your Graduate Job Application to the recruitment department.

Guarantee Trust Internship Programme 2016: Graduate Internships in South Africa

Location: Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town

Introduction: Guarantee Trust is looking for unemployed commerce graduates for a Work-Readiness Program funded by BANKSETA.

The outcome of the program is to get you a position in the Banking and Microfinance Sector.

Come and train with us for 5 months and we will assist you to become skilled and employed in the banking sector.


To qualify you must be a recognized Commerce Graduate with majors in finance, economics, banking, financial management, financial accounting, marketing, or equivalent from a University or University of Technology.

Benefits: Transport Allowance, Breakfast and Lunch.

Closing Date: 1 March 2016

How To Apply for Guarantee Trust Graduate Programme 2016: Graduate Internships


If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should apply online at The Guarantee Trust Work Readiness Programme 2016 has also been announced for hard working and talented candidates. The Guarantee Trust Bank Jobs will be helpful for you in near future, as you will get more better Jobs in Banks after having good and valuable experience in banking sector.

5 thoughts on “Guarantee Trust Graduate Internship Programme

  1. Greetings, I am a former student and am an unemployed graduate. I have been trying to apply for the job but I can not seem to go through with my on line application, the web site has no information may u please send me an email if possible as to how I should go about applying please before the closing date.

  2. last year, I wrote a bonani work readiness programme selection test.I think I have passed it. one of your consultant contacted me and asked if I have accounting three and I said no and she said they will contact me when the banking programme is available.since I would also like to try my luck for banking phone has a problem I’m not sure if you have received my application.pls help.

  3. Greetings

    My name is Zonke Financial Information System graduate,I’m willing to join 2017 training programme.
    I tried several times to search for job but they are looking for expirienced candidate that disqualifies me.
    Please help me,thanking you in advance.

  4. My name is AYABONGA i do have the national diploma in internal auditing i am looking for a job i can be very glad if can work to this dynamic industry to gain knowledge of the workplace.

  5. I have completed the national diploma in internal auditing i can be very glad if can work to this dynamic industry to gain knowledge of the workplace.

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