Gauteng Partnership Fund Internship 2016: Vacancies

Gauteng Partnership Funds Careers Jobs Internships Vacancies

 The Gauteng partnership Fund (GPF) is offering the Latest Internship 2016 in order to train the hard working and talented students. The GPF Internship Programme 2016 is available in different fields of study including Information Technology, Project Management, Investment Portfolio and Finance Management. If you are looking for the Gauteng Partnership Fund Vacancies for 2016, you have come to the right place.

The Gauteng Partnership Fund Internship 2016 will boost your experience level in short period of time i.e. 12 months, and make you able to get more better Jobs in near future. The GPF Fund Internship Programme 2016 will be helpful for you in providing more better Jobs and Career Opportunities relevant to your field. So you should not waste your time here and there, and forward your application form for the GPF Careers for Interns. The GPF Skills Development Programme 2016 should be joined by the interested candidates after having a look on the details of Internship Opportunities.

Gauteng Partnership Fund Vacancies: Internship Opportunities 2016 in South Africa

The Gauteng Partnership Fund (GPF) is contributing towards skills Development by providing graduates and students with opportunities to gain work experience in various skills areas. It is therefore inviting applications for an Internship Programme that would run for a period of twelve (12) months. The Programme provides an opportunity to unemployed graduates to gain meaningful experience that will complement their studies and gain access to the labour market.

Duration and Remuneration

The internship programme is implemented over twelve (12) months and interns will receive a stipend of R4224.00 per month.

Who is eligible to Apply for GPF Internship Jobs?

GPF is an equal opportunity employer and would therefore be guided by the principles of Employment Equity when considering the applications. GPF uphold the right to place or not place applicants based on its needs and requirements.

Applications are invited from candidates who have not been previously employed under any Internship Programme in the following fields of study:

  • Project Administrator – National Diploma / Degree / N6: Project Management  (PRO2016/001)
  • Finance – National Diploma / Degree: Cost and Management Accounting / Financial Accounting (FIN2016/002)
  • Information Communication Technology – National Diploma / Degree / N6: Computer Science / Informatics / Information / Technology / Networking /Computer Engineering (ICT2016/003)
  • Investment Portfolio – Degree: B Com Account / Finance (ΙΝΡ2016/004)

Important note: Applicants who participated in any Internship Programme before will not be considered

  • Applicants must be South African citizens residing in Gauteng.
  • The Gauteng Partnership Fund is an equal opportunity employer and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
  • Due to a large amount of correspondence we envisage receiving, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Should you not hear from us within 2 weeks of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
  • The Gauteng Partnership Fund is under no obligation to employ the Intern on completion of the programmes.

Closing date is: 24 February 2016.

How to Apply for Gauteng Partnership Fund Internships 2016:

Applications must be submitted on an application form (download here). A CV, certified copies of qualification, academic record and Identity document must be attached. The specific reference number of the Internship opportunity must also be quoted. Applications received after the closing date and those that do not comply with the requirements will not be considered.

Applications should be email to: or hand delivered at number 82 Grayston Drive, 1st floor, Sandton.

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should apply online for the GPF Internship 2016. If you are looking for the Gauteng Partnership Fund Contact Details, you should not waste your time here and there. You should forward your application at the above mentioned email address at the first convenient to avail these Internship Opportunities.


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