Transnet Bursaries for Students: Latest Bursary Programme

Transnet Bursaries Bursary Programme in South Africa

The Transnet is offering the Latest Bursaries 2017 in South Africa. The Transnet Bursary Programme 2017/2018 is available at different Transnet’s Sections for those candidates who are looking for the valuable training and student financing schemes. The Transnet Bursary Funds will be available for the hard working, deserving and talented candidates, so you should avail these 2017 Bursaries at Transnet, South Africa. Transnet Vacancies and Jobs usually remain available / vacant, and you may also avail the Transnet Careers after having good experience and skills. The Transnet Engineering Bursaries will make you able to study with more ease and reliability, so you should avail these Online Bursaries for Engineers in South Africa.

You should get the full advantage of the Available Bursaries 2017 at Transnet. The Transnet is one of the famous group of companies working in South Africa since long, and it can pay for your educational expenses through the Transnet Bursaries 2017. The interested candidates should forward the Transnet Bursary Application Form to the concerned department after having a look on the details and descriptions of the bursary programme 2017.

Transnet Bursaries 2017 in South Africa: New Bursary Schemes

Full-time bursaries are awarded annually according to the employment needs of the company. All our full-time students are viewed as potential employees – depending on vacancies being available after successfully completing their qualifications.

Bursary Value

The comprehensive bursary, covers the following:

  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation and meals
  • Book Allowance
  • Experiential training

Students are allowed to study at a South African University of their own choice who offers the relevant fields of study.

This list may vary depending on the needs of the company:

B. Engineering
Industrial (Ref no: 60000173)
Metallurgy (physical) (Ref no: 60000170)
Electrical (heavy current) (Ref no: 60000167)
Electronic (Ref no: 60000171)
Mechanical (Ref no: 60000169)
Civil (Ref no: 60000175)


After the screening of applications by the Transnet Bursary Department, candidates – based on academic performance on secondary or tertiary level – will be invited to be interviewed. The interviews will take place in Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Cape Town and Durban.

The final selection and award is subjective to the following:

  • Interview
  • Satisfactory academic results
  • Medical fitness

What Will Transnet Expect From Me? (Contractual Obligations)

Students are required to render one year’s service for every year of financial aid received from Transnet after acquiring the qualification.

Subjects failed must be repeated at student’s own cost. Termination of the bursary will be in consultation with the student and the training institution.
If the student fails to comply with the requirements of the bursary agreement, the bursary becomes payable in terms of the agreement.

The bursary will be renewed annually if the student’s academic performance is satisfactory.

Closing Date: 31 July 2016

How to Apply for Transnet Bursary 2017: Available Bursaries in South Africa

If you comply with the minimum requirements or eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Click here to download the applications form and contact the bursary office:

Physical Address
Room 4206
Carlton Centre
150 Commissioner Street

The Transnet Bursary 2017 will be helpful for you in near future, as you will get valuable training during the Bursary Programme 2017. If you are looking for the good experience, valuable training and student financing, you should go for the Transnet Bursary Opportunities.

28 thoughts on “Transnet Bursaries for Students: Latest Bursary Programme

  1. dear sir/madam

    I’m a candidate with N4 in civil engineering. I’m currently employed at Aveng Grinaker LTA as a general worker. I’m looking forward for developing my skills in civil engineering. I can be much happy if I can get a leanership or a bursary.
    thank you a lot for considering my application.
    yours faithful
    Setloboko Thuso

  2. I want to study Project Management next year. I want to ask if i am qualify to get your bursary or not?


    I’m a candidate who did N3 in electrical engineering.I am willing to continue studying and become a qualified electrician.I want to ask that can i use my N3 to apply for your bursary or learnership.

    I will be happy if i get response soon,thank you.

  4. Greetings I am a first year student in NMMU(UNIVERSITY),I am passionate about Mechanical Engineering that is why I wish to get a bursary because I am hard working and independent. I promise if I would get a bursary I will continue to work hard even more.
    I look forward to here from you, thank you.

  5. I Sambo Terence.I have passed matric last year.I have bachelor’s degree but I got level 4 in Mathematics ang level 3 in physical science.I am humbly asking for your bursary to help me take my studies further more in the University.I want to study Engineering.At this moment I want to do N3 and N4 at the College.I would like to go to University by next year.

  6. Hi, i am currently studying third year Diploma of Retail Business Management at the University of Johannesburg. i am looking for bursary to study B-Tech Logistics\Transport next year.

    Kindly reply at\0785893555

  7. Dear Sir\mam
    Am Robie.L.makgai ,am interested in the 2017 bussary for Mechanical engineering I have N2 in phases with the following subjects :Mathematics, Engineering science,Industrial Electronics, Automotive ,Computer Literacy, English in Communication an am currently having ten(10) months experience in Limpopo Toyota working as a volunteer an am willing to get help with bussary or Apprintiseship please.

  8. Dear sir/Madam

    I am s student at motheo hillside view campus who currently studying N4. I would like to further my studying at CPUT doing renewable energy technology which requires me to have an artisan qualification… I kindly ask if I my also be granted permission to apply. am an international student.

  9. Iam sandile Ndlovu interested in any training program am having N6 electrical Engineering heavy current

  10. Dear sir/ madam Am Kanyiswa Ndikandika interested in your learnership am currently studying N3 in electrical engineering i also have matric.

  11. Dear sir/ madam. Am Kanyiswa interested in your learnership i am a student at college of cape town who currently studying N3 in electrical engineering. I have matric and N2 with the following subjects: mathematics,physics, industrial electronics and electrical trade theory.

  12. Dear sir/madam.I am ntombizonke msane interested in your learnership as well as your busaries to study the civil engeering. I have matric with the following subject: Isizulu( leve 6),English(leve 3),Lo(level4),Life sciences( level3), Agricultural sciences (level 3)and physical sciences (level 2). I am also interested in any job opportunity even if the jop requierement need someone who doen’t have matric

  13. Dear Sir/Madam,I am Joni Tau interested in furthering my studies in Electrical Engineering through the help of your Bursary & Learnership.I have completed my N3 and looking forward to Institution such as yours,to make me a better person as well as improving our county at large.Hoping that my application will be highly appreciated, also looking forward and hearing from you at your convenience.

  14. I am Thatayaone ipeleng , I am interested in your bursary and scholarships .I am a grade 12 learner in Taung North West at Modimong.

  15. I am lesson mnisi ,I am in interested in your bursaries and your scholarship and I’m grade 12 learner in mbhandule high school at Ronaldsey

  16. I am Sinegugu,matriculated in 2015 at Ogwini High school,And now I am doing S2 OF Electrical Engineering at MUT. I have distinction in My S1 result which is MATHEMATICS 90%,DIGITAL SYSTEMS 85%,ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 83%.I would like to be financially supported in My fees

  17. I would like to know if Permanent Residence of South Africa can apply for bursaries at your company. Permanent Residence have a South African ID.

  18. I am in grade 12 and I want to do eletrical engineering next year.I need your bursary.I am doing pure maths,physical siences,life siences,accountig,business stidies,life orientation,isiZulu and English.

  19. I am still in grade 12 and I am interested in your bursaries for the next year 2018. My parents can’t afford my university fees so I would be greatful if your helped me. I want to study financial accounting and i’m passionate about my studies.

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