Dept of Cooperative Governance Internships 2018-2019

kzn dept of cooperative governance & traditional affairs jobs careers internships vacancies

The Department of Cooperative Governance is offering the Latest Internships 2018/2019 in various fields of study in South Africa. The Government Internships 2018 / 2019 can jump start your career by engaging you under the team of experts in different fields. The Dept of Cooperative Governance Internships 2018/2019 will boost your experience level and provide you many chances to get more better Jobs in future.

If you are looking for the Government Internship Opportunities 2018 / 2019, then you have come to the right place. It is also pertinent to mention here that you may get more better Jobs Opportunities after completing the Government Internship Programme 2018/2019. The Internship Jobs are available in various fields, so you should get the full advantage of the Available Internships at Department of Cooperative Governance, South Africa. The interested candidates should go through the complete job details before forwarding their job application at the concerned / recruitment department.

Department of Cooperative Governance Internship 2018/2019 in South Africa

Join the Exciting World of the Public Service

The Department of Cooperative Governance is offering 12 months internship opportunities to unemployed South African graduates from higher education institutions that have completed their degrees or diplomas and have not been exposed to work experience related to the field of study that they completed.

Duration: 12 months

Stipend: RR5 353.77 per month (minimum)

Applications are invited from candidates in the following fields of study:-

  • National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration/ Management (Reference Number:HRD/2018/1) – Forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management – (Reference Number: HRD/2018/2_ – Forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology  (Reference Number: HRD/2018/3) – Forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Records Management/ Archival Studies – (Reference Number: HRD/2018/4) – Forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • LLB/ BCom: Law/ BA: Law – (Reference Numbe: HRD/2018/5) – Forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism – (Reference Number: HRD/2018/6) – Forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Supply Chain Management/ Logistics – (Reference Number: HRD/2018/7) – Forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Financial/ Management Accounting (Reference Number :HRD/2018/8) – Forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science/ Studies – (Reference Number: HRD/2018/09) Forward your application for the above internship via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • Honours Degree in Political Studies – (Reference Number: HRD/2018/10) – Forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Local Government Management – (Reference Number: HRD/2018/11) – Please forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.
  • National Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Disaster Management (Reference Number: HRD/2018/12) – Forward your application via post to: URS Response handling, P O Box 11506, Tiegerpoort, 0056 or e-mail to: for Attention: URS Response Handling.


Applicants must have satisfied the academic requirements for the advertised field of study/ discipline and should not have previously served as an intern or contract worker in the Public Service/Private Sector and must not be older than 35 years.

Graduates with disability are encouraged to apply.

Closing date is 24 November 2017

How to Apply for Internships at Dept of Cooperative Governance South Africa: Internship Programme 2018-2019 in Different Fields

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria, you should apply online for the recently announced / Latest Internship Training Programme 2018/19 available at Government Department.

Applications must be submitted on a Z83 form (download here), obtainable from any Public Service Department, stating the field the intern is applying for, a Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of certificates and Identity Document copy and academic transcript/record. Failure to submit the required documents will results in the application not being considered.

If you are trying to optimize your skills in relevant field, you should join the Dept of Cooperative Governance Internship Programme 2018 / 2019 available in South Africa. The Government Internship Programme 2018 will raise your experience and expertise, and it the experience certificate will be helpful for getting more better Job Opportunities.

12 thoughts on “Dept of Cooperative Governance Internships 2018-2019

  1. i passed my matric with diploma,i just want to know when can i start to apply for next year because i see now its already 21 years old

  2. im doing my last year in industrial sociology , please assist me in any internships or jobs related to my course

  3. I have BA degree,my majors are sociology and criminology. can you please assist me with any internship or a job.

  4. I have studied general management level 2-4
    I also have management assistant n4 currently writing my n5 final examination
    Pls send me full information for 2018-19 internship i would ĺove to apply.

  5. I seem to be so confused about the dates please tell me the internship is for the year 2018/2019 but the closing date says 24 November 2017….

    What is this really are you playing with peoples emotions or money? i ask?

    I want to tell you that looking for a job or a bursaries is not a joke or fun walk in the park for the majority of People in R.S.A

    People use money they don’t have to apply for these jobs advertised
    to make photo copies
    some even come all the way from their respective destination to town or cities. they use money to pay transport so please if you are employed make it your call to do your job to help those who cant help themselves.

    And its funny because when its time for Elections you people never get the dates wrong ! you are up to date
    Fix the dates and don’t assume that we will “assume that its obvious” do your work properly and do not mislead the people.
    At the end of the day God is watching… and hates false measures…

  6. Please explain to me What is wrong with the people who are over the age of 35…
    You say in your policies that “people are previously disadvantaged”.
    when its time to vote and “i stress” this point again you never exclude (35 yrs up) them does age do the job and help to advance people or hands and skills acquired… over time with financial struggle its not all of us who will finish school on time at the age stipulated.

    work for the people who voted you in position of power and simply don’t discriminate against them with things that don’t matter.

    I have a room open for correction and all commends are welcome you know you can imagine the frustration of unemployment lack of this and that.

    I know some of you in the departments are fighting the true fight of faith for the majority while your voices might not be heard.. Yes God is still looking…. and he hates the oppressors

  7. i am an honors graduare in organisational psychology, can you please assist me to get an internship progammee.

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