Letamo Offers IT Learnerships and Training Programme

IT Learnerships in Limpopo South Africa

Letamo is offering the Latest IT Learnerships 2014 and IT Training Programme 2014 in Polokwane, Limpopo, South Africa. The IT Learnership Programme has been started for Graduate in Commerce field. If you have done graduation and want to get Information Technology Experience in Polokwane Limpopo, South Africa, then it is the best choice for you to join the Letamo Training Programme 2014.

Information Technology Learnerships or Training Programme 2014 can boost your IT Experience Level and other expertise. After completing this Learnership Programme at Letamo in Accounting field, you will get more better job opportunities in near future. So you should not miss the job opportunity in Polokwane Limpopo, South Africa, and apply at the earliest possible time.

Letamo Learnership Programme or Training Programme is one of the best job opportunities in Polokwane, Limpopo, South Africa. So go through the below mentioned IT Learnerships 2014 Job Details and apply for the job opportunity at Letamo in South Africa.

IT Training Programme or Learnerships 2014 in Limpopo

The Letamo Training Programme is an opportunity for graduates with an NQF 6 qualification (preferably commerce) to be better equipped for access to Employment.  The daily training includes generic management subjects, IT and Work Readiness modules.

It is a six months programme that will start in March 2014. Learners will receive an allowance for attendance and on completion of the training learners are assisted with finding employment.

This project is funded by Fasset (The Accounting and Finance Services SETA) and managed by LH Education and the training will take place in Polokwane.

Unemployed learners take advantage of this exceptional opportunity and APPLY TODAY!  

Closing Date: Applications will close on 31st of January 2014.

How to Apply for IT Learnerships in Limpopo

After having a look on the IT Learnership or Internships in Limpopo, you should Go to THIS LINK and  complete the on-line application

This Information Technology Learnership Programme 2014 is a special Apprenticeship or Internship Programme, which can boost your experience. After completing this Latest Paid Learnership, you will get a lot of career opportunities from big organization or companies.

7 thoughts on “Letamo Offers IT Learnerships and Training Programme

  1. I receive an sms with a link to provide my qualifications and Identity number but I got a respond saying my identity number is not on their system.Can you please provide another alternative cause I really want to join the learnership.

  2. I also received n sms 2 complete the qualification section which i cnt do since it doesnt go through iv been trying ol day plz send another way i can complete this

  3. I’m interested in your Learnerships pls contact me on my Cellphone number 0717339826 or 0733603780

  4. I am interested in IT learnerships so pleace if you have new learnerships contact me om my email address

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