Learnerships: Medical Sales Representative in Gauteng

medical sales representative job opportunities

Latest Learnership 2014 is available for Medical Sales Representative in Gauteng, South Africa. The Medical Sales Learnerships are available in Gauteng, and you can apply at the earliest possible time to engage yourself in a Medical Training Programme in year 2014.

Medical is the field, which needs a lot of experience and expertise. Medical Sales Representative are required by a lot of pharmacy companies in all over the world, and after completing the learnership job, you will be able to utilize your medical experience in several areas or countries. So have a look on the Medical Sales Representative Learnership Programme in Gauteng, South Africa, and apply at your earliest please.

Medical Sales Representative Learnerships

Learnership : Medical Sales Representative No Foreigners please! This learnership offers candidates the opportunity to obtain an accredited medical sales representative qualification coupled with valuable experience. Must have a completed medical qualification (either degree or diploma. Will sell herbal products within retail chemist environment. Excellent people skills and sales ability will secure.

Duration: 1 year

Type: Traineeship

Its a paid learnership in medical department, where you will get salary along with 2014 Traineeship. So you should apply at the earliest time to avail this job opportunity as Medical Sales Representative in South Africa. So if you are interested in Medical Sales Programme 2014, you can Apply Online for the latest Learnerships 2014 in South Africa.

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