Sales Learnership Opportunity at SABMiller Egoli

SABMiller Learnerships Jobs Careers

SABMiller has announced the latest Sales Learnership Opportunity 2014 at Egoli Regional Office in Isando. The Sabmiller Learnerships 2014 have been announced in various departments and fields, and now the Sales Learnership Programme 2014 has also been started by the company.

If you are willing to get experience during Jobs at SABMiller, it is the best chance for you to join the Sales Learnerships 2014 at SabMiller, South Africa. Sales and Marketing fields always need experience / training to make your veteran. Hence it is expected that after completing the Sales Learnership Jobs 2014 at SabMiller, you may get more better job opportunities and career offers from other big companies working in South Africa.

SABMiller Careers and Jobs usually remain vacant in various regions and areas of South Africa, hence you should get benefits from the Latest SabMiller Careers by submitting your job application at the earliest possible time. SABMiller Learnership Opportunities for 2014 can boost your experience, expertise and skills, so you should join the Sales Learnerships 2014 at SabMiller at Egoli Office.

SABMiller Learnerships 2014 in Sales and Marketing Field

SabMiller has started the Sales Learnership Programme 2014 o provide people with an opportunity to enrol for a Further Education and Training Certificate (NQF 4) with the Food and Beverages SETA. They will enter into a fixed term contract for the duration of 12 months with Egoli Region-District JHB Central and will complete a learnership programme comprising of a blend of formal training and structured work experience supported by coaching and mentorship.


  • A Grade 12 qualification is essential
  • Valid South African driver’s licence
  • Proficiency in English and any other South African language
  • Basic computer literacy and experience working with Microsoft Office
  • Basic financial literacy and business acumen
  • Local area knowledge is a requirement
  • The advert has minimum requirements listed. Management reserves the right to use additional / relevant information ascriteria for short-listing. Interested applicants, who meet the above employee specifications, should please apply online.


  • Self-motivated
  • Organised
  • Results Driven
  • Good negotiation skills
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to interact with diverse groups of people
  • Ability to work in a flexible working environment (includes week-ends and public holidays)
  • Ability to work in a pressurised working environment


  • Complete Sales Learnership Programme. The Learnership is a structured integrated learning programme that combines
  • theoretical (formal) training and on-the-job learning (structured work experience).
  • Provide support on sales deliverables and targets during peak business periods and when sales teams are on leave.

How to Apply for Sales Learnerships 2014 at SabMiller (Egoli) Office

If you are willing to get experience in Sales, you should Apply Online here for SabMiller Sales Learnership Programme 2014 in South Africa to engage yourself at an esteemed organization in sales department. Hence you should not waste your time here and there, and apply for the SabMiller Learnerships 2014 at Egoli Office at the earliest possible time. You will get a lot of benefits and stipend during the Sales Learnerships with SabMiller in South Africa.

15 thoughts on “Sales Learnership Opportunity at SABMiller Egoli

  1. I am interested in sabmiller learnership<how do i apply<i can't seem to find the email or a page to register.

  2. I want to apply for the sabmiller learnership but cant apply online, it says the url is terminated, error..please help

  3. I Harry is much interestd in this Learnership posted by SAB miller and I have Matric whith Commercial subjects but in one of the requirements is someone who multillingual and someone who can make people listen how can I apply please inbox me the Someone you looking for

  4. This is a great opportunity you guys are offering. But i’m having troubles applying, its telling me that the publication period is over, I can’t apply anymore. and all this is happening after registering on the website. please any information on my quire please help me make it better.

  5. It seems we complaining about one thing here “how to apply” this leanership we all there any other altenative when maybe hand in cv cos this thing of on line applying doesn’t work

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