Department of Water Affairs Bursaries 2015

Bursaries at Dept of Water Affairs and Forestry South Africa

The Latest Bursaries 2014 are available at Department of Water Affairs South Africa. The Newly Announced Bursary Programme 2015 at Dept of Water Affairs can make your study time more reliable and easy, as you will be able to study being tension free. The Department of Water Affairs Bursary Programme 2015 is available for students with full time studies in 2015.

The Bursaries for 2014 were announced by the same department, and a lot of students got benefits from the bursaries 2014. Now the Latest Bursaries 2015 are available at Department of Water Affairs South Africa, and you can submit your bursary application form before the closing date of available bursaries.

A lot of students are looking for Government Bursaries 2015, and they can avail these opportunities for 2015, as the Dept of Water Affairs have raised funds for Bursary Scheme for 2015. You should have a look on the details of Bursaries for 2015 available at Department of Water Affairs South Africa before submitting your application for bursary.

Latest Bursary Programme 2015 at Department of Water Affairs

The Department of Water Affairs is offering Bursary opportunities for full-time studies in 2015

Closing Date: 31 August 2014

Bursaries will be allocated on the basis of a balanced consideration of the following factors:

  • Academic performance
  • Race and gender
  • Financial need
  • Need of DWA in reference of the specific qualification
  • An interview schedule

Assistance will be provided on a year-to-year basis and bursaries will be renewed only if performance of bursars is satisfactory.

Successful applicants to the bursary scheme receive the following support:

  • Full tertiary registration and tuition costs
  • Residence and meal fees
  • Book allowance
  • An annual personal allowance

Students pursuing the following fields of study are eligible to apply for this bursary:

• Analytical Chemistry • Aquatic Sciences • Biochemistry • Biological Sciences • Cartography• Engineering • Civil Engineering • Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current) • Mechanical Engineering • Environmental Law • Environmental Management • Environmental Science • Geochemistry • Geographical information Systems • Geo-hydrology • Geology • Hydrology • Limnology • Microbiology • Surveying • Water & Sanitation • Water Care • Water Resource Management • Water Utilisation


DWA will require bursars who obtain their qualifications to join the Water Learning Academy on a fixed term contract with DWA for a period of maximum of five (5) years but not less than three (3) years.
Should bursars choose not to meet this obligation the bursars will be required to reimburse DWA for all monies spent on the tertiary studies, inclusive of calculated interests.

How to Apply for Department of Water Affairs Bursaries 2015

Fill in the application form (Click Here to Download Form) and submit all application forms to:

Department of Water Affairs, Director: Learning Academy, Private Bag x313, Pretoria,0001 or Email:

Please Note:  Applications open 1 April 2014.

If you comply with the eligibility criteria and other requirements provided by Department of Water Affairs, you should apply for the Latest Bursaries 2015 available at DWA, South Africa.

36 thoughts on “Department of Water Affairs Bursaries 2015

  1. I’m a 25 year old female, I have diploma in HR and I want to apply for intern or learnership if available. Please help my conduct details (076 539 1915) constance pitja.

  2. I am 19 years old. I passed my grade 12 in 2012. At the moment I am unfortunate to get accommodation from one of South African tertiary institutions. I am very desperate and in need of financial support. Could you please help?

  3. I’m siyabonga vilakazi,I’m a boy,I’m 17 years old from soweto,I school at P.J simelane doing science stream

  4. i’m a guy who is 31 years and sicking financial support, i had accommodation at UNISA to feather my career and current i have completed my Diploma in ACCOUNTING with three modules.

  5. I’m a 17 year guy in Savannah park secondary with the desire to study law but unfortnately don’t have the funds to further my studies and so I plead for bursaries to fund my dream.

  6. I’m currently studing my matric and I wish that by the time I finish matric I will have a sponsor to fund my law dream and my personal number is 0710635958

  7. I am very focused young man (17) who is being raised by a domestic single parent. I passed my matric with B have 37 points interested in studing Bcom Markerting which I have been accepted for, because of financial problems I could not study. Please help

  8. I am currently studying ND Town & Regional Planning with the help of NSFAS I am looking for available internships & bursaries in this field for 2015. Please Help!!!

  9. I’m a first year student at the University of Free State,currently doing BSc Chemistry.I kindly asking for financial fund.Now I’m afraid and worried that I might not get my exam results.I will appreciate assistance a lot.

  10. I’m a first year studend doing environmental planning and development at univeesity of zululand I’m looking for finacial assistance to finish my course

  11. I’m currently upgrading 2 subjects at star school (mathematics and physical science) by january next year I would love to be studying Biotechnology.the big qustion is is it possible for me to apply for this bursary?

    1. am 19years of age,i finishd ma matric last year in 2013 m ineed of fanancial support in biotechnology whc i will b starting with next year.i swear i will try my best 2 excell in ma studies.

  12. am undergraduate. looking for financial assistance to study my course. after I finished the course that I will be doing I can come to work for my sponcer

  13. I am Mdoda Mzimasi, an energetic, courageous guy furthering my studies at tertiary institution in the field of environmental health. I am obedience looking for assistance financially in my studies on 2015.

  14. Iam Yamkela Duze Iam doing my first year at Ukzn Howard college (Bsc in Geog) and I wish that I could get financial assistance for next year for me to be able to carry on because it is hard for me to manage the costs. I would be very happy to be assisted by you guys.

  15. hi, am david a graduate student with biotechnology as a major. i wish to further my studies and get an honors or even further. I wish to find financial assistance, be it a bursary, a schoolarship or studentship. would you please b kind and supply me with any information that can help me.

  16. hello my name is vuyolwethu maxakana am currently doing grade 12. I heard about the bursary last year however this opportunity was only given special learners. I believe what our teachers did was very unfair because i have excellent results however was deprived the right to know so please get back at me i need financial aid

  17. I pass ma matric in 2008 i was not going to any university because of money please help me i want to further my studies in water sanitation,i have one parent supporting us with grant im desperate please help me

  18. my name is thabo mothupi i just want to ask what are the requirements of the bursary because i have passed mi exam with diploma

  19. I am Thato & currently dng matric at Parkland High in Alberton,I’ve already applied at Wits University and Uj for either environmental health,radiography,geneticist and or enbronmntal science in mining and would like to apply for ur bursaries via online as I realized that I will need financial help in the up coming years to be able to pursue my goals n dreams n would like to get a link in order to visit it and apply for it..

  20. Hi,I’m Lungy Gwala currently looking for a bursary for doing my honors in Bsc Hydrology so that I’l be able to register as a Hydrologist cause for now I am not working as on since they are looking for registered. People .i completed my Bsc in 2009

    thank you

  21. I am currently in my first year of study at the University of Fort Hare. Majoring in Computer Science and Geographical Information Systems. I currently do not have any form of bursary or sponsorship and I would appreciate an opportunity to receive such from The Department of Water Affairs

  22. I want to sent my application asap but I am still waiting for open date unisa degree app which will be on August and this bursary is due 31 August,so my question is Should I sent the application without proof of application or wait for it

  23. Hi my name is Phumelele 25 yrs i would like to further my studies. But now that i have a single parent who is unemployed yes she did try to take me Damelin and i didnt finish because of finance. depending on GEPF since my father was working for water affairs, R980 is nothing for 8 children. Your help will be apriciated

  24. I’m currently doing my grade 12 and wish to persue my dreams next year studying Environmental health..unfortunately my parents ain’t working..

  25. I am a civil engineering student seeking a bursar that will assist me by paying my tuition fees and also help me complete my diploma by offering vacation work and in-service training.

  26. Hi am a 23 year old female, am doing my second year in hydrology and microbiology at the university of zululand. I would like the department of water affairs to offer me a bursary to further my studies.

    1. hai Ncamisile, my name is Ntando also been accepted at UNIZULU for Microbiology and Hydrology. Can you forward your contact details.

  27. I am a 24 years old male, currently enrolled in fresh water technology. Am in need of finacial assistance as we don’t have any reliable income at home.





  29. I am Makungu Osborn shikweni I am here by looking for the financial assisantance so that I can learn inorder to help the nation with the maintanance of the Enviromental health .

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