Nurse Training Intakes in Gauteng, South Africa

Nurse Training Programme in Gauteng, South Africa

The Latest Nurse Training Intakes for 2015 are available in Gauteng, South Africa. The Applications can be delivered at Nursing Colleges of Gauteng. The Following Nursing Colleges in Gauteng will receive the applications for Nursing Training Intakes 2015.

  • Chris Hani Baragwanath Nursing College
  • Ann Latsky Nursing College
  • SG Lourens Nursing College

If you are interested in Nurse Training Intakes in South Africa, you should join the Nurse Training Programme 2015 by submitting your application at the Gauteng Nursing Colleges. Nursing is a field that needs good experience and skills, and you can acquire these skills by joining the Nurse Training Programme 2015 in Gauteng, South Africa. It is also expected that you will get Better Nursing Jobs and Career offers after successful completion of your Nurse Training Programme in Gauteng, SA. The interested candidates should have a look on the details of Nurse Training Jobs before submitting their application for recruitment.

Nurse Training Intakes for 2015 in Gauteng, South Africa

Applications are now open for the 2015 Intake of Learners to the four year Nurse Training Programme in Gauteng.

In an effort to boost the number of health professionals in the province, the Gauteng Department of Health is giving unemployed people the opportunity to sign up for nursing courses in 2015.

Applicants are hereby invited to apply to study towards a Nursing Diploma (Psychiatric, Community and Midwifery) in 2015 at one of the following Gauteng Nursing Colleges: Ann Latsky Nursing College, Chris Hani Baragwanath Nursing College and S G Lourens Nursing College. The courses consists of theoretical and practical training.

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria for Nurse Training Opportunities in South Africa

The following subject criteria are required:

  • You must be in possession of one of the following school leaving certificates – a Senior Certificate, a National Senior Certificate or a National Certificate (Vocational) Primary Health or currently in Grade 12
  • Senior Certificate – English HG D or SG C, Biology HG D or SG C and an M score of 15, National Senior Certificate – English Level 4’Life Sciences Level 4 and an APS of 25, National Certificate (Vocational) Primary Health Fundamental subjects 50% and Vocational subjects 60%. Current Grade 12 learners must meet the National Senior certificate requirements in their Grade 11 marks.
  • Applicants with a nursing qualification (Enrolled Nurse or Enrolled Nursing Auxiliary) must have English HG D or SG C and an M score of 13 or Level 4 and an APS of 23
  • You must be a resident of the Gauteng Province
  • You must be 35 years old or younger by January 2015 (If not you will be automatically disqualified to continue with your application)

Ensure that you qualify and meet the minimum requirements before applying for a job

Closing Date: 02 May 2014; NO late applications will be accepted.

How to Apply for Nurse Training Courses / Intakes Available in Gauteng

To successfully apply and be considered for the training, please take note of the following:

  • You are required to register a profile on the GPG Professional Job Centre’s system before you can apply.
  • If you have previously registered a profile on the GPG Professional Job Centre website, kindly log in, click on the 2015 nursing intake banner, Update Resume and apply.
  • No documentation will be uploaded on the system, however you will be required to bring supporting documents along to the interview should you be shortlisted.
  • No hand delivered or emailed applications will be accepted.

If you comply with the eligibility criteria and other essential requirements, you can Apply Online for recently announced Nurse Training Intakes 2015 in South Africa. You can submit your training application at one of the above listed Nursing Colleges in Gauteng, South Africa. So if you are interested in  Nursing Careers and Jobs, you should get special Nursing Training by joining the Nurse Training Programme 2015 in South Africa.

If you do not receive feedback within 3 months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Several Nursing Training Opportunities for 2014 have been announced in South Africa. If you were unsuccessful in joining the training programme, you should now apply again to avail these Nursing Training Job Opportunities and get Nurse Training in South Africa.

87 thoughts on “Nurse Training Intakes in Gauteng, South Africa

  1. I cant afford to miss this opportunity as am prepaid to help those who are critically ill and take care who cant mobilize themselves,,giving them the correct medication according to their sickness.

  2. I don’t want to miss this I have a passion for nursing I love it I can feel it,there’s a lot of people and babies who are sick they need my help I want to help a lot of people when I see around where I live I saw a lot of pain

  3. I am Afraid my APS is More Than 25 but life Sciences Is In Level 3 with 48% only Two Percent destroy My Life…. I did Write Life Sciences Again To improve But the Results Will Come Out After The Closing Date…. Anyone Who Will Be Admitted Take Care

  4. Hi my niece was able to study first year, she does nt have the funds for year two she is 18 can she apply , she’s very keen and interested

    Please advise

  5. hai i really love to study nursing but my symbols are low i have E in Biology sg and F in English hg.What can I do to get in this learnership because nursing is my passion and I believe I can make a difference.

    1. i have PSS grade 12 and i m interested as being a nuts Bt i m trying to apply .and the only apply is not allow me what can i do please

  6. hey i have been trying to register but i’m experiencing some difficulties with the website.Please help

  7. hi,my ambition is to be nurse
    due to english HG F and Biology SG me to find way forward avery I try to apply but my application is disqualified

  8. Hi, i’m the young lady of 24 years old, and i’m really interested on ur training but the problem is the closing that becouse i’m not around gauteng at rhe moment. Help please…

    1. What do I do when I want to see that I am shortlisted or not for 2015 intake, I also want to know that, please help. Thank you

  9. Hi….i m very passionate about persuing my career in nursing.I really love helping the ill as i m patient and caring.I have National Senior Certificate and I qualify with your requirements,i have level 4’s on both Life Science and English and my APS score is 26.i had a problem with the website in acquiring all the info and the closing date has passed.please kindly advice what should i do now.Thanks!


  11. M an assistant nurse would I qualify to apply while I dnt hv maths and m from ada provience

  12. Hi. I want to enrol as a nurse but my problem is that I’m 39 years of there any means that I can get help because I’m interested

  13. Nursing is my passion and Iam really serious about doing a Nursing course but Iam busy with my Senior Certificate.I do have a NQF Level 4 with marks of 65%.Can I enroll for training at the college pls.

  14. i want to study for nursing i learn physics,life science.mathematics,english i am currently in grade 12 pls help me

  15. Hi l have an intrest to become a nurse but my subject does not meet the requirements l was on cormecial sibject at school but l have an intrest to become a nurse l did aids and councelling because lm will to help sick and very ill people in my village l need to train and become a nurse but l dont have money to train in private collage can you help lm living in KZN

  16. I am interested. In the field of nursing but I was commerce subjects at school.and ply saw this post recently what can i do to apply please help

  17. Hi I’m darios I passed matric last of last year and I have obtained with a diploma so I want to become a nurse please help

  18. Hi I’m darios I passed matric last of last year and I have obtained with a diploma so I want to become a nurse please help how to get an application form wanna study there I’m interested

  19. Dear sir or madam I would like to further my education at your institution, I love nursing with all my heart Is my dream career because i am so patient and I also like to work with people. I don’t have biology and mathamathic ,I have mathematic litarecy but i passed my matric with bachelor and I also have a pre-nursing certificate.I would appreciate if u can contact me on 0823551038 or email me .Thank you

  20. I am a learner at Hlanganani Senior Secondary School, i have passed my grade 11 now i’m in grade 12 but the problem is that my grade 11 results are not good my Life Sciences is level 3. I wanna ask if is it possible to register with both grade11 and 12 results for March,, i really love nursing.

  21. Hi studying nursing is my passion but my English results are bad, I’ve tried to apply but symbols I don’t qualify.

  22. Hi my name is lumka ntsume I have passed my matric since 1994 and I had apply for nursing since then ,done life science ,maths physical science and I would be happy if you can call me for at to write the test

  23. My name is Sibongile I am 19 years old. I have got ancillary health care certificate and I have passed matric with a D and I would like to futher my education at SG lorrence and I would like you to let me know when aplication is on for 2016 please help

  24. Dear sir/madam
    My name is kate,i resides in Pretoria,I love nursing apparently I work as a caregiver at the retirement village ,I would love to further my nursing studies at your institutions but my problem is I got my English hg with f and biology sg with f ,so what I want to know is,is it by any chance that you can take me in?

  25. My name is mahlodi,I did apply for nursng in 2009 and I was accepted for a 4 year nursing diploma,was invited to attend a selection process”assessment”was suppose to deposit the money etc.then I lost my phone…So do I need to re-apply or can I just come with my letter to your office?please advice!

  26. dear sir/madam please help me to further my passion, I am willing to be part of the health care team but I am struggling to get help, please advice me. I will appreciate your feedback

  27. If I will this opportunity I will suffer the rest of ma life bcz it my cares I am good person who love patients n m doing community health worker in mpilo royal college

  28. hi my name is nelly i’d like to study nursing with all my heart the problem is I have biology sg E and English HG C my m score is 24 my maths is 39-49 % please help I need to apply thats if I qualify

  29. Dear sir/madam I am Nozibusiso Sinenhlanhla Mlambo. A disable girl of 22 years old.I finished my matric on 2010 with D. I have English and life science and I have counselling. I would like to further my education at Chris Hani Baragwanath nursing college I can start anytime from now on please let me know if you can accept my application.


  31. Hi! I have past matric last year,I am interested in nursing but I have done pure commerce, what can I do?

  32. When will this learnership be available ive been looking for it on the website and its not there or is the another alternative way to apply

  33. Dear Sir/Madam
    I’m Zandile Spambo and I pass my matric last of last year.Being a nurse was always a dream since I was young but my symbols are low I got H
    I am a fast learner and I’m working hard,I’d be happy if I’m being contacted directly
    Here are my contact 0838789789

  34. hi help me I need 2 do D4 but problem BT symbols mark for matric is low but I’ve done Enrolled nurse at private shool

  35. Im 35 years old wishing to do nursing I passed my Matric 1997 also have diploma in computirised clerk please help im willing to start next year july/aug 2015

  36. Busi
    Good morning sir or madam I’m 27 years of age I did pre training and auxiliary I’ve completed but I would really love to further my studies for very passionate in working with sick people please help thank you.

  37. I HV a pre-nursing_I HV computer, I’m volunteer at clinic as home basic I’m looking forward to become a nurse I lv ppl I dnt want 2c sick ppl

  38. Am keneilwe hv level4 certificate and hv gud results .hv done maths lite,life orientation,early childhood development,ancillary healthcare

  39. hey am 18 years doing my grade 12 i love nursing very much how do i register in nursing school please help me i want to start my course 2016 january.

  40. hello I have just completed my matric last year 2015..Unfortunately I’ve belated to do my application on time..I am 19years old girl and having this strong desire for nursing training..Is it too late for me to do the application?Please help…

  41. ihi i am Thando i want nursing to be part of my life i passed my matric last year 2015 can i be able to apply for this year or at least next year i really want to puersue my dreams.

  42. I have passion for nursing,it runs in my blood. Truely speaking,the reason I want to do nursing is to help people who need it.But I have some difficulties in applying online. I even tried the Ann latsky nursing college which tells me that the online application is not available at the moment.I just need to be updated when is the late intakes so that I can apply very early.

  43. Am also interested in studying nursing. ..last year I applied at SG Laurence bt got no luck I hope dis year dy accept me.I have matric with life science(biology)
    and also did ancilliary.i want to further my nursing and be able to help people who are in need.plz help n update with applications!

  44. I am really really in need of being a nurse and I have passion .I can’t afford to miss this huge opportunity. I love nursing with all of my heart and I am willing to work hard

  45. Hi. My name is Lerato and I really want to be a professional nurse but I don’t know where to go for application forms. I have just finished my matric and can’t wait to start training as a nurse. please help

  46. i’m experiencing difficulties concerning applying online, it seems like the application form is no longer there please send mend me the correct application form or the correct website were i can get application form. your response will highly appritiated

  47. I had been trying to apply for this in the few past days,I evn went to sg Laurens to seek some alternative but then they are referring me back to the method I did….applying online,I did follow all the instructions on gpjobcentre,I registered and fill up all the required info but it doesn’t give me a submit option….can any1 who got this correctly rescue us,we are in need of this opportunity,we want to give back to society.Thanks

  48. Hi I’m Tshepisang Baloyi i have passed my matric and i did home based care and i want to study nursing please help

  49. Hi my name is simphiwe I wish to be one of the students tostudy at baragwanath I have passed my matric in 2016

  50. Hi,im Dikeledi im a care giver who did short courses&sti”s courses im currently work@RMPRU based @Baragwath hospital but aproved by Wits University.I want to prove to community that I can whole heatedly help them.I would love to further my studies full time in nursing.

  51. Hi my name is Lebogang I really love nursing but I have commercial subjects and I have community health care level 2,I would like to apply at SG laurence. please help .

  52. Hi I’m faith pinga i really lv nursing but I HV level 3 on both subject English,biology so i nid to join u plz helpline

  53. I have passed my matrices in 1998. I would like to enroll at a nursing college.if I got this opportunity to contribute to our society I will gladly accept it.

  54. My is bulelwa ngubeni I like to upgrade my career for nursing am having ancillary certificate fighter certificate and first aid level l am 49 yrs i like nursing .k want to be learn more abojt nusing and i use to help people
    Am interested and I like my job

  55. Hi am karabo I want to one when closing date am very interested at nursing but I was doing commerce at school I didn’t do life science my Aps is 27 can I apply

  56. I have done ancillary certificate in 2017 and need to continue with Auxillary course this year. Can you please help me realise my dreams of becoming a trained nurse….

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