South African Reserve Bank Bursary: Latest Bursaries

bursaries and grants south african reserve bank

South African Reserver Bank is offering the Latest Bursary 2015. The Latest Bursaries at SARB are available for hard working and talented students. The South African Reserve Bank Bursaries 2015 have been announced in South Africa. SARB Bursary application form should be submitted by the interested candidates.

South African Reserve Bank Bursaries for 2015 can manage your educational expenses. If you are finding it hard to pay your college / school fee, then the South African Reserve Bank Bursary Programme 2015 will be best suit to your needs. The interested candidates should have a look on the details of bursary 2015 before submitting their bursary application at the bursary dept of SARB.

South African Reserve Bank Bursaries 2015: The Latest Bursary Programme in South Africa

South Africa’s central bank, the South African Reserve Bank, is offering bursaries to top performers who are currently in Grade 12 or those who recently matriculated. Bursaries will be awarded for FULL-TIME  studies that have a bearing on, and be applicable to, the functions and activities of the Bank. (For more information on the Bank, visit the Bank’s website: This includes, for example, Economics, Information Technology, Finance, Law and Accounting, and excludes, for example, Medicine, Dentistry and Social Work.

The South African Reserve Bank (the Bank), as part of addressing the severe shortage of skills in South Africa, provides bursaries to students in relevant fields of study who are from disadvantaged backgrounds. The purpose of the bursary scheme is to assist financially needy students who obtain good results in Matric/Grade 12 and who want to study in fields relevant to the Bank.The bursary is intended for undergraduate studies at a South African university on a full-time basis.A bursary will be granted from the first academic year and reviewed annually. Bursary holders need not reapply for the bursary each year.

Criteria for awarding bursaries

Over and above the criteria set out above, the following will be used as guidelines in the awarding of bursaries:

  • Bursaries will be awarded to students who obtain 60 per cent in the June Matric/Grade 12 examinations. Final awarding of a Bank bursary is subject to a student’s final Matric/Grade 12 results and enrolment acceptance at a South African university.
  • Bursaries will be awarded to South African citizens only.
  • The total number of students and related bursary costs will be reviewed annually.
  • An annual one-off payment for books, accommodation (university accommodation only) and tuition fees will be made to a student.

Post-bursary obligations

The Bank will have first right of refusal with regard to funded students, that is, bursary holders will be obliged to work for the Bank for a period equal to their bursary period, unless the Bank chooses not to employ them. Students who choose not to work for the Bank despite the Bank offering them a position after completing their studies will be required to pay the full cost of the bursary back to the Bank.

The Bank will provide students who are Bank bursary holders vacation work opportunities that are funded by the Bank.

Bursary holders will be required to submit their examination results before 31 December of each year, regardless of whether or not they will be awarded a bursary for the following year.

Potential bursary students will be required to avail themselves to be interviewed and to be tested. Successful applicants(s) for the bursary will be expected to sign an agreement with the Bank.

Closing Date: 30 September 2014

How to Apply for South African Reserve Bank Bursary Programme 2015

If you comply with the eligibility criteria and other requirements, you should Click here to download the applications form, which has further details on how to apply.

Examination results, university enrolment form (student number) and any other supporting documents must be submitted with the application form.Completed application forms must be emailed to:

Or posted to:

Mr John Legoete
P.O. Box 30632

Various bursary programme for 2014 and 2015 have been announced by various companies, departments and banks. If you are really in need of Latest Bursaries 2015, then you should apply online for the Bursaries at South African Reserve Bank.

18 thoughts on “South African Reserve Bank Bursary: Latest Bursaries

  1. I’m doing matric in this year I want to go to univesity next year but my mom has n’t got money to take me to there can you please help me to fullfill my dream thank you

  2. I would like to ask about age.I’m 25,passed my matric in 2007.obtained c symbol in accounting.can I apply for this bursary

  3. I’m loyiso,a 20yearas old guy from a poor community with a low equipment for any career to follow..I indeed wanna further my studies just I don’t have money to go to varsity.can you please help me..

  4. I am a former learner who matriculated in 2013 and I obtained a bachelors degree,I could not go to varsity because of not having funds and the worst part is that I was accepted by two institutions.really need your help by getting the application form can you please send me the application form to the following address: 508B
    Pam high street

    Kindly regards

    A very needy boy

  5. hello. Im a first year student at Damelin collage studying Bcom accounting. I would like to know if its possible if i can apply for a bursary for 2015.

  6. I am currently doing my first year BA Development Studies with majors in economics and development. My father is struggling to pay for my university fees to such an extent that this is putting some strain on my mind. Is it possible to apply for this bursary?

  7. Hi can u please help me by sendíng me an application form bcaus am unable to dounload it.send it at 12942 ext 10 embalenhle.plz send it before month end of july 2014

  8. I’m doing matric in this year I want to go to univesity next year but my mom has n?t got money to take me to there can you please help me to fullfill my dream thank you

  9. I will be doing my third year at University 2015, I am doing BCOM. I need to apply for bursary ??

  10. Hi im sakhile ,can you please send me a form for sars bursary to P.O.Box 236,MTUBATUBA,3935; i am currently doing grade 12

  11. Hi…my name is Sapho um at the university now doing a diploma in accounting for my second year study, so please can you send me a bursary form to apply .

  12. Good day,

    I wanted to enquire about the bursary.

    I matriculated in 2012 and managed to register for my first year in 2013 which I passed but I have not been able to register this year 2014 due to lack of finances.

    I would like to find out if I can qualify for this bursary or is it only meant for those in matric this year or those that completed in 2013.

    The opportunity for this bursary will really help me in reaching my goal of obtaining a Diploma in IT.

    Your prompt response would be very much appreciated.

    Thanking you kindly

    Yours sincerely


  13. Hi
    I did Matriculated in 2013 and I obtained a bachelors degree,I really want to do social worker .a bursary,leanership ,internship anything to make something of my life .my parents don’t have money to let me study or so.

  14. Iam currently doing my matric Iam in really in need of the bursary from the bank.I am in commercial department specialising in accounting and Pure mathematics mostly,but doing other subjects as well. Please email me if i qualify for the bursary

  15. Hi, my name is Mathapelo Moloi m currently studying at North-west University. I am studying BA LAW and I don’t have any money to pay for my fees, so I kindly ask for your help to assist me so that I can further my studies. Please help me, here’s my number 0790338246.

  16. im currenty doing my secong year at university of Zululand doing BCOM (Business Management and Economics I would like to be included in this busary to able to get better job after I finished my degree

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