Design Internship at NATIVE VML Johannesburg, SA

native vml internship jobs in graphic designing video editing

The Native VML is offering the Latest Design Internships 2014 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Graphic Design Internship Opportunities are rare in the SA, and a lot of people are looking to get experience as Graphic Designer at any esteemed company of South Africa. Hence the Native VML Pty LTD has come up with the Latest Graphic Designing Internship Programme in South Africa that has been announced for those candidates who are really willing to get Graphic Designing Experience at Native VML, JHB, South Africa.

Graphic Designing is a field that needs good practice, training and experience to make you veteran. After having a strong grip on your work, you may get more better Graphic Designing Jobs and Employment Offers from various other companies working in South Africa. Hence the interested candidates can submit their application for the design internship programme 2014 at NATIVE VML after having a look on the below mentioned job details and descriptions.

Graphic Design Internships in South Africa: Designing Internship At Native VML

NATIVE VML is looking for a talented, enthusiastic and hard-working design intern to join our Jo’burg team on a three-month basis.

A tertiary design qualification with some experience would be ideal.  Excellent verbal, written communication and presentation skills are paramount. We expect a positive attitude, contagious energy and an inspiring, strong work ethic. The ideal candidate must be self-motivated, willing to be challenged and work well within a team.

Key responsibilities/accountabilities

  • creating designs for a variety of brands to use on social media, websites and sometimes, in print
  • understanding and interpreting a brief correctly
  • an ability to meet tight deadlines
  • an understanding of social media – its opportunities and limitations
  • the ability to take constructive criticism and implement changes accordingly
  • maintain high standards for execution and attention to detail in all aspects of design
  • must be relentless in work ethic and passionate to do the best work possible on each and every project
  • an ability to learn quickly and absorb knowledge of more experienced designers

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria

  • A portfolio of great design work
  • Excellent working knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign


  • Photography skills
  • Video making & editing skills

How to Apply for Graphic Design Internship in Johannesburg, South Africa

NATIVE VML Jobs and Careers usually remain vacant / available for the hard working, serious and talented candidates. So if you want to make your career in the field of Graphic Designing, then you should join the Native VML Internships 2014 available in Johannesburg, South Africa to optimize your experience and skills.

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria and other essential requirements, then you can forward your CV to (indicating in the subject line #Design Intern)

If you have not heard from us in four weeks, you can accept that your application has been unsuccessful.

It is a special 3 months Design Internship job opportunity for Design Intern in South Africa. The Design Internship Programme will be beneficial for you, if you are looking for the valuable experience in graphic designing field. So you should not waste your time, and submit your internship job application form at the earliest possible time to join Native VML To get video making, editting and photography experience.

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