Basic Pharmacist Assistant Learnerships at Kheth’Impilo

Kheth Impilo Learnerships Jobs Careers in SA

The Kheth’Impilo is offering the Latest Pharmacist Assistant Learnerships 2015 in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Kheth’Impilo Careers and Jobs usually remain available / vacant in South Africa, and you may also avail these opportunities after completing the Basic Pharmacist Assistant Learnership Programme 2015. Kheth’Impilo Learnerships 2015 are available for those candidates, who are willing to get special training in the relevant field.

Kheth’Impilo Jobs should be availed by the interested candidates. The Government Learnerships 2015 are rare in South Africa, and you should avail these Learnership Opportunities by forwarding your Learnership Job Application at the earliest possible time. It is also pertinent to mention here that you may also avail the Pharmacist Assistant Careers and Jobs after completing the Pharmacist Assistance Learnership Programme 2015. The interested candidates should go through the complete details before forwarding their job application at the recruitment department of the company.

Kheth’Impilo Basic Pharmacist Assistant Learnerships 2015 in Eastern Cape, South Africa

Kheth’Impilo invites applications from suitably qualified unemployed youth for Basic Pharmacist’s Assistant Learnerships.

Reference Number: REF: P013213-32

These opportunities are based in the Eastern Cape. This Learnership involves ONE year of training at a registered training facility to obtain a Basic Pharmacist Assistant qualification (HWSETA Accredited).

Requirements / Eligibility Criteria

  • Must have successfully completed grade 12 (at least 40% Mathematics and 50% English)
  • Must be prepared to write a screening test as part of the recruitment process
  • Candidates must be resident in the area and be able to speak fluent English and one other language.
  • Candidate must have a South African Citizenship and be under the age of 35 years
  • Candidates must have good inter-personal skills and be willing to work as part of a health care team


  • Must provide support and assistance to the pharmacist and the pharmacy staff in the allocated pharmacy.
  • Must assist with the effective control and management of pharmaceutical stock.
  • Must assist with record keeping, data capturing and information provision.
  • Must be prepared to embark on a training course to qualify as a Basic / Post basic pharmacist Assistant

How to Apply for Pharmacist Assistant Learnerships 2015 at Kheth’Impilo in South Africa

  • Submit a Copy of  a one  page CV with Contactable references
  • Provide a Covering Letter quoting the reference number
  • Submit a Certified copy of your identity document
  • Submit a Certified copy of your grade 12 Certificate, (verification of the certificate will be done).

To apply, please email the above-mentioned documents to

Closing date for applications: 13 April 2015

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Apply Online for Kheth’Impilo Learnership Programme 2015 in the Pharmacy field. The Pharmacy Jobs and Careers usually remain available, and you may avail these opportunities after completing the Learnership Training Programme 2015.

10 thoughts on “Basic Pharmacist Assistant Learnerships at Kheth’Impilo

  1. I am a student who has Basic(Pharmacist Assistant for 3 years now,I am interested to finish Post Basic,as I’m struggling to get Skills development at work. Is it possible if u can put my name on your data,whenever you need students for Post Basic I am available. Thank you!My number is073 676 7781,my name is Nondiliseko Tukani

  2. Please help me I need training for post basic pharmacist assistant before its discontinued in 2017 pleae

  3. Hi I am interested in doing the Basic Pharmacist Assistant course. I am currently working at a Pharmaceutical company who do assist employees but due to my job position, I am not falling into the criteria of being sent to to do the course. Anyone out there with help – willing to resign to do full time.
    Thanking you

  4. Hello. I am interested in studying pharmacy assistant course for 2018. I live in Grahamstown in Eastern Cape and the Rhodes university is closed for application. Where can I get it around the area that I live in?


  5. Hellow my name is Sylvia I’m interested to study assistant pharmacy course for 2018 I live in Pietermaritburg I got experience but I don’t have qualifications I need help please

    1. Hellow I’m interested to study assistant pharmacy course next year 2018 I got experience but I don’t have qualifications I need help

  6. I would love to study pharmacist assitance ….I wanna know about your rules n regulations…..I finish matric 2011 ….currently working for clicks as beauty advisor but really need change

    Thank you so Much

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