CSIR Vacation Programme June / July

CSIR Jobs Careers Learnerships Vacation Work Programmes

The CSIR Defence, Peace, Safety and Security (DPSS) is offering the Latest Vacation Work Programme 2015 from June to July. The Vacation Work 2015 is available in different fields including social science, computer sciences and engineering. The CSIR Careers usually remain available in South Africa, and you may avail the CSIR Vacancies after completing the Vacation Work Opportunities 2015 in South Africa.

CSIR Vacation Work Programme 2015 will boost your experience level as well as expertise, and you will be able to get more better Jobs in South Africa. You may also avail the CSIR Jobs after having experience in the relevant fields. The CSIR Vacation Work June / July 2015 has been announced for those candidates, who are willing to get experience in different fields relevant to their studies. The CSIR Training Programme 2015 should be joined by the interested candidates after going through the below mentioned details.

CSIR Vacation Work Programme 2015 (June to July) in South Africa

CSIR Defence, Peace, Safety and Security (DPSS) unit positions itself as the strategic Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) partner of state departments and agencies in defence, peace, safety and security, as well as the aerospace-related industry. As such, it develops its people to operate as experts in SET disciplines and to have systems insight and application domain understanding. It contributes to the national need for skilled SET people through programmes with universities and leading laboratories.

The vacation work programme is designed to provide students with experience and understanding of research and development and the implementation thereof in projects. Students will gain in-depth experience and knowledge in this field through exposure to world-class facilities and some of the top minds in radar and electronic protection. The vacation programme is for a June/July.

The unit has a number of vacation work positions for outstanding students in the following domains:

  • Mechanical engineering
  • Aeronautical engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Electronic engineering
  • Computer engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • Computer science
  • Bio-Medical engineering
  • Social sciences specialising in foresight studies

We are looking for undergraduate and post graduate students on all levels (1st year – Honours) in the above mentioned competencies.

Minimum Requirements / Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates must be South African citizens
  • Candidates must currently be enrolled for the relevant qualification at a South African recognised university
  • Minimum academic average of 65%

Applicants must submit the following documentation for their applications to be successful:

  • Certified copy of  matric certificate NOT matric results
  • Certified copy of  latest academic record or results
  • Certified copy of  South African ID
  • Copy of  CV

Closing Date: 30 April 2015

How to Apply for CSIR Vacation Work 2015

CSIR is offering the Latest Vacation Work Programme June-July 2015 for the hard working and talented candidates to make them expert in the relevant fields. If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Apply Online for the recently announced Vacation Work 2015. The CSIR Training Opportunities can jump start your career by boosting your experience level that will be helpful for you in future. You will get more better Job Offers after having valuable experience and good training.

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