Wanted: Bulk Vehicle Operator (BVO) Learners at BP

BP Careers Jobs Learnerships for Bulk Vehicle Operators

The BP is looking for the Bulk Vehicle Operator Learners in Gauteng and Durban, South Africa. The Vehicle Operator Learnerships 2015 are available for those candidates, who are willing to make their career in Vehicle Operation and Driving fields. The Bulk Vehicle Operator Learners are Wanted at BP, South Africa, where they will learn to operate the different vehicles.

the BP Careers and Jobs usually remain available in South Africa, and you may also avail these Jobs at BP after getting the experience certificate. You may also get the better Vehicle Operator Jobs and Career Opportunities after completing the Learnership Programme 2015. The Driving Learnerships are rare in South Africa, so you should join the BP Vehicle Operator Learnerships 2015 to be trained as Driver / Vehicle Operator. The valuable experience will provide you more better Driving Jobs / Driving Careers in South Africa. The interested candidates should go through the complete job details before forwarding their job application to the concerned / recruitment department.

Bulk Vehicle Operator Learners Wanted at BP, South Africa: Vehicle Operator Learnerships

Positions have become available in Durban and Gauteng for Bulk Vehicle Operator (BVO) Learners who will be responsible for the delivery of bulk fuel as per customer requirements, whilst fully complying with BP‘s HSSE (health, safety, security and environment) standards and practices and local legislation.This job engages intimately with the customer base, and as such the BVO’s role is critical to the delivery of customer satisfaction.

BP is the world’s sixth-largest oil and gas company.

As a Bulk Vehicle Operator you will be responsible for the following:

  • Complete(pre-shift) self assessment & conduct vehicle pre trip inspection;
  • Drive the bulk vehicle according to BP’s Driving Safety Standards (DSS);
  • Receive loading and delivery instructions;
  • Load and off-load bulk vehicle safely and efficiently;
  • Effect delivery of the right product to the right place at the right time, safely every time;
  • Ensure all relevant documentation, to and from the customer, is correct;
  • Participate in trip briefing and de-briefing;
  • Attend and participate in relevant HSSE meetings and training as required.


  • Matriculated
  • 1 years code 14 driving experience
  • Valid code 14 drivers license and PRDP
  • English language required

How to Apply for Bulk Vehicle Operator Learners Jobs (BVO) at BP, South Africa

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Click here to apply online for the recently announced careers in Vehicle Operation field. The Vehicle Operator Learning Programme 2015 can jump start your career in short period of time, and you may get more better Jobs in future.

61 thoughts on “Wanted: Bulk Vehicle Operator (BVO) Learners at BP

  1. I can’t apply online can you please give email address or fax number. I real need to apply for that learnership I qualify I have all necessary requirement.

  2. Hi dear admin my name is lungile zitha . I would to ask about the learnship as a bulk vehicle operate at bp in pretoria cause I do have a code 14 with a prdp I’m a woman age 29 years old

  3. Dear Sir/Madam my name Nkete Nurse Magana age 31 . Am interested in yr leanership program as a driver , i hav code 14 with Pdp , matric certificate and safety rap couse .i’ll be forever gratefull if you give me an opportunity to be part of this program.

  4. Hi’ I wish to be the one of your learnership driver. My number is 0739717310 or 0739429881. I have code 14 with pdp.

  5. I.m xolani kwatshube, I wish to be a one of a learneship driver. I got code 14 2years expirance. My number is 073 2998 156.

  6. Hi I looking for learnership, I have grade12 in school and code 14 driver’s licence with PDP . I live at Durban

  7. Hi my name is Calvin,I’m interested in leanership for code 14.I’m based in gauteng here is my contact 0826791270 or email calvinsereko1@gmail .com

  8. my name is John. 34 years in age, code 14 PDP dgp leave in soshanguve would like to be in your learneship programme this year.

  9. Hi my name is Buyelani gwala um from KZN , um 29year old ihave code 14 with pdp and matric um looking for learnership to become aprofessional driver um unemploy

    No. 0839529591
    Other. 0638496424

  10. Hai I’m Terrence Nkosikhona Ngwane age of 37 i’m staying in Verulam around Durban, I would like to be the one of your leanership driver i do have code14 with prdp as you mention and also matric my contact no. 073 480 6702 thanks

  11. Hi i am andile faniso 34yrs old code ec dgp 4 yrs exp i live in cape town matric profesional driver i looking for job

  12. Hi am Nkosi Prince am kindly looking for a job i got code 14 and mobile crane 80 ton
    my no is 072 5162 882

  13. Hi my name is Nhlanhla Mkhize. I stay in Durban. I have code 14 which I receipted in 2013, and I would love to become part of Bp learnership. My dream is to become a professional code 14 driver, I kindly request that BP gives me that opportunity to live my dream.

    060 546 8809
    074 791 5376

  14. I am Luthando Ngxiki I am interested to participate in this leadership and I have all necessary requirements

  15. My number is 0738683437 I have code 14 with hezchem certificate and I am age of 28 just contact me I am always available please it’s Luthando Ngxiki

  16. Hi I am Xolani Ngema,i am interrsted in the learnership.I have matric and EC plus PRDP.


  17. Hi my name is Sthembile Mbhense I’m a 35 years old female with a code14 AND pdp I would like to be part of the company even if I can start as a learner my number is 0786682044 thaks

  18. I’m ayanda busakwe 30 years I’m looking for driving job or leanership code 14(EC) with prdp and matric.
    I have code ten driving with four years driving experience in south Africa, also have code 14 with nine months driving experience in south Africa. I’m accident free

  19. Hi my name is Christopher mbizana, I interest is to join a learnership with Bp, I have code14with 4 years driving experience, matric and 36 years ald male, my number is 0788748166

  20. Hi my name is Christopher mbizana, my interest is to join a learnership with Bp, I have code14with 4 years driving experience, matric and 36 years ald male, my number is 0788748166

    1. Hello I’m thabisa aloni female 31 yrs old I really need this learnership I have code 14 drivers license with DGP but I don’t have matric certificate I only have grade 11 my contact number is 0834879250

  21. Hi I am a 27 year male looking for a learnership in tanker driving. I have a EC drivers licence, dangerous goods certificate and mobile crane 50 ton certificate.

  22. I’m interested to work for bp. I have a nq level 3 in professional driving. I was a unitrans learner for a year. So I’m a good driver who drive under bad and good weather condition. My contact 0737860613


  24. Hi my name is sbusiso I have a code14 with pdp looking for leanership im in durban my number is 060 450 4575

  25. Im Lunga Telem lm looking for learnership…I had Code
    10(C1) in 2013, but 2015 l made Code 14(EC), l’ve
    got PrPD, Matric(Grade 12) and Passport. lm in
    Germiston in Katlehong lm 29 years. My number is
    060 441 3450 email lungatelem3@gmail.com…please make a plan for me lm not working at the moment.

  26. Myou name is carven mello,I have Ec driver’s license.4 years of experience with pdp.looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest.

  27. Hi my name is lindani simbela from Richardsbay .i have code 14 and matric currently working at sbv i would like to be a part of this learnership driving program .my number is 0737908706

  28. Hi i m madiope william i m frm diepsloot i have code 14 i like to be part of this learnership.catch me at 0726602350

  29. My name is Regina im 31 yrs im a female with code 14+PRDP i also have matric. I am interest in a learnership for professional driving or a job as a driver or assistance driver. Thank u in advance.

  30. Hi I’m Smart Ngubane I’m a male I’m in Johannesburg I’m willing to be a leaner i have got code 14 with prdp and matric certificate my contact 0720437025

  31. Please forward for how to apply for code 14 learneship .I have matric ,passport and code 14 with dangerous good. My number 0762642334/0795313902.

  32. Hi. I am bulelani Natala from klerksdporp. I’m 31 years old. I have code 14 with a dangerous good certificate. Im a hard working person, very committed in any given task. I would love to work for your company. Thanks

  33. Hi. Im Musa from Gauteng I have code 14 with dangerous goods certificate, and im intrested to be a leaner. My contact numbers 073 1461709

  34. HI My Name is Sanele Mkhize, I have a code EC drivers licence with Dgp, Code 10 driving experience of 7 years, Code 14 is two months old, i have a grade 12 certificate, with English as a Home language, Diploma in Marketing which makes communication skills very effective, and I am 27 years old of age male, leaving in Durban, I am available for an interview at any given time on this number, 0614466702.

  35. Hi I’m mbongeni mpungose with code c’before which was ugraded to code 14 plus dgp looking for code 14 drivers learnership I have matric and I live in Durban.

  36. Hi mbongeni mpungose looking for code 14 drivers learnership. I have code 14 dgp with matric and I live in Durban.I had code c’before which was issued in year 2004.My number is 0799572884 and 0817679992 thank you.

  37. Hai I’m Mazwikayise Bornaventure Ximba I’m looking for looking for driver learnership for Code 14 i have Code 14 with Pdp i got 3years experience. And I got matric no:0766941196

  38. Hello hie Shelton here, from Cape town. I did like to learn and work with you. Code 14 with Prdp. And currently an UBER driver.

  39. Hi my name is frans i have matric certificate, i am 32years of age am looking for code 14 DGP leanership i am based in gauteng my number is 0733311119

  40. Hi my name is Axolile i did like to learn nd work with u i have got code 14 pdp nd 6 years experience

  41. My name is Rhinah Marcie mthimunye I want a learneship in bulk vehicle I have metric certificate, code 14 with prdp and and 4yrs experience

  42. Hi im lindani Bengu i have code 14 with gdp im looking for leanership to be a best driver 0794882250my contact number

  43. Hello I’m thabisa aloni female 31 yrs old I really need this learnership I have code 14 drivers license with DGP but I don’t have matric certificate I only have grade 11 my contact number is 0834879250

  44. Hello my name is Velly Tebele and i’m 30 years old, i’ll be grateful if i can be granted this wonderful opportunity
    to brighten my future. i’ve got matric and code 14 licence with prdp and two years of experience in driving (volvo, mercedes, and freightliner)
    your response will be highly appriciated

    kind regards
    Velly Tebele

  45. Hello I’m sipho Zondo im 38 years i had my licence from 2013 I would like to apply a learnership in your company i really need it, here is my contact number 0736006930 please do not hesitate to contact me any time 24hours thank you

  46. Hi
    I am Richman Thulan Mntambo. I am 42 yes of age. I am staying in Richards Bay . I am applying for becoming a BP learner when opportunities comes up.

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