Standard Bank Scholarships & Bursaries 2016

Standard Bank South Africa Learnership Programmes

The Standard of South Africa is offering the Latest Bursaries 2016 as well as New Scholarships 2016 for students in various fields including Commerce, Science, Technology and Engineering. The Standard Bank Scholarships 2016 will provide you financial support during your studies in the above mentioned fields. If you are looking for the Standard Bank Scholarship Programme 2016, then you have come to the right place.

Various Scholarship Grants have been announced by different institutes / banks, and now the Standard Bank Bursaries 2016 and Scholarships are available for South African Students. The Standard Bank Bursary Programme 2016 will make your study time more reliable by providing you financial support. The Bursary Application Form as well as the Scholarship Application Form both are available over the web, so you should not waste your time, and apply for the Standard Bank Bursary Scheme 2016. The interested candidates should go through the complete job details as mentioned below before forwarding their bursaries and scholarships applications.

Standard Bank Scholarship Programme 2016 and Bursaries for Students

By connecting the brightest young Africans with the educational opportunities they need, we can secure real progress for them and for our continent. It’s how we’ll shape and strengthen the next generation of African talent and African leaders.In honour of Standard Bank’s 150th anniversary in 2012, they launched 150 bursary and scholarship fund, designed to promote academic excellence (in various disciplines within commerce, science, engineering and technology) and to target a range of recipients.

Take a look below at the Standard Bank: opportunities available

A) Standard Bank Group 150 Undergraduate Bursary

The undergraduate fund is specific to students that are on track to successfully complete their 1st year and require funding from their 2nd year of studies. Applicants should be well-rounded with strong academic results in the fields of commerce, science, engineering, mathematics and technology at our preferred academic institutions.

  • Applicants should have a 65% aggregate
  • Applicants must register for  full time undergraduate studies
  • Applicants must meet the entry requirements of the University (preference is given to University of Cape Town, Wits University, the University of Pretoria, Rhodes University, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Stellenbosch University, the University of Johannesburg)
  • Applicants will be required to participate in a formal assessment process including but not limited to Psychometric evaluation and interview
  • Financial need is considered in applications
  • Applications are open from 15 July 2015 and close 30 September 2015.

B) Standard Bank Group 150 Postgraduate Bursary

The 150 fund provides full-cost bursaries to financially deserving and academically sound students wishing to pursue postgraduate studies in commerce, science, engineering, mathematics and technology at the preferred academic institutions.

  • Applicants should have a 65% aggregate
  • Applicants must register for  full time postgraduate studies
  • Applicants must meet the entry requirements of the University(preference is given to University of Cape Town, Wits University, the University of Pretoria, Rhodes University, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Stellenbosch University, the University of Johannesburg)
  • Applicants will be required to participate in a formal assessment process including but not limited to Psychometric evaluation and interview
  • Financial need is considered in applications
  • The 150 Bursary programme Applications Open 15 July 2015 and close30 September 2015.

How to Apply for Standard Bank Bursary Programme 2016 and Bursaries for Students in South Africa

You can apply using one of the following options:

  • Mail: Write a letter containing your name, surname and a valid postal address and postal code to: Standard Bank Bursary Programme, Studietrust, Private Bag X16, Braamfontein 2017
  • Email: Send an email explicitly requesting a Standard Bank bursary application form, and containing your name, surname and a valid postal address and postal code to:
  • SMS: Sms the word STANDARD, your name, surname, postal address and postal code to 31022.
  • Website application: Fill in an online application form on:

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should apply online for Standard Bank Bursaries and Scholarship Opportunities available for hard working and talented students.

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