The Gauteng Department of Sports, Arts, Culture & Recreation is offering the Latest Internship Jobs for 2016 in various fields including Information Technology, Supply Chain Management, Knowledge Management, Stakeholders Management, Communication, Recreation, Competitive Sports, Security Management, Facilities Management, Corporate Services, Cultural Affairs, Heritage, Library, Human Resources Development, Employee Relations, Sports Development and Coordination, Audit and Risk Management.
If you are looking for the Government Internships 2016, you have come to the right place, as the Gauteng Dept of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation Internship Programme 2016 has been announced for hard working and talented candidates. It is also pertinent to mention here that you may get more better Government Jobs or Government Vacancies after completing the Government Internship Jobs 2016. You should have a look on the details and descriptions of the Job before forwarding your application form to the recruitment department.
Gauteng Department of Sports, Arts, Culture & Recreation Internship Programme 2016: Govt Jobs in South Africa
Location: Johannesburg
The Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation is contributing towards skills development by providing opportunities to unemployed graduates to gain work experience in various skills areas. It is therefore inviting applications for an Internship Programme that will run for a 12 months contract period.
The internship programme is aimed at enhancing the employability of unemployed graduates aged between 18 and 35 years.
Applications must be graduates in fields specified below and / or have successfully completed the theoretical part of study and are in need of experiential learning in order to complete the qualification.
Audit & Risk ManagementInternal Audit
REF: DSACR / 01 |
Gauteng Sports CouncilSports Science / Sports Management
REF: DSACR / 02 |
Sports Development and Coordination / Head OfficeSports Science / Sports Management
REF: DSACR / 03 |
Employee RelationsDiploma / Degree Labour Relations
REF: DSACR / 04 |
Human Resource DevelopmentDiploma / Degree Human Resource Management
REF: DSACR / 05 |
Cultural AffairsDiploma / Degree / Certificate Fine Arts, Arts Management
REF: DSACR / 06 |
Archival Records – Mogale CityRecords Management / Archival and Records
REF: DSACR / 07 |
LibraryInformation Science
REF: DSACR / 08 |
Cultural Affairs / LibraryLibrary and Information Science
REF: DSACR / 09 |
HeritageSocial Sciences, Languages, Military Veterans and Heritage
REF: DSACR / 10 |
Cultural Affairs (West / Tshwane / JHB / Ekurhuleni / Sedibeng)Diploma Performing Arts / Degree in Drama Dance Music
REF: DSACR / 11 |
Cultural AffairsDiploma / Degree Performing Arts, Dramatic Arts, Music Administration, Art Administration
REF: DSACR / 12 |
Corporate Services / TransportTransport & Logistics
REF: DSACR / 13 |
Records ManagementRecords Management
REF: DSACR / 14 |
Facilities ManagementMatric FET Qualification general Maintenance
REF: DSACR / 15 |
Security ManagementSafety and Security
REF: DSACR / 16 |
Information TechnologyDiploma / Degree PC Skills
REF: DSACR / 17 |
Supply Chain ManagementDiploma / Degree Supply Chain Management
REF: DSACR / 18 |
Competitive SportsDiploma / Degree Sports Management or Sports Marketing
REF: DSACR / 19 |
Sports and Recreation (DORA)Diploma in Financial Management
REF: DSACR / 20 |
RecreationDiploma / Degree in Sports Management or Admin
REF: DSACR / 21 |
CommunicationsManagement Assistant / PA
REF: DSACR / 22 |
Stakeholders Management Media Liaison and StrategyDiploma / Degree Communications and Public Relation
REF: DSACR / 23 |
Stakeholders Management Media Liaison and Strategy (Media Liaison)Diploma / Degree Communications, Journalism and Public Relations
REF: DSACR / 24 |
ResearchResearch Methodology, Public Management, Public Development and Social Science
REF: DSACR / 25 |
Knowledge ManagementPublic Management, Social Science and Knowledge Management
REF: DSACR / 26 |
PolicyPolicy Management / Management Social Sciences
REF: DSACR / 27 |
PartnershipMarketing, Communication, Business Management
REF: DSACR / 28 |
IGRGovernance / Intergovernmental Relations / Communications
REF: DSACR / 29 |
Strategic PlanningPlanning Reporting / Business Public Administration Governance Public Finance
REF: DSACR / 30 |
Monitoring and EvaluationsMonitoring and Evaluation or Public Administration
REF: DSACR / 31 |
East ClusterDiploma / Degree Sports Management or Sports Marketing
REF: DSACR / 32 |
West Cluster RecreationOffice Administration / Sports Management
REF: DSACR / 33 |
North ClusterDiploma / Degree Human Resource or Admin
REF: DSACR / 34 |
South ClusterDiploma / Degree Sports Management
REF: DSACR / 35 |
We welcome applications from persons with disabilities Applications should be accompanied by certified copies of qualifications, ID, CV and Z83 Forms obtainable from government departments. Fazed and e-mailed applications will not be considered. Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation uphold the right to place or reject applications based on service delivery needs and requirements. Successful candidates will receive a monthly stipend for the duration of the Internship contract ote that due to a large number of applications expected, applications will therefore not be acknowledged in writing. Be assured that your applications are acknowledged with appreciation and will go on the database of the department. A very systematic selection process is in place to ensure that we identify appropriate candidates and only a certain number will be selected.
No applications will be considered after the closing date.
Closing Date: 16 March 2016
Applications can be hand delivered at 35 Rissik Street (cnr. Rissik 8 Fox), Surrey House, Johannesburg or posted to: Private Bag X33 Johannesburg, 2000 for attention Ms. Phakamile Mpofu
If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should apply online for the Latest Government Internships 2016. The Internship Opportunities are rarely available at Govt Sector of South Africa, so you should not miss these available internship jobs.
Is age going to be a barrier that will exclude a qualifying candidate who is an artist through and through, from practice to administration, who has struggled to get relevant work in the desired profession? Some of us were not fortunate to get these opportunities. Please be lenient with the age criteria.
Why every tym should be degree or sumthing abt us who jst hv matric only
I m looking forward to here from you if there is any vacances in the Sports and Recreation Department..I love sports I m willing to work hard within the community and give the traing as much as I could
I m looking foward to hear from you if there is any vacant space in the department of sports for me to aply..I love sports I m willing to work hard within the community and give a very strong education and traing as much as I could
From Sneziwe
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