Nursing Training Programme 2017 at Gauteng Government

Nursing Training Jobs in South Africa

Gauteng Government has announced the Latest Nursing Training Programme 2017 in South Africa. The Nursing Training Opportunities are rare in South Africa, and it is the best chance for you to apply for the Nurse Training Programme 2017 available at Government Department of Gauteng.

The Nursing learnership Programme 2017 can boost your experience and expertise in the Nursing Field, so if you are looking for Nursing Learnerships 2017 / 2018, you have come to the right place. You can now apply for the Nursing Learnership Opportunities available in Gauteng, South Africa to get special nursing training. The Nurse Training 2017 will also be available for the upcoming batch.

The Nursing Training Courses 2017 / 2018 have been offered by a lot of Nursing Schools in South Africa, and it is the necessary course for you to avail the Nursing Jobs available in South Africa. It is also expected that you may get more better Nursing Jobs and Career Opportunities right after successful completion of your Nursing Training for 2017. You can have a look on the Nursing Training Jobs available in South Africa before submitting your application at the recruitment department of Gauteng Government.

Gauteng Government Nursing Training Programme 2017

Gauteng Department of Health Nursing Training Intake for 2017

Applicants are invited to apply to study towards a Diploma in Nursing (Psychiatric, Community and Midwifery) in 2017 at one of the following Gauteng Nursing Collages: Ann Latsky Nursing College, Chris Hani Baragwanath Nursing College, SG Lourens Nursing College.

The reference number for this post is: NUR/01/2017.

It the Department’s intention to promote representivity in the Public Service through the appointment of student nurses for the 4 year diploma in Nursing leading to registration as a Nurse (General, Community, Psychiatry) and Midwife (Gov R425).

After completion of the four year basic nursing course, an opportunity exists for qualified nurses to further their education in various specialty areas in nursing e.g. nursing education, nursing management, critical care nursing, trauma and emergency nursing, operating theatre nursing, primary health care, orthopaedic nursing, child nursing etc.


  • Must be a South African citizen, 35 years of age or younger who resides in the Gauteng Province
  • In possession of one of the following school leaving certificates: A Senior Certificate or a National Senior Certificate
  • The following subject criteria are required:
  • Senior Certificate: English HG D or SG C, Biology HG D or SG C and an M score of 15
  • National Senior Certificate: English Level 4, Life Sciences Level 4 and an APS of 25
  • Current Grade 12 learners must meet the National Senior Certificate requirements in their Grade 11 final results.

NOTE: Pre-Shortlisted Candidates will be required to submit copies of grade 12/ Matric certificate/statement or Grade 11 final report as well as ID copies at the nursing college of their choice.

Gauteng Department of Health will offer financial assistance to successful students in the form of a bursary on an annual basis until completion of the programme.


• Problem-solving ability • Patience • Love of people • Organisational ability • Leadership ability • Flexibility • A sense of humour • Calmness during a crisis • Communication, numeracy and life skills • Computer literacy • Study skills • Honesty • Compassionate and caring individuals who are prepared and willing to work night duty, weekends and public holidays are invited to apply for a limited number of Student Nurse posts.


  • To sign an agreement with the Department of Health
  • To attend lectures
  • To be prepared to work shifts, public holidays weekends and nights in the Gauteng Department of Health hospitals and clinics

All short-listed candidates will undergo a compulsory assessment and following further shortlisting an interview. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a medical surveillance, including a medical examination and security verification of all documentation.

Closing Date: 13 May 2016

How to Apply for Nursing Training Courses 2017 / Nursing Learnership Programme 2017

Applicants not receiving feedback within 3 months of the closing date should accept that their application was unsuccessful.

If you comply with the eligibility criteria and other requirements provided by Gauteng Government for Nursing Learnerships 2017 / Nursing Training Programme 2017, you can Apply Online by following the above mentioned method. The Nursing Training Jobs in South Africa have been offered by different Nursing Schools / Training Institutes, and you should not miss the Nursing Careers. You should apply online by submitting your job application to get experience in the Nursing field.

136 thoughts on “Nursing Training Programme 2017 at Gauteng Government

    1. Eager to learn more about nursing proggrammes.I have no work experience and I am under age .

  1. I’m in grade 12 and applying for the learnership of nursing.At school i’m doing sciences and at home i’m raised by a singel mother and i’m a person who really work hart on his studies.

  2. good morning i have been trying to apply for this learnership since the opening day,i did register as required and i have fill my personal details as my question is that did i apply by what i did or do i need to fill more because i haven’t reciev a cconfideration sms,so what can i do?

  3. Hi my name is Samkelisiwe i applied for the four year nursing programme online through the GPJ job centre & i havent received a reference number. Thank you in advance . Yours faithfully Samkelisiwe Ngcobo.

    1. Hi Samke, i did recieve the ref number just after i have applied. Many ppl tht i knw ddnt recieve them myb u will get it soon.all the best.

  4. Hi there I’ve been trying to register but the site keeps asking me to complete my secondary education section but it does not give you a section where you can fill it in. Please can you help me with my query because time is running out and I really want this position . Thank you

  5. Really the department has to resolve this issue. People have been trying to apply since the first day and today is the deadline but applications are still not going through. It would be fair for the dep. to resolve the issue and extend the closing date.

    1. Hi…I am 32 yrs old I want to apply for nursing and I don’t really meet the requirement…is the anyways you can help me?

  6. i hve been trying to apply since the first day bt the application did not go through till the closing date what must i do coz i want to study nursing next year with my good exam marks

  7. I’m upgrating my two subject this year…and I want to apply for nursing training can you please help me.

  8. Hi! I’m a 35 year old woman who like working with poaple and been volunteering almost all my life now I want to make a future for my kids want to become a professional nurse since I have been doing the job voluntary now I’m serious to study but my age doesn’t allow me what must I do

  9. hi my name is Bongie Isabella Maseko. I have been a security standing on the street for whole of my life. Single parent and mother of two 7 years and one year 3 months. As well I am above 35. I have been praying and hoping that one day the program of leaner ship can be mine. Really to stand on the street in cold and in rain is not a joke .I reliable and honesty trust worthy. .It not about job it about calling please help

  10. I wanted to be a nurse as my 1st choice and I complited 2013 but I am at home due to the reason of nowhere I was addmited for nursing training. May I be alerted of the following intake because I did met all the minimum requirement. Thank you.

  11. I’m queeneth maseko I did ancillary at a private college nurisng is my calling my problem is my age I’m 37yrs old a mother of 2plz help me I really want to do the nuring course

    1. i love to be a nurse but am not a nurse yet am working for doctor for 5years now.i tryed to apply but am not winning i need same help

  12. I have applied for this post n fortuante enough been provisionally shortlisted thank u very much have submitted my document to the nursing school of my choice…

    1. Is there a possibility of being accepted or of being shortlisted without meeting the minimum requirements ?

  13. I have applied for this learnership and i met all the requirements and i also did ancillary at a private college.i enjoy working with people.looking forward to hear from you.

  14. Guys those who submitted their certificates in the colleges anyone who received a call from the department please reply

    1. I’ve been trying to apply dis learnernship since september 2014 but never find a respond,i wil be so much greatful if u can respond plssss

  15. i apply this learnership since 2014 ni online and i do post on your adress but i dont get respond .if u accept me i will greatful becouse i need to improve my studies

  16. I am Late i was never apply, but i want to be a Nurse, i stay with my mother who is not working,and My father is getting Old pay.

  17. does the online application really work,their are just so many people who are puzzled right their any other manual application process,coz clearly its hard to rely on this,we are not confident enough that our application are sent through…and the time is aloways on the move.thank you

  18. Hy,cn u plz hlp me i realy wnt to study nursing,ive passed ma matric in 2010,i’ve been on internet for learnerships bt wth no luck, plz m begging you and m currently unemployed.Thanks

  19. Its sad that i’ve been applying almost every year but it seems like im not recognised. I have D in English and C in Biology, i dont know what more is needed for me to be succesful

  20. Hi im upgrating my subject dis year n im writing on june so I want to knw dat ihave to apply dis year or next year.pls help

  21. I am currently doing caregiver course and would like to continue with auxiliary, i have my passed my matric in 1999.

  22. I am trying to apply for nursing. I passesbmy matrix last year with mathematics and science.

  23. Hi I’m looking for nursing leanership I’ve passed my matric with diploma in 2012,plz help me with the next intake

  24. im a boy who was grown up luv to be a nurse so now im asking how i could accepted for achiev my dream

  25. when u apply did u send me the sms immediately or what?this online thing suck leave it and let us come there and apply in person i’ve been applying but nothing happened it sucks

  26. Hi I complete grade 12 in 2013 with a diploma , could you kindly assist with regards to the learner ship.

  27. Good day

    I completed grade 12 in 2013 I passed with a diploma, could you kindly assist with the learnership

  28. I pass grade 12 in 2013, i applyed for the learnship but i ddnt get it pls help me i dd math,sceince, i got bachelor degree

  29. good day

    i apply when this learnership started and still for a response till now i would like to know how does this work been trying even last with no luck for this is my passion.

  30. I’ve been shortlisted but I don’t know where to bring the required documents, do i need to go to any of the colleges listed above

  31. My Name is Kgothatso i want to apply and send my certificate to be train as i am busy with grade 12.cell 0768905512.thank you.

  32. i want to be a professional nursing really but iam trying to apply on line .now iam working home basic care for four years . and love this course since the age of eighteen plz help guys .

  33. my name is Themba nkuna i want be a nurse i want to study that couse becaus i like to work with people ,help me to get that caree is the only one that i choose in my life

  34. Hi my name is princess i pass my matric in 2006 i want to be a nurse can u plz help me to study at your college i have my good marks for matric my contact number.

  35. hi whats the reference number to apply and fill in the application the sunday times never had it so what does one do to apply

  36. Hi my name is Dan am 24 years old passed matric in 2011,am intersterd in becaming a male nurse I realy like to help our sisters and brothers out there am succesfull and energetic I hope I will be responded soon.

  37. im 32yrs old man.i would like to study nursing.need information about the course,colleges and learnership

  38. When can we expect a call about shortlisting or interviews pls help. Especially from past students pls we need ur advises

  39. When u apply did u send me the SMS immediately or what? This online thing suck leave it and let us come there and apply in person I’ve been applying but nothing happened it sucks

  40. does one whom did volunteer work in mental homes even considered because I have matric but not the required subjects

  41. Is there a possibility of being accepted or of being shortlisted without meeting the minimum requirements ?

  42. Hi my name is Nompilo Zamokuhle Shezi i live in Midrand i am 32 years old i would like to apply as a nursing training for 2017 i do have all the qualifications you want for garde 11 can you help me please i am very intrested and energic in nursing

    kindly Regards

  43. Good comments. I appreciate the points. DOes anyone know if my company can get a template DS-5507 version to fill-out?
    Happy halloween!

  44. Regards .My ame is Simbarashe George Manyoka aged 21 from Zimbabwe .I woish to study Nursing in SA .would like to ask if it is possible for foreign students like me to undertake the program .Nursing is my dream career .please help

  45. Regards .My name is Simbarashe George Manyoka aged 21 from Zimbabwe .I wish to study Nursing in SA .would like to ask if it is possible for foreign students like me to undertake the program .Nursing is my dream career .please help

  46. Hi i have senior certificate with symbol E in English HG and symbol F in Biology SG…is there any chances I can go through nursing schools?

  47. Hi I’m Lerato I love nursing very much I have Grade12 and N6 in Bussines Management my problem is I have got low smbls than your requirement but I have love of nursing and I can do the best

  48. I would like to apply for a nursing learnership at baragwanath ,I have finished my matric this year 2017 please help

  49. Hi I’ve bee tying to apply since I finished my matric I have. English hg d. And biology SG e can I apply or what must I do

  50. Hi am hlobisile how far now for registration for this year I also want to register for this leanership.if it is late i want to know about the next time registration plz .

  51. Hi ,I’m one of students who want to be a nurse. i have a problem , I did made a profile on GPG on 2015 with my grade 11 results but I did not receive any reference number because my marks were not good. Now I passed my matric with best results ever my life sciences and English marks are good. right now the GPG is giving me a problem because I want to start applying again but it does not allow me to enter my matric results. Please help me

  52. Good day

    My name is Emmah Lepoto,I am 23 years old. I did my matric in 2013 and would like to apply for nursing learnership for 2018. I got level 4 for life sciences. How can I apply? My number is 062 036 5488.

  53. my name is senzekile Korasi I’m 32 years old I don’t have a matric I be try be a volunteer at clinic BT it failed I enjoy being arroud people that a sick bcs its my calling I wish someone who will read this masaege can help me to fulfilled my dream of working as a nurse

  54. Hi i am Siphamandla Nyakawakhe
    I passed life science , Maths and Physics can you
    contact me at this number 071 777 1757

  55. hi am mahlatse I’d love to study nursing but I dnt have science passed my matric in 2013 with diploma did ancillary&careworker please assist me I really love studying nursing

  56. I Would like to apply for a nursing learnership.i m have finished my matric in 2013
    Cell no 0733984374

  57. Hi i would like to know if im currently busy doing my matric im 27 would i be able to register for this course and when i open the link to online application it does not work any advise on that.thanx Annike

  58. I’ m 35 year old now & i was passed my matric on 2002 with F in English and F again with Biology bt i was struggling to get job & school till today bt from 2012 to 2016 i was working at pharmacy can I apply to get this opportunity

  59. Hi,im meet the criteria how can im also working as assistant research,I hv geriatric course,good clinical practice@Wits.HIV&STI’sPregnancy prvention training.Senoir certificate(Bachelor’s degree)Im also interested in nursing im applying every year also I did work in many old age home

  60. Good day,

    My name is Ragel Malgas and i am from Middelburg Mpumalanga. I don’t have all the requirements that you are looking for but my dream was to become a doctor one day and i see this training as an opportunity to make my dreams come true and i believe that i can make a difference. I would like to apply for for 2018. Can i still apply. Please advise and let me know when the vacancies for the training will be available.

    Kind regards

  61. Hi I’m faith pinga im from bushbuckridge I like to jion u guys in 2018 intake but i HV English and life science level 3 on both subject busy upgrating my maths literacy I dont HV level 4 guys but my dream is to become a nurse in my life so can I still apply guys,so advice me or let me knw when the vacancy of training available thnx for ur time

  62. I have been a passion of being a Nurse since i was at Grade7 till i complete Grade12, i will be very happy if i will get the opportunity of trained to be Nurse. I promise i will play important role at hospital,Becouse iam a hard worker and i am very patiant to other people. I am a fast learner ,i like to help people.Please i’m asking for an opportunity to prove myself. My phone numbers are 0761821696 thank you.

  63. I’m still doing my grade 12 so i was wondering if i can apply and how to apply
    my numbers are 0616325914

  64. Hi i lost my refnumber after applying how can i get it again or if i lost am i going to lose this opportunity

  65. I am a Zimbabwean but I would like to train as a nurse on your 4 year programme.
    I passed six subject at GCE Ordinary Level including English and Science

  66. Hi my name is linah i also wanted to do nursing so which school can i go to n im confused i have heard that all schools for nursing will open next year 2018 on june is it true yoooh please help im tured of working at a retail store

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