Department of Labour Bursary Programme 2017

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The Department of Labour is offering the Latest Bursaries in Electrical, Chemical, Civil Engineering in South Africa. The Dept of Labour Bursary Programme 2017 is also available in Environmental Health Sciences, so now you can avail these Government Bursaries 2017 while living in South Africa. The Department of Labour Brusaries 2017 will manage your educational finance, and pay for your educational expenses. Various People are looking for Dept of Labour Jobs or Careers in South Africa, and now they have come to the right place, as the Dept of Labour Vacancies have been announced in the shape of Bursaries.

After availing the 2017 Bursaries at Department of Labour, South Africa, you will be able to study with more ease and reliability. The Engineering Bursaries 2017 are widely available in South Africa, so you should not miss the Bursaries for Engineering Students. The Department of Labour Bursary Scheme 2017 should be availed by interested candidates after having a look on the details and descriptions as mentioned below.

Department of Labour Bursaries for 2017: Govt Bursary Programme in South Africa

The Department of Labour invites applications for Bursary Opportunities (Reference No: HR 4/16/05/105 HO)


Prospective students who have successfully completed their Matriculation with a pass of 60% in Mathematics and Physical Science or currently busy with matriculation or completed their matric still at home or those who are already registered with Universities or University of Technologies wishing to further their studies with recognised higher learning institutions in one of the following fields are requested to apply:

  • Electrical Engineering (Heavy and Light current)
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Environmental Health Science.

Students with bursaries or other source of finance should not apply.

Required Documents

  • Covering letter indicating your preferred field of study
  • Certified copy of results from Universities or Universities of Technology for those students who are already registered with higher learning institutions
  • Application form (Z83)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Certified copy of Matriculation Certificate
  • Certified copy of your ID Book.

Successful candidate will sign a contract with the Department of Labour which will be stipulating the terms and conditions.

Closing Date: 14 June 2016

How to Apply for Engineering Bursary Programme 2017 at Department of Labour South Africa

Applications must be submitted on form Z83 (download here), obtainable from any Public Service Department. The fully completed and signed form Z83 should be accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as well as recently certified copies of all qualification(s) including a Senior Certificate and IDdocument [Driver’s license where applicable].

Applications: Chief Director: Human Resources Management: Private Bag X 117, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at 215 Francis Baard Street. For Attention: Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Head Office.

If you comply with the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above in advert, you should Apply Online for Dept of Labour Bursaries 2017 available for Engineering Students.

7 thoughts on “Department of Labour Bursary Programme 2017

  1. Department of Labour Bursary. can we only apply for this bursary by posting the required forms to the department or can we email all the documents and please supply a email if it is avalible.

  2. HALLELUJAH may God bless you.

    They are many children outside they dont know where to go after matric ,because of the fanancies.What you are doing is good and is encouraging the youth to persue their careers

    Be blessed


  3. Good day
    I am looking for permanent employment if there are any post available please do notify me.

    thank you for your time.

    kind regards.

  4. i”ld like to subscribe to the latest learner ships to be updated every time when the learner ships comes out.

  5. ineed a bursary of 2017 as iam student from Mangosuthu university im doing National Diploma in accounting . icome from rural areas at Melmoth , my father is unemployed im struggling to pay my fees at university , iam hardworker and iwill make sure iwill pass end of the year my contact is 0787241605. my email pls send form to me THANK YOU

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