ATNS Bursary Programme for Air Traffic Control Officer

ATNS Careers Jobs Internships Vacancies Bursaries in South Africa

The ATNS is offering the Latest Air Traffic Control Bursary Programme 2017 in South Africa. The ATNS Bursary 2017 is available for the hard working, talented and deserving candidates / students. The Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) is offering the Latest Bursaries for 2017, and you should forward your Bursary Application Form to get the full advantage of these opportunities.

The ATNS Bursary 2017 can pay for your educational expenses, so you should not be more worried about your educational financing. The Air Traffic Management Bursary Programme 2017 should be joined by those candidates, who are willing to get special Air Traffic Control Officer Training at ATNS South Africa. You should have a look on the details of Bursary Scheme 2017 before forwarding your bursary application form at ATNS, South Africa.

ATNS Bursaries 2017: Airf Traffic Control Bursary Programme 2017

Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) offers bursaries for students to train towards a career in air traffic management with the goal of becoming an air traffic control officer (ATCO).?The program provides each bursar with an opportunity to conduct their studies at the Aviation Training Academy (ATA) in Bonaero Park.

The ATCO Trainee Programme consists of three phases: the Bursary Scheme (a bursary contract), the ATC Learnership (conducted under a fixed-term contract) and an ATC Aerodrome Course and Validation Phase (under fixed term contract). The study bursary provides each bursar with an opportunity to conduct their studies at the ATNS Aviation Training Academy.

ATNS primarily provides an advanced air traffic management service, as well as the implementation and maintenance of a reliable navigation infrastructure.

Phase 1: Bursary Scheme

The following is offered as part of the ATCO Trainee bursary:

  • Transport to the guest lodge in Johannesburg at the beginning of the training programme and at the end of the programme (if the bursar is from outside Gauteng)
  • Cost of tuition
  • Accommodation, on a sharing basis, at a guest lodge arranged by the ATNS ATA for the duration of the core content course
  • Transport to and from the ATNS ATA as per study requirements for the duration of the core content course
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily for the duration of the core content course
  • A monthly allowance payable at the end of each month
  • 10 days of non-academic activities as determined by the study programme co-ordinators.After the initial and core content course (when bursars are posted to an operational control centre for operational exposure learning) they may take care of their own accommodation, meals and transport (ATNS will then increase the monthly allowance) orbursars can opt to continue to stay in the guest lodge as provided by the ATNS ATA.

Phase 2: ATCO Learnership

Once a bursar has successfully completed Phase 1 of the ATCO Trainee programme, he/she will have graduated with an ATSO license rating qualification. The next step to becoming an ATCO is to validate this rating on operational positions. The following is offered as part of the Learnership programme:

In order to validate the ATSO rating and continue with the ATCO training programme, ATNS may offer the bursar an 18 month fixed-term contract (in terms of the bursary contract, the successful bursar accepts this contract) and a salary during the term of this contract.

Bursars should please note:

  • they are no longer eligible for company accommodation, transport
  • medical aid and pension are not provided as benefits during this contract period and ATCO trainees should ensure that adequate measures are taken to provide for these
  • Should a bursar choose not to undertake the fixed-term contract, ATNS may claim the investment made to date by the company.

Phase 3: ATCO

The offer of permanent employment as an Air Traffic Control Officer (ATCO) will include an ATCO salary in line with the Air Traffic Services (ATS) salary matrix and full benefits (including medical aid, pension etc.). On acceptance of the offer, the ATCO Trainee becomes a fully-fledged member of the ATNS air traffic services team.

Minimum requirements

Applicants must

  • Be a minimum of 18-years-old
  • Have Grade 12 with maths and English (HG D or SG C or level 4 upwards)
  • Be a South African citizen
  • Be medically fit

Applicants should be aware that our application process includes ability assessments and a formal interview.

How to Apply for ATNS Bursary Programme 2017: Air Traffic Control Bursaries 2017

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Click here to apply online for the recently announced ATNS Bursary Scheme 2017. The ATNS is one of the famous South African Companies, and it can easily manage your educational expenses while the Air Traffic Control Training. So you should not waste your time, and forward your job application for the available bursaries at ATNS.

17 thoughts on “ATNS Bursary Programme for Air Traffic Control Officer

  1. I’d like to study air traffic controller i had finished my grade 12 in 2015 i have passed my mathematics with level 4, geography level 3 an physical sciences level 2

  2. Where can I study/learn air traffic control in south africa.iam doing grade12 this year and i want to be an air traffic controler


  4. I want to be an air trafic control officer. Qualifications :grrade12 passed maths:42% ,science 42% and electrical engineering n3 passed maths 82% and science 50%. Thanks

  5. I’d like to study Air traffic controller and I’m in grade 12 dis year…I want to know when is it the right time for applying and is it possible to use my statement??

  6. I would also like to join the team and be an air traffic contoller .i finished matric in 2014 and i have physics at level 4 and maths at level 2. Your response will be highly appreciated.

  7. Good day sir/madam
    would you please help me of how to apply at ATNS to be the part of the student and i have maths and science ,geography and i would wish to pursue with my studies with the field related to the aviation courses, for to be intake by 2017

  8. Good day.
    I would like to study in the Aviation field (studying ATC) next year, I have sent my details to ATNS together with the required assay but haven’t got any reply, I doubt you have received my email or maybe I haven’t done things accordingly.

    please please please email me the email address which I should submit my documents to.

  9. Good Day

    Earlier last year(2016) I have faxed my details for getting access to the bursary, but i have not received any feedback. This year earlier (2017) I have seen the ATNS intake for January, can I re-apply?? If so please email me the application form.

    Please get back to me so I can follow the procedures

    Thank You

  10. Hi I’m Luzuko I would like to finish my ATC course I was already started the course at 43 Air school but I only did ground school and I passed.I need your help guys to finish this course how can I do coz ATNS told me that only take people who has a Learnership. I really need your help guys my number is 0636612457 thanks..

  11. I am passionate and enthusiastic about being an air traffic controller. I got 56% in maths,70% in english,74% in physical science,73% in geography,82% in life sciences.pls help.

  12. i’d like to study air traffic control i’ve finished my matric in 2015, i have met the minimum requirements i got level 4 in Mathematics and 4 in English

  13. Good morning

    I registered in Jan 2017 to receive an alert regarding the bursary and I only receive job adverts.
    No alert for Jan 2017 and if I click on the link I see an expired advert for Aug 2016.
    When is the advert for April applications going to be advertised?

  14. Im currently in grade 12 and doing maths and science .i would like to study air traffic controller next year …i would like you to send me application forms for the bursary

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