National Arts Council South Africa Bursaries for Students

National Arts Council of South Africa

National Arts Council South Africa has announced the Latest Bursaries 2017 for Post-Graduate Students to optimize their skills in the fields of Dance, Craft, Literature, Music, Theatre, Multi-Discipline and Visual Arts. The International Bursaries 2017 have been designed by National Arts Council (NAC) especially for the students of arts, and this practice will raise the developments in the field of arts in South Africa.

National Arts Council South Africa Bursaries 2017 can give you benefits by managing your educational expenses. NAC has announced the educational funds for International Bursaries 2017. The Post-Graduate Students are submitting their applications for the International Bursary Programme 2017 available at National Arts Council, South Africa. Hence if you are interested in getting the benefits from National Arts Council Bursary Programme, you should submit your Bursary Application at the earliest possible time by having a look on the details of available bursaries in South Africa.

National Arts Council South Africa Bursaries 2017

The National Arts Counci (NAC)l invites post graduate students and registered education and training institutions that are involved in studies or provide tuition in the fields of theatre, dance, crafts, literature, music and visual arts to submit applications for bursary funding.

This invitation also extends to students applying for Bachelor of Technology degree in the arts.

Particular attention will be paid to post graduate qualifications that address rare skills required in the arts sector. Applications invited are for individual post graduate studies and block institution bursaries for undergraduate students who will be studying in South Africa during 2017.

The NAC was established in April, 1997 through an act of parliament (Act no.56 of 1997). The vision of the NAC is to promote, through the arts, the free expression of South Africas cultures.

The NAC is a national agency mandated by the Department of Arts and Culture, with the responsibility of developing South Africas creative industry by awarding grants to individuals and organisations in the arts. This is embedded in our mission which is to develop and promote excellence in the arts.

Closing Date:09 September 2016

How to Apply for National Arts Council Bursary Programme 2017 in SA

If you comply with the eligibility criteria provided by National Arts Council South Africa, you may apply online for the recently announced bursaries on international level available at National Arts Council.

The closing date for entries is 09 September at 16:00 and successful candidates will be announced on 11 December 2016. Application forms are available from the NAC office or click here to download the form.

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should apply online for the 2017 Bursaries at National Arts Council South Africa. The Bursaries will be helpful for you and pay your educational expenses during your studies.

The latest bursary programme at National Arts Council may be really beneficial for you, so you should not miss the opportunity to get bursaries from NAC, South Africa. You should apply at the earliest possible time for the Bursary Programme 2017.

4 thoughts on “National Arts Council South Africa Bursaries for Students

  1. Greatings to all!
    Am a student at Jeppe College studing: IT System Development (Programming) and am looking for a bursary!

  2. Greetings…

    I’m in need of a bursary to study film at Academy of Sound Engerneer. Do you grant bursaries for Film and Television students?

    Kind regards…

    T.P Phala

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